Don’t buy a new computer, until…

Just in case you want to buy a new computer, and you can’t wait any longer for AMD biggest battleship to arrive, at least you want to wait for Intel’s price-drop on available processors.

The highest category price-drop is almost 50%, this could also mean that the yet not publicly available QX6800 Core 2 Quad with 2,93GHz will be around the price of the Q6700 now. (950-1050US$)

By the way, my northbridge fan just cracked of the mainboard this afternoon. Is that a sign or what ? 😉

Long time no see you…

Hi Folks,

lang time no see ya….

No, it’s not because I upgrade my RapidWeaver blogging software finally, but because of the final steps at work moving to another building which now lasted almost one and a half years. Those last weeks in april and may I had to work all the weekends and some nightshift, that’s why the blog lost my attention.
Quite like my wife’s blog which is also unmaintained since she is just finishing her studies now. But the good thing is, that I have lots of content in the back which I just noted down from time to time and which is just waiting to be published.
Ahhh, forgot one more bad thing for you guys, I’ll be on holiday next week, so don’t expect too much activity soon.
Further I want to redesign the blog content (without killing the permalinks) to be more informative, such as writing in german and english since my readers are germans, most of them. And I also want to start a new blog category about architecture which is one of my hobbies. Although I’m not sure yet how to bundle all these different contents into one blog, I hope you’ll soon be able to enjoy the first articles.

For the RapidWeaver Upgrade itself I must say, I’ve got absolutely no idea why I spent the money for the upgrade since I can’t see any difference yet. Hopefully I’ll discover some new features in the future, and don’t experience one or more of the known/unknown bugs. At least my old content and layout loaded without warnings.

Let’s see if everything breaks when I press publish…..

…yours Kobaan. I’m back.