Diary Import September 1998

30th september 1998

Net-Fu is now up and running on the FFM server.
You now can see that our Kung-Fu is still the best Winking

(Remind me that I include pragma no-cache in all CGI

25th to 29th september 1998

I’m ill ! Tonsilitis and a flu, just as usual. Sad

24th september 1998

Installed the Excite search engine on the FFM server and
first indexing. Also set up automatically updating every

23rd september 1998

What a horrible day for me. 10 hours without any electricity
because they are intalling a new counter.
This will gonna throw me back several places on RC5

Power restored. Everything went fine. Also the OS/2 box came
without any circumstances as usual.

22nd september 1998

Did some shopping today, and bought a new frame for my
boogie woogie collage to hang over my piano.

Time for a Guinness tonight, so I met with Gerd, Chris and Birgit
Shananigins and enjoyed the folksdance evening.

Discoverd some beautiful compositions by George Gershwin on a
documentation in the late evening and decided to buy a CD
Maybe some of his songs can give me new inspiration on playing

21st september 1998

Did some minor updates on my personal homepages.
Just forgot to add one of my favourite music styles: A

Again some updates on the boogie pages. Hey what’s going on, here
Everybody got internet access for free ?

Another breakthrough in FFM server configuration, finally got
nameservice running with domain only addressing.
Type http://stun.de and you’ll get transported to

20th september 1998

Reconnection time to the FFM server after pulling the plug is also
obscure. Sometimes the session isn’t cancelled at all and the other
you have to wait about 3 minutes getting a ping replied.

Some more boogie-page updates on the way, especially new

Got in touch with m4 macro processing, and it’s really
I’ll try to code some of my HTML pages in m4.

19th september 1998

Did lots of boogie page updates, not only text also some new

Experienced problems with BeroFTPD, and it seems that shadow
passwords are
not supported yet ???

Tried to configure sendmail with multidomains and virtusertable,
I think it wasn’t the great idea after restarting. Grrhgihateit
This one’s for Gerd.

Played around with Net-Fu with the currently downloaded X virtual
buffer. But there are still some problems around as long as it
recompiled completely I think.

Also checked out the new version of bttv 0.5.16, but it still has
on millenium II when using 1024x768x16bpp resolution.

Watched Virtuosity on TV, also a very strange story, Lownmower-Man
is better.

18th september 1998

Did some fine tuning on the FFM servers configuration files and
gave up
RAID-1 configuring, it’s really hard, and without the possibility
to repair
a crashed disk, it is not useful in our minds.

Downloaded some more packages to upgrade libs that made

Hacked some new pages for the admins, added new users,
sendmail aliases, encountered problems in named MX records.
Set up logfile rotation, installed shadow passwords and got the
finished (drive bays installed and harddisks plugged in).

17th september 1998

Got BeroFTPD running on the FFM server as well as Apache
configured including virtual hosts and server status.
Also the monitoring of the Winbond chip, some howto pages for
admins and the complete nameserver configuration are set up.

SSH is running perfectly, I’m configuring the whole machine
this encrypted and compressed link. And the best, I can unplug
ethernet for 300 seconds without loosing link nor synchronisation

16th september 1998

Installed lots of missing packages on the FFM server,
enabled dial-up for tty sessions so far, fascinated played
around with monitoring of temperatures.

Gone working just to join a little party of our team-leader.

Visited Tom in his new flat. And as I mentioned before it is
now smaller than it looked like before. You wont believe that
We then went to the “all you can eat” chinese, and ended up
just a few meters away at Shanannigans Irish pub. Hmm, Guinness

Got secure shell running on FFM. Will now try md software
just in case something goes wrong when almost everything is
set up and configured.

15th september 1998

Holiday for the next three weeks now.

Did big shopping, to get my food storage filled up again.

Installed RC5 on the FFM server, and benchmark testing showed
up 2.5 Mkeys/sec in DES and 860Kkeys/sec in RC5-64. Wow !

14th september 1998

Had some important meetings today, describing the scenarios
from last weekends netware changes action.

Played around with the winbond monitoring code, and surprise
it works ! There must be a second temperature sensor onboard
of the Gigabyte 686BX. But I can’t imagine where this should
Maybe inside the BX chipset itself, or inside the 83977

Showed Gerd the FFM server, and after that had some Guinness

13th september 1998

The floppy seems to be really damaged, I used mine instead.
RedHat 5.1 got installed. Fast-Ethernet works great.
Temperature of the Celeron 300 is just about 24 degrees. Wow

Don’t want to do too much, this will be a positive day.
Except, writing my team-leader, what went wrong yesterday at

12th september 1998

Oh what a day. Motherboard and processor are ok, the latter
had to be pressed with much force into the slot 1. Now it
Except that Toms floppy wont boot. I’ll check this tomorrow.

Wasted 7 hours at work, trying to move netware volumes to 18
harddisks. But volume file compression is gonna killing me.
Hope that they’ll not cancel my vacancy plans.

11th september 1998

What a bad day. Swapped the motherboard and the new one is
damaged. Maybe the processor itself is bad.

10th september 1998

FFM Status:
Couldn’t get any swapable disk drive bays for SCSI so I used
mine instead.
Also took out some memory chips from my machine to get the
server up. But then, had to give back the new motherboard,
because it had some obscure power problems.
I hope that’s all and that they’ll give me a new one.
Damn, everything was ready screwed and set up. I wanted to
install RedHat today, and start configuring.

Opened a new case at Computer 2000, oh I forgot the server
crash yesterday. Again Netware 4 dead-lock problems.

And, meanwhile as usual, a backbone crash for about 10

9th september 1998

Bought and installed a slot fan for the FFM server.

Did some more configuration work on the apache.
Hey I love those virtual hosts. But we’ve to learn how to
use ../ links, because they break when chrooted.

Mounted drive bays for removeable disks into the FFM server.
It’s worth it believe me. Oh I hate those micro screws !!!!!

Tried to find some more documentation on BeroFTPD. Nothing.
Maybe I should take a look at the man pages they are big

Got a 3 1/2 inch floppy from Tom, and installed it.
So main memory and big harddisks are the last.

8th september 1998

Downloaded and reviewed the 2.0.36pre8 code. Hey they’ve
some unstable code back ?!?

Received a new boogie CD and bio by Henning Pertiet. Many thanks

Exchanged a servers storage unit which reported fan failure.
Eyhhhh, what a dirty matter. All three server pairs were
with 5mm fine dust. Needed two hours to clean that up.

Met with Gerd and had a cool Guinness at O’Reillys.
After that had some sushi at Shoya. Hmmm, delicious !

Did almost any boogie pages updates that were pending in my
eMails inbox. There are just a few images to be scanned.

2:40 AM, virtual hosts are working on HTTP !
Server includes don’t, but this should be minor.

7th september 1998

How I love monday mornings. The entire network stands still at

Bought motherboard and processor together with Reyk for the FFM

Screwed and cabled the server components, but don’t want to
it right now. I think that this will avoid a sleepless night.

Updated the FFM page with some of the FIX costs.

6th september 1998

Met Gerd online. What a surprise !

It looks like that Netscapes related server has gone !
What a pity, it’s a real nice feature.

Installed Net-Fu, which works now in some parts. But there
many additional packages needed not mentioned in the
Maybe I’ll complete that tomorrow.
Let me tell you that this version is much much better than
Net-Fus installed at webgfx pages.

5th september 1998

Visited the sports festival, of the insurance company where
mum is working. It rained all the time, really nice. Sad
But food and drinking was for free, so it was well balanced.

Exchanged some new CD’s with Uli. Time to get the FPS 98/III
released. Maybe this will be a triple set this time.

Experimented with some new GIMP plugins like fire and photo
Really nice features. There are some examples in here.

4th september 1998

And again a backbone crash at highnoon ! Fantastic.

Interactively designed some logos for the FFM machine at
They’re using the same NET_FU GIMP plugins available for
So anyone can setup such a interactive logomaker with

Met with Gerd and discussed some of the FFM stuff.

Had a nice talk to two young girls at the Chinese where Gerd
and me had dinner. And after saying goodbye, learned that we
even know their names. This had to be corrected in our minds,
with some cool Guinness at Shanannigans.

3rd september 1998

Tidied up my PC’s harddisk at work and some servers, I was
at that time, too.

Installed the currently released bttv 0.5.15 video device
but haven’t seen a correct video yet. What are they doing

Maybe it’s only my system that has gone unstable.
Time for RedHat Mustang, to be released on CD !

Tried to install Freeciv in the latest version from sep 2nd,
a civilization II clone, but that one doesn’t work either,
because of some missing libraries on my system. My fault.

Just took a quick look at the Streamserver package, which
to be exactly what I was looking for. A realtime videoserver
distributing streamed GIF or JPEG sequences. And there’s a
special bttv add-on, which I tried to compile. Guess ! Sad

Installed PHP to get database access working on Apache, and
one looks very very good, and has very easy code to implement
HTML pages. PHP also makes possible beautiful serverside
and interactivly designed web-pages. (dynamic images and so

A little bit frustrated, began to play LinCity and got asleep
after a few hours when income shows up negative values.

2nd september 1998

Reviewed the 2.0.36pre7 patch, lots of network stuff in here
and some important information on Cyrix and AMD CPU’s.

Prof. Chaos called again, but I don’t mind picking up the
Give them your finger… you know !

Created lots of Compaq ROMpaq disks for upgrading our
big netware servers bios, config and harddisk firmware
to support an array of 18.2 GB harddisks.

Spent the whole night at work, improving our backbone and
doing some address changes on netware servers.

Finally got the 19 inch chassis for WWW.STUN.DE at home,
thanks to KAP’s big car. Winking

Upgraded to GIMP 1.0 with all the surroundings, gtk+, glib,

I have to say that I’m not satisfied with this version, my
machine locks after temporary diskspace disappeared when
creating big images. I’d never seen that before on 0.99.
It seems everything gets more worse when upgraded.
First the 2.0.35 kernel with its obscuring EIP exceptions
when almost every bit of physical memory is used.
Now the new GIMP and its enormous memory hunger.

Maybe, I should just add another 128 MB stripe.
Time to get the first GB complete. Winking))))))
Would be much fun to watch the machine testing memory on

1st september 1998

Another day of experience when one of our backbones crashes
Do you know other companies running there token ring backbone
90 pc utilization ! Maybe we’ll take money for a look, in

Professor Chaos called me, because his AIX workstation
connection failed again. If you could see that shaky
So I told him about solar flares and clickety !

Printed out and studied the new linux gazette.

Learned how to set up virtual FTP servers, if needed, using
HOST command, which is also a newer feature of FTP clients.
But I guess we wont need that for FFM.

Diary Import September 1998

30th september 1998

Net-Fu is now up and running on the FFM server.
You now can see that our Kung-Fu is still the best Winking

(Remind me that I include pragma no-cache in all CGI

25th to 29th september 1998

I’m ill ! Tonsilitis and a flu, just as usual. Sad

24th september 1998

Installed the Excite search engine on the FFM server and
first indexing. Also set up automatically updating every

23rd september 1998

What a horrible day for me. 10 hours without any electricity
because they are intalling a new counter.
This will gonna throw me back several places on RC5

Power restored. Everything went fine. Also the OS/2 box came
without any circumstances as usual.

22nd september 1998

Did some shopping today, and bought a new frame for my
boogie woogie collage to hang over my piano.

Time for a Guinness tonight, so I met with Gerd, Chris and Birgit
Shananigins and enjoyed the folksdance evening.

Discoverd some beautiful compositions by George Gershwin on a
documentation in the late evening and decided to buy a CD
Maybe some of his songs can give me new inspiration on playing

21st september 1998

Did some minor updates on my personal homepages.
Just forgot to add one of my favourite music styles: A

Again some updates on the boogie pages. Hey what’s going on, here
Everybody got internet access for free ?

Another breakthrough in FFM server configuration, finally got
nameservice running with domain only addressing.
Type http://stun.de and you’ll get transported to

20th september 1998

Reconnection time to the FFM server after pulling the plug is also
obscure. Sometimes the session isn’t cancelled at all and the other
you have to wait about 3 minutes getting a ping replied.

Some more boogie-page updates on the way, especially new

Got in touch with m4 macro processing, and it’s really
I’ll try to code some of my HTML pages in m4.

19th september 1998

Did lots of boogie page updates, not only text also some new

Experienced problems with BeroFTPD, and it seems that shadow
passwords are
not supported yet ???

Tried to configure sendmail with multidomains and virtusertable,
I think it wasn’t the great idea after restarting. Grrhgihateit
This one’s for Gerd.

Played around with Net-Fu with the currently downloaded X virtual
buffer. But there are still some problems around as long as it
recompiled completely I think.

Also checked out the new version of bttv 0.5.16, but it still has
on millenium II when using 1024x768x16bpp resolution.

Watched Virtuosity on TV, also a very strange story, Lownmower-Man
is better.

18th september 1998

Did some fine tuning on the FFM servers configuration files and
gave up
RAID-1 configuring, it’s really hard, and without the possibility
to repair
a crashed disk, it is not useful in our minds.

Downloaded some more packages to upgrade libs that made

Hacked some new pages for the admins, added new users,
sendmail aliases, encountered problems in named MX records.
Set up logfile rotation, installed shadow passwords and got the
finished (drive bays installed and harddisks plugged in).

17th september 1998

Got BeroFTPD running on the FFM server as well as Apache
configured including virtual hosts and server status.
Also the monitoring of the Winbond chip, some howto pages for
admins and the complete nameserver configuration are set up.

SSH is running perfectly, I’m configuring the whole machine
this encrypted and compressed link. And the best, I can unplug
ethernet for 300 seconds without loosing link nor synchronisation

16th september 1998

Installed lots of missing packages on the FFM server,
enabled dial-up for tty sessions so far, fascinated played
around with monitoring of temperatures.

Gone working just to join a little party of our team-leader.

Visited Tom in his new flat. And as I mentioned before it is
now smaller than it looked like before. You wont believe that
We then went to the “all you can eat” chinese, and ended up
just a few meters away at Shanannigans Irish pub. Hmm, Guinness

Got secure shell running on FFM. Will now try md software
just in case something goes wrong when almost everything is
set up and configured.

15th september 1998

Holiday for the next three weeks now.

Did big shopping, to get my food storage filled up again.

Installed RC5 on the FFM server, and benchmark testing showed
up 2.5 Mkeys/sec in DES and 860Kkeys/sec in RC5-64. Wow !

14th september 1998

Had some important meetings today, describing the scenarios
from last weekends netware changes action.

Played around with the winbond monitoring code, and surprise
it works ! There must be a second temperature sensor onboard
of the Gigabyte 686BX. But I can’t imagine where this should
Maybe inside the BX chipset itself, or inside the 83977

Showed Gerd the FFM server, and after that had some Guinness

13th september 1998

The floppy seems to be really damaged, I used mine instead.
RedHat 5.1 got installed. Fast-Ethernet works great.
Temperature of the Celeron 300 is just about 24 degrees. Wow

Don’t want to do too much, this will be a positive day.
Except, writing my team-leader, what went wrong yesterday at

12th september 1998

Oh what a day. Motherboard and processor are ok, the latter
had to be pressed with much force into the slot 1. Now it
Except that Toms floppy wont boot. I’ll check this tomorrow.

Wasted 7 hours at work, trying to move netware volumes to 18
harddisks. But volume file compression is gonna killing me.
Hope that they’ll not cancel my vacancy plans.

11th september 1998

What a bad day. Swapped the motherboard and the new one is
damaged. Maybe the processor itself is bad.

10th september 1998

FFM Status:
Couldn’t get any swapable disk drive bays for SCSI so I used
mine instead.
Also took out some memory chips from my machine to get the
server up. But then, had to give back the new motherboard,
because it had some obscure power problems.
I hope that’s all and that they’ll give me a new one.
Damn, everything was ready screwed and set up. I wanted to
install RedHat today, and start configuring.

Opened a new case at Computer 2000, oh I forgot the server
crash yesterday. Again Netware 4 dead-lock problems.

And, meanwhile as usual, a backbone crash for about 10

9th september 1998

Bought and installed a slot fan for the FFM server.

Did some more configuration work on the apache.
Hey I love those virtual hosts. But we’ve to learn how to
use ../ links, because they break when chrooted.

Mounted drive bays for removeable disks into the FFM server.
It’s worth it believe me. Oh I hate those micro screws !!!!!

Tried to find some more documentation on BeroFTPD. Nothing.
Maybe I should take a look at the man pages they are big

Got a 3 1/2 inch floppy from Tom, and installed it.
So main memory and big harddisks are the last.

8th september 1998

Downloaded and reviewed the 2.0.36pre8 code. Hey they’ve
some unstable code back ?!?

Received a new boogie CD and bio by Henning Pertiet. Many thanks

Exchanged a servers storage unit which reported fan failure.
Eyhhhh, what a dirty matter. All three server pairs were
with 5mm fine dust. Needed two hours to clean that up.

Met with Gerd and had a cool Guinness at O’Reillys.
After that had some sushi at Shoya. Hmmm, delicious !

Did almost any boogie pages updates that were pending in my
eMails inbox. There are just a few images to be scanned.

2:40 AM, virtual hosts are working on HTTP !
Server includes don’t, but this should be minor.

7th september 1998

How I love monday mornings. The entire network stands still at

Bought motherboard and processor together with Reyk for the FFM

Screwed and cabled the server components, but don’t want to
it right now. I think that this will avoid a sleepless night.

Updated the FFM page with some of the FIX costs.

6th september 1998

Met Gerd online. What a surprise !

It looks like that Netscapes related server has gone !
What a pity, it’s a real nice feature.

Installed Net-Fu, which works now in some parts. But there
many additional packages needed not mentioned in the
Maybe I’ll complete that tomorrow.
Let me tell you that this version is much much better than
Net-Fus installed at webgfx pages.

5th september 1998

Visited the sports festival, of the insurance company where
mum is working. It rained all the time, really nice. Sad
But food and drinking was for free, so it was well balanced.

Exchanged some new CD’s with Uli. Time to get the FPS 98/III
released. Maybe this will be a triple set this time.

Experimented with some new GIMP plugins like fire and photo
Really nice features. There are some examples in here.

4th september 1998

And again a backbone crash at highnoon ! Fantastic.

Interactively designed some logos for the FFM machine at
They’re using the same NET_FU GIMP plugins available for
So anyone can setup such a interactive logomaker with

Met with Gerd and discussed some of the FFM stuff.

Had a nice talk to two young girls at the Chinese where Gerd
and me had dinner. And after saying goodbye, learned that we
even know their names. This had to be corrected in our minds,
with some cool Guinness at Shanannigans.

3rd september 1998

Tidied up my PC’s harddisk at work and some servers, I was
at that time, too.

Installed the currently released bttv 0.5.15 video device
but haven’t seen a correct video yet. What are they doing

Maybe it’s only my system that has gone unstable.
Time for RedHat Mustang, to be released on CD !

Tried to install Freeciv in the latest version from sep 2nd,
a civilization II clone, but that one doesn’t work either,
because of some missing libraries on my system. My fault.

Just took a quick look at the Streamserver package, which
to be exactly what I was looking for. A realtime videoserver
distributing streamed GIF or JPEG sequences. And there’s a
special bttv add-on, which I tried to compile. Guess ! Sad

Installed PHP to get database access working on Apache, and
one looks very very good, and has very easy code to implement
HTML pages. PHP also makes possible beautiful serverside
and interactivly designed web-pages. (dynamic images and so

A little bit frustrated, began to play LinCity and got asleep
after a few hours when income shows up negative values.

2nd september 1998

Reviewed the 2.0.36pre7 patch, lots of network stuff in here
and some important information on Cyrix and AMD CPU’s.

Prof. Chaos called again, but I don’t mind picking up the
Give them your finger… you know !

Created lots of Compaq ROMpaq disks for upgrading our
big netware servers bios, config and harddisk firmware
to support an array of 18.2 GB harddisks.

Spent the whole night at work, improving our backbone and
doing some address changes on netware servers.

Finally got the 19 inch chassis for WWW.STUN.DE at home,
thanks to KAP’s big car. Winking

Upgraded to GIMP 1.0 with all the surroundings, gtk+, glib,

I have to say that I’m not satisfied with this version, my
machine locks after temporary diskspace disappeared when
creating big images. I’d never seen that before on 0.99.
It seems everything gets more worse when upgraded.
First the 2.0.35 kernel with its obscuring EIP exceptions
when almost every bit of physical memory is used.
Now the new GIMP and its enormous memory hunger.

Maybe, I should just add another 128 MB stripe.
Time to get the first GB complete. Winking))))))
Would be much fun to watch the machine testing memory on

1st september 1998

Another day of experience when one of our backbones crashes
Do you know other companies running there token ring backbone
90 pc utilization ! Maybe we’ll take money for a look, in

Professor Chaos called me, because his AIX workstation
connection failed again. If you could see that shaky
So I told him about solar flares and clickety !

Printed out and studied the new linux gazette.

Learned how to set up virtual FTP servers, if needed, using
HOST command, which is also a newer feature of FTP clients.
But I guess we wont need that for FFM.

Diary Import September 1998

30th september 1998

Net-Fu is now up and running on the FFM server.
You now can see that our Kung-Fu is still the best Winking

(Remind me that I include pragma no-cache in all CGI

25th to 29th september 1998

I’m ill ! Tonsilitis and a flu, just as usual. Sad

24th september 1998

Installed the Excite search engine on the FFM server and
first indexing. Also set up automatically updating every

23rd september 1998

What a horrible day for me. 10 hours without any electricity
because they are intalling a new counter.
This will gonna throw me back several places on RC5

Power restored. Everything went fine. Also the OS/2 box came
without any circumstances as usual.

22nd september 1998

Did some shopping today, and bought a new frame for my
boogie woogie collage to hang over my piano.

Time for a Guinness tonight, so I met with Gerd, Chris and Birgit
Shananigins and enjoyed the folksdance evening.

Discoverd some beautiful compositions by George Gershwin on a
documentation in the late evening and decided to buy a CD
Maybe some of his songs can give me new inspiration on playing

21st september 1998

Did some minor updates on my personal homepages.
Just forgot to add one of my favourite music styles: A

Again some updates on the boogie pages. Hey what’s going on, here
Everybody got internet access for free ?

Another breakthrough in FFM server configuration, finally got
nameservice running with domain only addressing.
Type http://stun.de and you’ll get transported to

20th september 1998

Reconnection time to the FFM server after pulling the plug is also
obscure. Sometimes the session isn’t cancelled at all and the other
you have to wait about 3 minutes getting a ping replied.

Some more boogie-page updates on the way, especially new

Got in touch with m4 macro processing, and it’s really
I’ll try to code some of my HTML pages in m4.

19th september 1998

Did lots of boogie page updates, not only text also some new

Experienced problems with BeroFTPD, and it seems that shadow
passwords are
not supported yet ???

Tried to configure sendmail with multidomains and virtusertable,
I think it wasn’t the great idea after restarting. Grrhgihateit
This one’s for Gerd.

Played around with Net-Fu with the currently downloaded X virtual
buffer. But there are still some problems around as long as it
recompiled completely I think.

Also checked out the new version of bttv 0.5.16, but it still has
on millenium II when using 1024x768x16bpp resolution.

Watched Virtuosity on TV, also a very strange story, Lownmower-Man
is better.

18th september 1998

Did some fine tuning on the FFM servers configuration files and
gave up
RAID-1 configuring, it’s really hard, and without the possibility
to repair
a crashed disk, it is not useful in our minds.

Downloaded some more packages to upgrade libs that made

Hacked some new pages for the admins, added new users,
sendmail aliases, encountered problems in named MX records.
Set up logfile rotation, installed shadow passwords and got the
finished (drive bays installed and harddisks plugged in).

17th september 1998

Got BeroFTPD running on the FFM server as well as Apache
configured including virtual hosts and server status.
Also the monitoring of the Winbond chip, some howto pages for
admins and the complete nameserver configuration are set up.

SSH is running perfectly, I’m configuring the whole machine
this encrypted and compressed link. And the best, I can unplug
ethernet for 300 seconds without loosing link nor synchronisation

16th september 1998

Installed lots of missing packages on the FFM server,
enabled dial-up for tty sessions so far, fascinated played
around with monitoring of temperatures.

Gone working just to join a little party of our team-leader.

Visited Tom in his new flat. And as I mentioned before it is
now smaller than it looked like before. You wont believe that
We then went to the “all you can eat” chinese, and ended up
just a few meters away at Shanannigans Irish pub. Hmm, Guinness

Got secure shell running on FFM. Will now try md software
just in case something goes wrong when almost everything is
set up and configured.

15th september 1998

Holiday for the next three weeks now.

Did big shopping, to get my food storage filled up again.

Installed RC5 on the FFM server, and benchmark testing showed
up 2.5 Mkeys/sec in DES and 860Kkeys/sec in RC5-64. Wow !

14th september 1998

Had some important meetings today, describing the scenarios
from last weekends netware changes action.

Played around with the winbond monitoring code, and surprise
it works ! There must be a second temperature sensor onboard
of the Gigabyte 686BX. But I can’t imagine where this should
Maybe inside the BX chipset itself, or inside the 83977

Showed Gerd the FFM server, and after that had some Guinness

13th september 1998

The floppy seems to be really damaged, I used mine instead.
RedHat 5.1 got installed. Fast-Ethernet works great.
Temperature of the Celeron 300 is just about 24 degrees. Wow

Don’t want to do too much, this will be a positive day.
Except, writing my team-leader, what went wrong yesterday at

12th september 1998

Oh what a day. Motherboard and processor are ok, the latter
had to be pressed with much force into the slot 1. Now it
Except that Toms floppy wont boot. I’ll check this tomorrow.

Wasted 7 hours at work, trying to move netware volumes to 18
harddisks. But volume file compression is gonna killing me.
Hope that they’ll not cancel my vacancy plans.

11th september 1998

What a bad day. Swapped the motherboard and the new one is
damaged. Maybe the processor itself is bad.

10th september 1998

FFM Status:
Couldn’t get any swapable disk drive bays for SCSI so I used
mine instead.
Also took out some memory chips from my machine to get the
server up. But then, had to give back the new motherboard,
because it had some obscure power problems.
I hope that’s all and that they’ll give me a new one.
Damn, everything was ready screwed and set up. I wanted to
install RedHat today, and start configuring.

Opened a new case at Computer 2000, oh I forgot the server
crash yesterday. Again Netware 4 dead-lock problems.

And, meanwhile as usual, a backbone crash for about 10

9th september 1998

Bought and installed a slot fan for the FFM server.

Did some more configuration work on the apache.
Hey I love those virtual hosts. But we’ve to learn how to
use ../ links, because they break when chrooted.

Mounted drive bays for removeable disks into the FFM server.
It’s worth it believe me. Oh I hate those micro screws !!!!!

Tried to find some more documentation on BeroFTPD. Nothing.
Maybe I should take a look at the man pages they are big

Got a 3 1/2 inch floppy from Tom, and installed it.
So main memory and big harddisks are the last.

8th september 1998

Downloaded and reviewed the 2.0.36pre8 code. Hey they’ve
some unstable code back ?!?

Received a new boogie CD and bio by Henning Pertiet. Many thanks

Exchanged a servers storage unit which reported fan failure.
Eyhhhh, what a dirty matter. All three server pairs were
with 5mm fine dust. Needed two hours to clean that up.

Met with Gerd and had a cool Guinness at O’Reillys.
After that had some sushi at Shoya. Hmmm, delicious !

Did almost any boogie pages updates that were pending in my
eMails inbox. There are just a few images to be scanned.

2:40 AM, virtual hosts are working on HTTP !
Server includes don’t, but this should be minor.

7th september 1998

How I love monday mornings. The entire network stands still at

Bought motherboard and processor together with Reyk for the FFM

Screwed and cabled the server components, but don’t want to
it right now. I think that this will avoid a sleepless night.

Updated the FFM page with some of the FIX costs.

6th september 1998

Met Gerd online. What a surprise !

It looks like that Netscapes related server has gone !
What a pity, it’s a real nice feature.

Installed Net-Fu, which works now in some parts. But there
many additional packages needed not mentioned in the
Maybe I’ll complete that tomorrow.
Let me tell you that this version is much much better than
Net-Fus installed at webgfx pages.

5th september 1998

Visited the sports festival, of the insurance company where
mum is working. It rained all the time, really nice. Sad
But food and drinking was for free, so it was well balanced.

Exchanged some new CD’s with Uli. Time to get the FPS 98/III
released. Maybe this will be a triple set this time.

Experimented with some new GIMP plugins like fire and photo
Really nice features. There are some examples in here.

4th september 1998

And again a backbone crash at highnoon ! Fantastic.

Interactively designed some logos for the FFM machine at
They’re using the same NET_FU GIMP plugins available for
So anyone can setup such a interactive logomaker with

Met with Gerd and discussed some of the FFM stuff.

Had a nice talk to two young girls at the Chinese where Gerd
and me had dinner. And after saying goodbye, learned that we
even know their names. This had to be corrected in our minds,
with some cool Guinness at Shanannigans.

3rd september 1998

Tidied up my PC’s harddisk at work and some servers, I was
at that time, too.

Installed the currently released bttv 0.5.15 video device
but haven’t seen a correct video yet. What are they doing

Maybe it’s only my system that has gone unstable.
Time for RedHat Mustang, to be released on CD !

Tried to install Freeciv in the latest version from sep 2nd,
a civilization II clone, but that one doesn’t work either,
because of some missing libraries on my system. My fault.

Just took a quick look at the Streamserver package, which
to be exactly what I was looking for. A realtime videoserver
distributing streamed GIF or JPEG sequences. And there’s a
special bttv add-on, which I tried to compile. Guess ! Sad

Installed PHP to get database access working on Apache, and
one looks very very good, and has very easy code to implement
HTML pages. PHP also makes possible beautiful serverside
and interactivly designed web-pages. (dynamic images and so

A little bit frustrated, began to play LinCity and got asleep
after a few hours when income shows up negative values.

2nd september 1998

Reviewed the 2.0.36pre7 patch, lots of network stuff in here
and some important information on Cyrix and AMD CPU’s.

Prof. Chaos called again, but I don’t mind picking up the
Give them your finger… you know !

Created lots of Compaq ROMpaq disks for upgrading our
big netware servers bios, config and harddisk firmware
to support an array of 18.2 GB harddisks.

Spent the whole night at work, improving our backbone and
doing some address changes on netware servers.

Finally got the 19 inch chassis for WWW.STUN.DE at home,
thanks to KAP’s big car. Winking

Upgraded to GIMP 1.0 with all the surroundings, gtk+, glib,

I have to say that I’m not satisfied with this version, my
machine locks after temporary diskspace disappeared when
creating big images. I’d never seen that before on 0.99.
It seems everything gets more worse when upgraded.
First the 2.0.35 kernel with its obscuring EIP exceptions
when almost every bit of physical memory is used.
Now the new GIMP and its enormous memory hunger.

Maybe, I should just add another 128 MB stripe.
Time to get the first GB complete. Winking))))))
Would be much fun to watch the machine testing memory on

1st september 1998

Another day of experience when one of our backbones crashes
Do you know other companies running there token ring backbone
90 pc utilization ! Maybe we’ll take money for a look, in

Professor Chaos called me, because his AIX workstation
connection failed again. If you could see that shaky
So I told him about solar flares and clickety !

Printed out and studied the new linux gazette.

Learned how to set up virtual FTP servers, if needed, using
HOST command, which is also a newer feature of FTP clients.
But I guess we wont need that for FFM.