Photokina Super Tele Lens1700mm

Finally there’s something for the real
tele-photographer enthusiast.Ladies and Gentleman,
the worlds “last civilian” tele-lens for photographers.

1700mm focal length
luminous intensity 1:4
weight 256 kg

And some overview figures to see the whole “monster” at once:
If you’re still looking for something “bigger” I can only suggest
to hijack the hubble space telescope, or google the net for earth
based extremely large telescope projects like thess one.

Photokina Super Tele Lens 1700mm

Finally there’s something for the real
tele-photographer enthusiast.

Ladies and Gentleman,
the worlds “last civilian” tele-lens for photographers.

1700mm focal length
luminous intensity 1:4
weight 256 kg

And some overview figures to see the whole “monster” at once:
If you’re still looking for something “bigger” I can only suggest
to hijack the hubble space telescope, or google the net for earth
based extremely large telescope projects like thess one.

RC-Flight next generation

Some of you might remember
cable-remote-controlled cars, with even fixed or wire- pulled
And our highest dreams would be to be able to afford the money to
buy a remote controlled plane one fine day.Then came the day we had enough money to do so. And we didn’t allow
our kids to fly by themselves because “this toy is just for daddy”
and much to expensive if it crashes.
Yeah, someday later we crashed it by ourselves…. done.

Kids nowadays will come up with this, and just keep smiling at us,
dinosaurs, and don’t let us play because we might not understand
how, cause we’re so “seventies ?” Winking

And for those people of you that didn’t like the sound of the first
video, here’s something more scary….. Winking

Science Sports – Calculate PI

And another game for the next birthday
Let your guests calculate Pi by playing some rounds of

Do this by targeting the blue shaped square on the above figure.
And then simply count the darts you are throwing and that will be
inside the square, and additionally the darts that miss the board
and hit inside the marked blue area.

And after a few rounds, let’s say 1.000-100.000 Winking should be enough
to see some good results.
Now use this formula:


A small hint for the frustrated, invite people that are able to aim
the upper left square, but are not so much pros that they will
always hit the board only.

Science Sports – Calculate PI

And another game for the next birthday

Let your guests calculate Pi by playing some rounds of

Do this by targeting the blue shaped square on the above figure.
And then simply count the darts you are throwing and that will be
inside the square, and additionally the darts that miss the board
and hit inside the marked blue area.

And after a few rounds, let’s say 1.000-100.000 Winking should be enough
to see some good results.
Now use this formula:


A small hint for the frustrated, invite people that are able to aim
the upper left square, but are not so much pros that they will
always hit the board only.