Experimenting with the ATtiny2313 to get my 4 HC-SR04 sonic range finders queried from my bigger Arduino via I2C.
Got ir running using evry single byte in the FLASH of the TINY, but couldn’t implement a on/off control due to this memory limit.
ROS IMU / WebSocket / MjpegServer
ROS IMU/Websocket/MjpegServer on Cubieboard
LightUp: Learn by Making – Deluxe Kit
Elektronikkästen sind ja sowas von out.
LightUp: Learn by Making, via @Kickstarter
Kids learn electronics by building projects: combines electronic building blocks with the first-ever augmented reality tutor app.
Creating a new ROS workspace overlay
rosws2 on cubie
ROSCon 2013 – Stuttgart
This years ROSCon is held in Stuttgart.
Writing a ROS node for the MinIMUv9-2 AHRS
finished wrote minimuahrs for i2c on cubie
BerryBoot+LinaroALIP to uBoot+Lubuntu migration on Cubieboard
Migrated Cubieboard from Berryboot with Linaro ALIP 2012-08 to Lubuntu Precise 12.08.
Experimenting with stereo video streaming on Cubieboard
mjpegserver on cubie / gscam stereo cams
FEX changes on Cubieboard to enable I2C/SPI/Serial support pins
Cubieboard FEX Update I2C/Serial/SPI/Leds/PanTiltCam enabled Kernel 3.4.24-aufs+
Experiments with SLAM and Octomaps
experimented with octomapping/slam on cubie