Gold price calculation fuzzy

Just a note, if you didn’t realize yet.

Don’t trust the gold price calculation on PK Trader for the moment since the latest PK update disabled the ability of cheap refined oil production.

Before the update, one could easily calculate the gold price from substracting the crude from the refined oil tradepostprice which gave you the value for one food.

1 food = (oilprice-crudeprice)-10% (TP tax) gold

Due to the fact that many cities are not yet able to produce refined oil (refineries need to be built now), the market price for refined oil runs away,
thus resulting in a unrealistic calculation of the real gold/food ratio.

I will not introduce a new gold/food calculation because I think we will be back to normal in a few weeks when refineries are rebuilt, and not so many product chains need gold/food prices for their calculation.

AND: There’s a new update to the city directory enabling you to quicksearch for a city.

Stay tuned,