Diary Import July 1999

31st july 1999

My last free day. Holiday is over.
(And there was this man of that marriage party, whose words
…my last free day… A.Busch)

Big Scampi BBQ in the garden. Made some pictures.
Downloaded the new gphoto package which now works wth my

30th july 1999

Again to the dentist fixed everything for this year Sad=)

Redesigned my flat completely, now Aya can have her own
if she doesn’t want to see me hacking on the keyboard…

29th july 1999

Met with my former coworker Cetian, ate Pizza together and
talked ’bout ye good old times.

Made a list of all the asian shops around munich.
Maybe I’ll publish this somewhere on the web. I couldn’t find
something like that anywhere.

Tidied up my room and through away most of the old computer
magazines and books, which are not Y2K compliant in my eyes

28th july 1999

Food shopping and great cooking day. I made pictures of all work
waiting for gphotos DC240 driver to HTMLize those pictures.

Saw japanese anime on Vox, in original japanese language, wow
what’s going on, this is the third movie within the last two
which is japanese original with german subtitles. All on german
Of course recorded them all on tape(not yet harddisk, are you
for Aya.

27th july 1999

Big shopping day, bought two new suits and much much more.

Found chocolate tea, honey met and spicy lemonade….
interesting isn’t it ? Happy)))))

Bought plates and bowls with kanjis on it.

Installed the Falken BBS for Linux on the Stun.de server,
it’s just for testing and not a serious BBS, not even
But it brings back the good old Mailboxing days via SSh Happy))

26th july 1999

Installed my Satellite system as it should be the professional
without cabling on the fly throughout my whole room Happy))))

Rewrote the stun.de howto sor secure shell encrypted tunnel
(Should be more easy to understand now.)

Downloaded FalkenBBS software for Linux, which should bring back
good old mailbox times into the webbrowser. Be patient.

25th july 1999

Cleaned up my balcony, and throw away that old dry dead plants

Played with the SAT receiver and configured all the channels,
also did some syster testing Winking

Installed perlseti, for supervision of the remote clients.

24th july 1999

Reminded that it’s possible to use superscription in HTML
rewrote the diary for july with superscripted dates.

Bought a satellite system so that Aya and I can watch japanese
now Happy))

23rd july 1999

Cleaned up my room. It was really urgent Happy)))

Installed the SETI@HOME 1.3 clients on my machines.

22nd july 1999

Have to go to the dentist today….. Sad(((((


21st july 1999

Downloaded 2.2.10ac12 and read some parts of the code.

Received my empty crime reference list by the police, which I need
for my
application to the new company.

Visited some friends of the family in Marquatstein.

20th july 1999

Tried to compile gISDN but again… some components missing.
GTK– 1.0.1 is required, but only 1.0.0 is developed right
changing the script to 1.0.0 doesn’t help. cool ne ?

Installed Civilization2 on Linux and played some rounds. Nice,
I wonder how this behaves in a network environment.

19th july 1999

gPhoto has now my DC240 camera in the CVS tree, I tried to compile,
there seems to be a lot of definitions missing. HMMM ????

Added bavarian language as well as the first part of japanese
to Mark Kronbeins MyGuestbook.

Downloaded Back Ocrifice 2000 just for testing. But I couldn’t
a linux port ??? Can it be ?

Met with Karin for lunch and saw her baby. Well done Winking well done.

18th july 1999

Reconfigured DNS and Resolver to get rid of these timeouts
the RC5-Proxy flushing. It’s now lightning faster and I cannot
any timeouts, so I also changed the config on ns.stun.de.

17th july 1999

Had my garden BBQ party with a lot of my friends and old

16th july 1999

Celebrated the 50th anniversary of a friend of the family.
A very hard day… and a more hard night Happy Party !

15th july 1999

Aya said that she’ll come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rewrote the Net-Fu scripts for Linux.Stun.de,
configured more on the Rsync services and changed the Howtos.

Tried to make some menu buttons for Linux.Stun.de, but see by

Met with Gerd, Tom and Flo at Shananigans Irish Pub a had a lot of
because when I ordered Woodys, they said that they don’t do woodys
when I asked for a chicken salad they answered that they have no
power in the
kitchen, and finally when Gerd ordered Guiness, they told him that
just can serve cans because it’s empty. Happy)))))) What a day….
Anyway we had a lot of fun.

14th july 1999

Did a lot of shopping today.

Managing insurance for Aya.

Compiled 2.2.10 for www.stun.de and eliminated the use of modules
Memory is now detected automatically, and a 60 seconds panic reboot
is added.
Updated the Kernel Howto.

13th july 1999

Finally wrote and sent the invitation for the garden BBQ party on

Managed my outstanding holiday to be paid, becuase my new company
accept holiday in august, which would be the only possibility by

Have to go to the foreign office again, and do some more paper
(Information about insurances and so on. Arrival dates…)

12th july 1999

Read some amazing news about the CSC key cracking contest,
there’s a price money of 10000 Euro for the one who cracks
56-bit cipher.

Exploded a little bit about Aya’s letter.
And wrote a embassy-howto. Winking

Seen Matrix on cinema. WOW !
It’s a real Gibson, in my eyes.
But the Neuromancer trilogy is better, IMHO.

9th to 11th july 1999

Doing a little bit vacancy this time, and going near Hannover
high noon on until late sunday.

Refilled the Keyproxy and fetched enough buffers for the next
days, I hope.

Tomorrow will be the love parade in Berlin, programmed my VCR, take
look at www.love-parade.de.
This time it seems to be the last time in Berlin.
Cetin, I wish you much fun, which car is it this time ?

8th july 1999

Aya shocked me a little bit as she said that she doesn’t know what
to do
with the embassy papers…. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Cool down Andy, cool down….. girls… ts ts ts….

OK, so what did I do the rest of the day ? Hmmm,
looked for some new furniture, but I wanted to let Aya decide
she likes better. I need a designer for my flat. Anyone out there

7th july 1999

Burned a lot of MP3 CD’s from Tom.

Wrote to Mel, Naoko and Aya.

6th july 1999

My last day working for my old company, so I celebrated a little
with my coworkers eating cake and drinking champaign.
Just call it tradition Happy))

Made a backup of my old computer at work. Just in case, someone is
this machine while I’m on holiday.

Recorded a new MD, this time absolutely digital via SP/DIV.

Gone to bed really early.

5th july 1999

Visited my old boss for the last time, and gave back all the
properties, like my good old linux laptop. Sad(((((((

I wonder why he was so surprised that tomorrow is my last day
working ?

4th july 1999

Recompiled 2.2.10 because of a problem with my ISDN/Soundblaster
I wonder why it’s not possible to recompile parts of modules, maybe
just a problem of the soundcore library.

ReDiscovered LIRC (The “Linux Infrared Remote Control” Project)
which now offers a
X11AMP Plugin to remote control your MP3 player. Nice Winking

3rd july 1999

Set up NTP for my local machine and www.stun.de, now we have always
the correct
time on our server. (Next thing is to program an internet time
to display the internet beat “@XXX” on our homepage. See
if you don’t know what I’m talking about.)

Met with Gerd and Eva and went together to the little octoberfest
in Munich.
Hey Reyk and Tom whats up with your phones ?
After some american/chinese snacks we ended up at Shananigans Irish

2nd july 1999

Played a little bit with Alan’s PortalOO, a news collector similar
to mine,
but with complete xml support. Failed to compile some modules
because of
missing libraries. (I guess you need the rawhide cut, to compile

I feel so sick…. Sad((
maybe too much chocolate anyway,
good night it’s 3 AM now….

…after a while sleeping like dead…

Got my digital photos on paper now. And WOW ! it’s amazing good
much more than I expected.

Tried to get some RedHat updates via ncftp but it’s dumping core
all the time ?????
And my preferred Rsync service offers no updates yet. Damn.

Finished all the paperwork for my old company and started sorting
some of the
new contract documents and all the papers for Aya.

1st july 1999

Played around with the UDMSearch templates.
And finally managed to index php3 pages as well.
(Watch your Mysql-log !!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s increasing dramatically
when indexing.
Better to link it to /dev/null at that time.)

Emergency at work because of our biggest server crashed
And we had some mysterious Volume problems, four workstations saw
data on the volumes. (Even DOS-Command and Explorer Output were

Failed to activate FastEthernet on a special server for the fifth
time now,
something must be damaged with this system. Maybe an interrupt
problem, or
a damaged driver module binary ?

Diary Import July 1999

31st july 1999

My last free day. Holiday is over.
(And there was this man of that marriage party, whose words
…my last free day… A.Busch)

Big Scampi BBQ in the garden. Made some pictures.
Downloaded the new gphoto package which now works wth my

30th july 1999

Again to the dentist fixed everything for this year Sad=)

Redesigned my flat completely, now Aya can have her own
if she doesn’t want to see me hacking on the keyboard…

29th july 1999

Met with my former coworker Cetian, ate Pizza together and
talked ’bout ye good old times.

Made a list of all the asian shops around munich.
Maybe I’ll publish this somewhere on the web. I couldn’t find
something like that anywhere.

Tidied up my room and through away most of the old computer
magazines and books, which are not Y2K compliant in my eyes

28th july 1999

Food shopping and great cooking day. I made pictures of all work
waiting for gphotos DC240 driver to HTMLize those pictures.

Saw japanese anime on Vox, in original japanese language, wow
what’s going on, this is the third movie within the last two
which is japanese original with german subtitles. All on german
Of course recorded them all on tape(not yet harddisk, are you
for Aya.

27th july 1999

Big shopping day, bought two new suits and much much more.

Found chocolate tea, honey met and spicy lemonade….
interesting isn’t it ? Happy)))))

Bought plates and bowls with kanjis on it.

Installed the Falken BBS for Linux on the Stun.de server,
it’s just for testing and not a serious BBS, not even
But it brings back the good old Mailboxing days via SSh Happy))

26th july 1999

Installed my Satellite system as it should be the professional
without cabling on the fly throughout my whole room Happy))))

Rewrote the stun.de howto sor secure shell encrypted tunnel
(Should be more easy to understand now.)

Downloaded FalkenBBS software for Linux, which should bring back
good old mailbox times into the webbrowser. Be patient.

25th july 1999

Cleaned up my balcony, and throw away that old dry dead plants

Played with the SAT receiver and configured all the channels,
also did some syster testing Winking

Installed perlseti, for supervision of the remote clients.

24th july 1999

Reminded that it’s possible to use superscription in HTML
rewrote the diary for july with superscripted dates.

Bought a satellite system so that Aya and I can watch japanese
now Happy))

23rd july 1999

Cleaned up my room. It was really urgent Happy)))

Installed the SETI@HOME 1.3 clients on my machines.

22nd july 1999

Have to go to the dentist today….. Sad(((((


21st july 1999

Downloaded 2.2.10ac12 and read some parts of the code.

Received my empty crime reference list by the police, which I need
for my
application to the new company.

Visited some friends of the family in Marquatstein.

20th july 1999

Tried to compile gISDN but again… some components missing.
GTK– 1.0.1 is required, but only 1.0.0 is developed right
changing the script to 1.0.0 doesn’t help. cool ne ?

Installed Civilization2 on Linux and played some rounds. Nice,
I wonder how this behaves in a network environment.

19th july 1999

gPhoto has now my DC240 camera in the CVS tree, I tried to compile,
there seems to be a lot of definitions missing. HMMM ????

Added bavarian language as well as the first part of japanese
to Mark Kronbeins MyGuestbook.

Downloaded Back Ocrifice 2000 just for testing. But I couldn’t
a linux port ??? Can it be ?

Met with Karin for lunch and saw her baby. Well done Winking well done.

18th july 1999

Reconfigured DNS and Resolver to get rid of these timeouts
the RC5-Proxy flushing. It’s now lightning faster and I cannot
any timeouts, so I also changed the config on ns.stun.de.

17th july 1999

Had my garden BBQ party with a lot of my friends and old

16th july 1999

Celebrated the 50th anniversary of a friend of the family.
A very hard day… and a more hard night Happy Party !

15th july 1999

Aya said that she’ll come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rewrote the Net-Fu scripts for Linux.Stun.de,
configured more on the Rsync services and changed the Howtos.

Tried to make some menu buttons for Linux.Stun.de, but see by

Met with Gerd, Tom and Flo at Shananigans Irish Pub a had a lot of
because when I ordered Woodys, they said that they don’t do woodys
when I asked for a chicken salad they answered that they have no
power in the
kitchen, and finally when Gerd ordered Guiness, they told him that
just can serve cans because it’s empty. Happy)))))) What a day….
Anyway we had a lot of fun.

14th july 1999

Did a lot of shopping today.

Managing insurance for Aya.

Compiled 2.2.10 for www.stun.de and eliminated the use of modules
Memory is now detected automatically, and a 60 seconds panic reboot
is added.
Updated the Kernel Howto.

13th july 1999

Finally wrote and sent the invitation for the garden BBQ party on

Managed my outstanding holiday to be paid, becuase my new company
accept holiday in august, which would be the only possibility by

Have to go to the foreign office again, and do some more paper
(Information about insurances and so on. Arrival dates…)

12th july 1999

Read some amazing news about the CSC key cracking contest,
there’s a price money of 10000 Euro for the one who cracks
56-bit cipher.

Exploded a little bit about Aya’s letter.
And wrote a embassy-howto. Winking

Seen Matrix on cinema. WOW !
It’s a real Gibson, in my eyes.
But the Neuromancer trilogy is better, IMHO.

9th to 11th july 1999

Doing a little bit vacancy this time, and going near Hannover
high noon on until late sunday.

Refilled the Keyproxy and fetched enough buffers for the next
days, I hope.

Tomorrow will be the love parade in Berlin, programmed my VCR, take
look at www.love-parade.de.
This time it seems to be the last time in Berlin.
Cetin, I wish you much fun, which car is it this time ?

8th july 1999

Aya shocked me a little bit as she said that she doesn’t know what
to do
with the embassy papers…. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Cool down Andy, cool down….. girls… ts ts ts….

OK, so what did I do the rest of the day ? Hmmm,
looked for some new furniture, but I wanted to let Aya decide
she likes better. I need a designer for my flat. Anyone out there

7th july 1999

Burned a lot of MP3 CD’s from Tom.

Wrote to Mel, Naoko and Aya.

6th july 1999

My last day working for my old company, so I celebrated a little
with my coworkers eating cake and drinking champaign.
Just call it tradition Happy))

Made a backup of my old computer at work. Just in case, someone is
this machine while I’m on holiday.

Recorded a new MD, this time absolutely digital via SP/DIV.

Gone to bed really early.

5th july 1999

Visited my old boss for the last time, and gave back all the
properties, like my good old linux laptop. Sad(((((((

I wonder why he was so surprised that tomorrow is my last day
working ?

4th july 1999

Recompiled 2.2.10 because of a problem with my ISDN/Soundblaster
I wonder why it’s not possible to recompile parts of modules, maybe
just a problem of the soundcore library.

ReDiscovered LIRC (The “Linux Infrared Remote Control” Project)
which now offers a
X11AMP Plugin to remote control your MP3 player. Nice Winking

3rd july 1999

Set up NTP for my local machine and www.stun.de, now we have always
the correct
time on our server. (Next thing is to program an internet time
to display the internet beat “@XXX” on our homepage. See
if you don’t know what I’m talking about.)

Met with Gerd and Eva and went together to the little octoberfest
in Munich.
Hey Reyk and Tom whats up with your phones ?
After some american/chinese snacks we ended up at Shananigans Irish

2nd july 1999

Played a little bit with Alan’s PortalOO, a news collector similar
to mine,
but with complete xml support. Failed to compile some modules
because of
missing libraries. (I guess you need the rawhide cut, to compile

I feel so sick…. Sad((
maybe too much chocolate anyway,
good night it’s 3 AM now….

…after a while sleeping like dead…

Got my digital photos on paper now. And WOW ! it’s amazing good
much more than I expected.

Tried to get some RedHat updates via ncftp but it’s dumping core
all the time ?????
And my preferred Rsync service offers no updates yet. Damn.

Finished all the paperwork for my old company and started sorting
some of the
new contract documents and all the papers for Aya.

1st july 1999

Played around with the UDMSearch templates.
And finally managed to index php3 pages as well.
(Watch your Mysql-log !!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s increasing dramatically
when indexing.
Better to link it to /dev/null at that time.)

Emergency at work because of our biggest server crashed
And we had some mysterious Volume problems, four workstations saw
data on the volumes. (Even DOS-Command and Explorer Output were

Failed to activate FastEthernet on a special server for the fifth
time now,
something must be damaged with this system. Maybe an interrupt
problem, or
a damaged driver module binary ?

Diary Import July 1999

31st july 1999

My last free day. Holiday is over.
(And there was this man of that marriage party, whose words
…my last free day… A.Busch)

Big Scampi BBQ in the garden. Made some pictures.
Downloaded the new gphoto package which now works wth my

30th july 1999

Again to the dentist fixed everything for this year Sad=)

Redesigned my flat completely, now Aya can have her own
if she doesn’t want to see me hacking on the keyboard…

29th july 1999

Met with my former coworker Cetian, ate Pizza together and
talked ’bout ye good old times.

Made a list of all the asian shops around munich.
Maybe I’ll publish this somewhere on the web. I couldn’t find
something like that anywhere.

Tidied up my room and through away most of the old computer
magazines and books, which are not Y2K compliant in my eyes

28th july 1999

Food shopping and great cooking day. I made pictures of all work
waiting for gphotos DC240 driver to HTMLize those pictures.

Saw japanese anime on Vox, in original japanese language, wow
what’s going on, this is the third movie within the last two
which is japanese original with german subtitles. All on german
Of course recorded them all on tape(not yet harddisk, are you
for Aya.

27th july 1999

Big shopping day, bought two new suits and much much more.

Found chocolate tea, honey met and spicy lemonade….
interesting isn’t it ? Happy)))))

Bought plates and bowls with kanjis on it.

Installed the Falken BBS for Linux on the Stun.de server,
it’s just for testing and not a serious BBS, not even
But it brings back the good old Mailboxing days via SSh Happy))

26th july 1999

Installed my Satellite system as it should be the professional
without cabling on the fly throughout my whole room Happy))))

Rewrote the stun.de howto sor secure shell encrypted tunnel
(Should be more easy to understand now.)

Downloaded FalkenBBS software for Linux, which should bring back
good old mailbox times into the webbrowser. Be patient.

25th july 1999

Cleaned up my balcony, and throw away that old dry dead plants

Played with the SAT receiver and configured all the channels,
also did some syster testing Winking

Installed perlseti, for supervision of the remote clients.

24th july 1999

Reminded that it’s possible to use superscription in HTML
rewrote the diary for july with superscripted dates.

Bought a satellite system so that Aya and I can watch japanese
now Happy))

23rd july 1999

Cleaned up my room. It was really urgent Happy)))

Installed the SETI@HOME 1.3 clients on my machines.

22nd july 1999

Have to go to the dentist today….. Sad(((((


21st july 1999

Downloaded 2.2.10ac12 and read some parts of the code.

Received my empty crime reference list by the police, which I need
for my
application to the new company.

Visited some friends of the family in Marquatstein.

20th july 1999

Tried to compile gISDN but again… some components missing.
GTK– 1.0.1 is required, but only 1.0.0 is developed right
changing the script to 1.0.0 doesn’t help. cool ne ?

Installed Civilization2 on Linux and played some rounds. Nice,
I wonder how this behaves in a network environment.

19th july 1999

gPhoto has now my DC240 camera in the CVS tree, I tried to compile,
there seems to be a lot of definitions missing. HMMM ????

Added bavarian language as well as the first part of japanese
to Mark Kronbeins MyGuestbook.

Downloaded Back Ocrifice 2000 just for testing. But I couldn’t
a linux port ??? Can it be ?

Met with Karin for lunch and saw her baby. Well done Winking well done.

18th july 1999

Reconfigured DNS and Resolver to get rid of these timeouts
the RC5-Proxy flushing. It’s now lightning faster and I cannot
any timeouts, so I also changed the config on ns.stun.de.

17th july 1999

Had my garden BBQ party with a lot of my friends and old

16th july 1999

Celebrated the 50th anniversary of a friend of the family.
A very hard day… and a more hard night Happy Party !

15th july 1999

Aya said that she’ll come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rewrote the Net-Fu scripts for Linux.Stun.de,
configured more on the Rsync services and changed the Howtos.

Tried to make some menu buttons for Linux.Stun.de, but see by

Met with Gerd, Tom and Flo at Shananigans Irish Pub a had a lot of
because when I ordered Woodys, they said that they don’t do woodys
when I asked for a chicken salad they answered that they have no
power in the
kitchen, and finally when Gerd ordered Guiness, they told him that
just can serve cans because it’s empty. Happy)))))) What a day….
Anyway we had a lot of fun.

14th july 1999

Did a lot of shopping today.

Managing insurance for Aya.

Compiled 2.2.10 for www.stun.de and eliminated the use of modules
Memory is now detected automatically, and a 60 seconds panic reboot
is added.
Updated the Kernel Howto.

13th july 1999

Finally wrote and sent the invitation for the garden BBQ party on

Managed my outstanding holiday to be paid, becuase my new company
accept holiday in august, which would be the only possibility by

Have to go to the foreign office again, and do some more paper
(Information about insurances and so on. Arrival dates…)

12th july 1999

Read some amazing news about the CSC key cracking contest,
there’s a price money of 10000 Euro for the one who cracks
56-bit cipher.

Exploded a little bit about Aya’s letter.
And wrote a embassy-howto. Winking

Seen Matrix on cinema. WOW !
It’s a real Gibson, in my eyes.
But the Neuromancer trilogy is better, IMHO.

9th to 11th july 1999

Doing a little bit vacancy this time, and going near Hannover
high noon on until late sunday.

Refilled the Keyproxy and fetched enough buffers for the next
days, I hope.

Tomorrow will be the love parade in Berlin, programmed my VCR, take
look at www.love-parade.de.
This time it seems to be the last time in Berlin.
Cetin, I wish you much fun, which car is it this time ?

8th july 1999

Aya shocked me a little bit as she said that she doesn’t know what
to do
with the embassy papers…. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Cool down Andy, cool down….. girls… ts ts ts….

OK, so what did I do the rest of the day ? Hmmm,
looked for some new furniture, but I wanted to let Aya decide
she likes better. I need a designer for my flat. Anyone out there

7th july 1999

Burned a lot of MP3 CD’s from Tom.

Wrote to Mel, Naoko and Aya.

6th july 1999

My last day working for my old company, so I celebrated a little
with my coworkers eating cake and drinking champaign.
Just call it tradition Happy))

Made a backup of my old computer at work. Just in case, someone is
this machine while I’m on holiday.

Recorded a new MD, this time absolutely digital via SP/DIV.

Gone to bed really early.

5th july 1999

Visited my old boss for the last time, and gave back all the
properties, like my good old linux laptop. Sad(((((((

I wonder why he was so surprised that tomorrow is my last day
working ?

4th july 1999

Recompiled 2.2.10 because of a problem with my ISDN/Soundblaster
I wonder why it’s not possible to recompile parts of modules, maybe
just a problem of the soundcore library.

ReDiscovered LIRC (The “Linux Infrared Remote Control” Project)
which now offers a
X11AMP Plugin to remote control your MP3 player. Nice Winking

3rd july 1999

Set up NTP for my local machine and www.stun.de, now we have always
the correct
time on our server. (Next thing is to program an internet time
to display the internet beat “@XXX” on our homepage. See
if you don’t know what I’m talking about.)

Met with Gerd and Eva and went together to the little octoberfest
in Munich.
Hey Reyk and Tom whats up with your phones ?
After some american/chinese snacks we ended up at Shananigans Irish

2nd july 1999

Played a little bit with Alan’s PortalOO, a news collector similar
to mine,
but with complete xml support. Failed to compile some modules
because of
missing libraries. (I guess you need the rawhide cut, to compile

I feel so sick…. Sad((
maybe too much chocolate anyway,
good night it’s 3 AM now….

…after a while sleeping like dead…

Got my digital photos on paper now. And WOW ! it’s amazing good
much more than I expected.

Tried to get some RedHat updates via ncftp but it’s dumping core
all the time ?????
And my preferred Rsync service offers no updates yet. Damn.

Finished all the paperwork for my old company and started sorting
some of the
new contract documents and all the papers for Aya.

1st july 1999

Played around with the UDMSearch templates.
And finally managed to index php3 pages as well.
(Watch your Mysql-log !!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s increasing dramatically
when indexing.
Better to link it to /dev/null at that time.)

Emergency at work because of our biggest server crashed
And we had some mysterious Volume problems, four workstations saw
data on the volumes. (Even DOS-Command and Explorer Output were

Failed to activate FastEthernet on a special server for the fifth
time now,
something must be damaged with this system. Maybe an interrupt
problem, or
a damaged driver module binary ?