Diary Import April 1999

30th april 1999

Our biggest Novell server crashed today.
I never saw this: The system generated more and more
filelocks until almost every user was locked out.
Nice. (I guess this to be a feature of our increasing
number of NT machines ??? Who’ll join ?)

29th april 1999

Ordered my playstation MOD-Chip so that I can play
japanese games as well as “backups” Winking

Met with Reyk for eating japanese noodle-soup “Ramen”
and some sushis for dessert Winking went on to O’Reillys
Irish Pub, and we drunk a lot, after that we visited
Schuhmanns for some nice cocktails &-} Oh my head !!!

28th april 1999

Nice server crash after we tried a volume repair on
a machine that lacks memory.

27th april 1999

I thought that software piracy is finally gone with
a compact system, but NOPE !
Try searching the web for MOD-CHIPS Happy)))))
and additional hardware is becoming more and more,
like: trainers, pads, guns, vcd-players, mega-memory
cards, …

26th april 1999

My coworker thought he would become father today,
but it was wrong alarm.

Successfully fascinated Tom of my new playstation.
But he said he doesn’t play anymore… ok I said the
same in the last three years Happy)
No more crashed systems, no more driver problems,
no expensive hardware… cool ! That’s plug and play !
anyway he seemed to enjoy some of the games, and
especially if he got the good vibrations !

25th april 1999

Found out more about playstation.
How to repair and laser tuning… they’re all crazy !
Bought Civilization II for playstation.

24th april 1999

Got my first pictures from Japan.
Pretty nice, especially the pictures where I can
see my lovely lady. Kiss you. |-x

23th april 1999

Bought a playstation today. I couldn’t stand any longer.
These japanese people infected me completely !
And it is more cheap in Germany than in Japan.
I just miss the japanese games…

Met at Shananigans Irish Pub together with Gerd,
and we enjoyed very good meal and Guiness.

22nd april 1999

Gave my first three films from Japan to developement.

Compiled Linux 2.2.5 on my system.

21st april 1999

My first day at work again….
Oh…. don’t ask…

Flushed my RC5 buffers to the internet.
Hey look that keyrate Happy)))))))))))
(Place 112 for today)

20th april 1999

Slept the whole day. 24 hours Jetlag ? Winking

19th april 1999

Arrived back in Munich airport, one hour too late.
My parents picked me up, and I was so sleepy.

My phone bill balanced well, because I could
save money the last three weeks. (And I pulled
the plug out of my machine in holiday.
Just in case, you know !)

Got a letter from Naoko, thanks !
And I had to hear that she visited munich in the
begin of april… AHHHH !!!! Damn !
Sorry, it would have been so nice to meet you again.
Maybe next time ? Or in Japan, together with Aya ?

I miss Japan, and being surrounded by japanese people.
Whenever I see someone japanese I try to get closer
and listen what they say. But my japanese is anything
more than better since my visit. HELP !!!

1st-18th april 1999

Top secret japanese holiday with Aya. Winking

Diary Import April 1999

30th april 1999

Our biggest Novell server crashed today.
I never saw this: The system generated more and more
filelocks until almost every user was locked out.
Nice. (I guess this to be a feature of our increasing
number of NT machines ??? Who’ll join ?)

29th april 1999

Ordered my playstation MOD-Chip so that I can play
japanese games as well as “backups” Winking

Met with Reyk for eating japanese noodle-soup “Ramen”
and some sushis for dessert Winking went on to O’Reillys
Irish Pub, and we drunk a lot, after that we visited
Schuhmanns for some nice cocktails &-} Oh my head !!!

28th april 1999

Nice server crash after we tried a volume repair on
a machine that lacks memory.

27th april 1999

I thought that software piracy is finally gone with
a compact system, but NOPE !
Try searching the web for MOD-CHIPS Happy)))))
and additional hardware is becoming more and more,
like: trainers, pads, guns, vcd-players, mega-memory
cards, …

26th april 1999

My coworker thought he would become father today,
but it was wrong alarm.

Successfully fascinated Tom of my new playstation.
But he said he doesn’t play anymore… ok I said the
same in the last three years Happy)
No more crashed systems, no more driver problems,
no expensive hardware… cool ! That’s plug and play !
anyway he seemed to enjoy some of the games, and
especially if he got the good vibrations !

25th april 1999

Found out more about playstation.
How to repair and laser tuning… they’re all crazy !
Bought Civilization II for playstation.

24th april 1999

Got my first pictures from Japan.
Pretty nice, especially the pictures where I can
see my lovely lady. Kiss you. |-x

23th april 1999

Bought a playstation today. I couldn’t stand any longer.
These japanese people infected me completely !
And it is more cheap in Germany than in Japan.
I just miss the japanese games…

Met at Shananigans Irish Pub together with Gerd,
and we enjoyed very good meal and Guiness.

22nd april 1999

Gave my first three films from Japan to developement.

Compiled Linux 2.2.5 on my system.

21st april 1999

My first day at work again….
Oh…. don’t ask…

Flushed my RC5 buffers to the internet.
Hey look that keyrate Happy)))))))))))
(Place 112 for today)

20th april 1999

Slept the whole day. 24 hours Jetlag ? Winking

19th april 1999

Arrived back in Munich airport, one hour too late.
My parents picked me up, and I was so sleepy.

My phone bill balanced well, because I could
save money the last three weeks. (And I pulled
the plug out of my machine in holiday.
Just in case, you know !)

Got a letter from Naoko, thanks !
And I had to hear that she visited munich in the
begin of april… AHHHH !!!! Damn !
Sorry, it would have been so nice to meet you again.
Maybe next time ? Or in Japan, together with Aya ?

I miss Japan, and being surrounded by japanese people.
Whenever I see someone japanese I try to get closer
and listen what they say. But my japanese is anything
more than better since my visit. HELP !!!

1st-18th april 1999

Top secret japanese holiday with Aya. Winking

Diary Import April 1999

30th april 1999

Our biggest Novell server crashed today.
I never saw this: The system generated more and more
filelocks until almost every user was locked out.
Nice. (I guess this to be a feature of our increasing
number of NT machines ??? Who’ll join ?)

29th april 1999

Ordered my playstation MOD-Chip so that I can play
japanese games as well as “backups” Winking

Met with Reyk for eating japanese noodle-soup “Ramen”
and some sushis for dessert Winking went on to O’Reillys
Irish Pub, and we drunk a lot, after that we visited
Schuhmanns for some nice cocktails &-} Oh my head !!!

28th april 1999

Nice server crash after we tried a volume repair on
a machine that lacks memory.

27th april 1999

I thought that software piracy is finally gone with
a compact system, but NOPE !
Try searching the web for MOD-CHIPS Happy)))))
and additional hardware is becoming more and more,
like: trainers, pads, guns, vcd-players, mega-memory
cards, …

26th april 1999

My coworker thought he would become father today,
but it was wrong alarm.

Successfully fascinated Tom of my new playstation.
But he said he doesn’t play anymore… ok I said the
same in the last three years Happy)
No more crashed systems, no more driver problems,
no expensive hardware… cool ! That’s plug and play !
anyway he seemed to enjoy some of the games, and
especially if he got the good vibrations !

25th april 1999

Found out more about playstation.
How to repair and laser tuning… they’re all crazy !
Bought Civilization II for playstation.

24th april 1999

Got my first pictures from Japan.
Pretty nice, especially the pictures where I can
see my lovely lady. Kiss you. |-x

23th april 1999

Bought a playstation today. I couldn’t stand any longer.
These japanese people infected me completely !
And it is more cheap in Germany than in Japan.
I just miss the japanese games…

Met at Shananigans Irish Pub together with Gerd,
and we enjoyed very good meal and Guiness.

22nd april 1999

Gave my first three films from Japan to developement.

Compiled Linux 2.2.5 on my system.

21st april 1999

My first day at work again….
Oh…. don’t ask…

Flushed my RC5 buffers to the internet.
Hey look that keyrate Happy)))))))))))
(Place 112 for today)

20th april 1999

Slept the whole day. 24 hours Jetlag ? Winking

19th april 1999

Arrived back in Munich airport, one hour too late.
My parents picked me up, and I was so sleepy.

My phone bill balanced well, because I could
save money the last three weeks. (And I pulled
the plug out of my machine in holiday.
Just in case, you know !)

Got a letter from Naoko, thanks !
And I had to hear that she visited munich in the
begin of april… AHHHH !!!! Damn !
Sorry, it would have been so nice to meet you again.
Maybe next time ? Or in Japan, together with Aya ?

I miss Japan, and being surrounded by japanese people.
Whenever I see someone japanese I try to get closer
and listen what they say. But my japanese is anything
more than better since my visit. HELP !!!

1st-18th april 1999

Top secret japanese holiday with Aya. Winking