Diary Import January 1999

To make my japanese learning more
efficient here’s my
(new “jwotd”: japanese word of the day)
to bad that I can’t view you the kanji version too.
But I think the unicode guys are working on it.31st january 1999

Alone again.
Waiting for a sign.
(no further comment)

jwotd: (kodooku/lonelyness)

30th january 1999

Back from London.
Aya missed her plane yesterday, so she will leave this noon.

jwotd: (hikooki/airplane)

21th to 29th january 1999

Hopefully Aya will be back in one piece, so we can leave to

jwotd: (nozoomu/hope)

20th january 1999

Designed a new spreadsheet for calculating price values for
old server systems. Nice work… 80 servers listed by their
components and price drop over the past three years.
Thanks to KAP for his iteration formula.

Joined the always important server meeting to discuss some
theories how to handle year 2000 Happy))) Talking, talking….
Maybe it will disapear if we would talk overtime…?

Hey Aya, I’m waiting for your call… Heiki ?

jwotd: (yobidaashi/phone call)

19th january 1999

Had to play with some HACMP cluster machines… boring….
if everything would work ! Winking

Did some more Y2K updates especially for storage management.

DES-II-3 is running and we have done about 25% on one whole
(Cracked on the same day 3 PM by Deep Crack !)

Still waiting for Ayako to return.

jwotd: (kaaeru/return)

18th january 1999

Had to play a little bit with firewalls, but not that much action

Bought many new books for learning japanese.

DES-III has started at 17:00 UTC and all my machines have
switched over to !

Waiting for Aya to return…

jwotd: (matsu/wait)

17th january 1999

Sunday. Did nothing special, had not much fun to do anything.
Met with Thomas, gave him the chopsticks from Aya and we
Forbidden Planet and finally ended in Shannanigans Irish Pub
with Florian. Talked to Aya from there. That’s all for today.

jwotd: (hashi/chopsticks)

16th january 1999

More japanese language practising. If I only could understand
to use which particle. HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

Scanned in some more images. I wonder if the parallel port
will also work on my Linux workstation ??? But no time yet.

Watched a documentation about Kyoto and ZEN on TV. Very

Installed RC5 proxy 303 and upgarded my personal clients to

And finally found the time to install my halogen spots in my
almost one year gone Happy)) Ups….
And one of the spots is defect, just as usual.

Hey Aya, I’ve received some answers from universities.
Kimi-nashi-da to tsurai. Karada-ni yoku ki-o tsukete.

jwotd: (naraau/learn)

15th january 1999

Played around with ADSM trace options, but on netware it’s

Lots of culture studies about Japan. Not only culture shock for
Printed about 200 pages. Also first answer from our
All for Aya.

Installed japanese fonts on my computer, and I’m totally
to be able looking up in japanese indexes on the web !!! Great
This is much better training then reading books.

Printed some Meishi’s (business cards). Meishi suki ?

jwotd: (kakikataa/font)

14th january 1999

Made some system backups from AIX cluster machines.
Did a lot of fine-tuning on netware scripts.

Bought a walkman to be able of recording from tapes
to my computer for making MP3’s.
Of course, for japanese songs !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Winking
Aya I got it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also a new flatbed scanner which was so unbelievable
cheap that I could buy one for each of my noisemakers.

Also just for scanning very very important pictures !

jwotd: (shashiin/photo)

13th january 1999

Documented two new AIX cluster machines today. 22 harddisks, wow

Discovered a dying harddisk in a novell server, something for
night shift. Happy I hope that it’ll be swapped this week
I’m on night shift next week.

Played around with the new ADSM client on a 3.12 netware
and ! surprise ! the same problems as on 4.10 but saving goes
after five minutes of locked file state.

Gone to the japanese embassy today, to check if Aya can study
in Munich. Received a lot of hints, thanks, more work to now

jwotd: (mondaai/problem)

12th january 1999


Installed the RC5 proxy analyzer which is a very funny tool
for those who can enjoy seeing different machines on
OS’s and architectures calculating RC5 keys.

Did some more updates on the RC5 clients and watched the
switching on 18:00 GMT which IMHO was a little bit to
struggling. Manual updates are working much better.

Wrote some more cards for learning japanese sentences.
Aya, aishiteru !

jwotd: (shikeen/test)

11th january 1999

Had to go to work again, just as Aya told me to, but I think I
really enjoy working…
Would be nice if I could retire and just travel around the world
with her.
Someone to give me a lottery checkpot ???

Again Year 2000 discussions, they’re getting nervous because
appear to be more patches available on every day. Happy)))
But no one was listen to me first…. 😎

Updated most of the RC5 clients to 2.100.427 which is DES-III
for the first world-wide test on tomorrow morning.

jwotd: (discussion/tooron)

8th to 10th january 1999

Celebrated Ayas birthday and had a big dinner in a japanese
Hmmm… Yammi !

Visited the castle of Herrenchiemsee. Long live the King !

Met with some of my best friends and had so much to talk
time was so short.

Had to say good-bye again, because she left to go to Italy.
Come back soon….

jwotd: (birthday/tanjoobi)

4th to 7th january 1999

Hopefully in Switzerland… no entries up to 8th ?
Yes, I was…. We spent some beautyful days there together.
No further comment.

jwotd: (isshoo-ni/together)

3rd january 1999

Printed out a lot of cartoons against Microsoft and decorated
big white wall of the operation and supervision room.
Just want to see the faces of my colleagues…… Happy))))

Surfed the internet concerning London accomondation,
hey these Fish’n’Chips guys are crazy,
no standard, no comfort, bad food, dirty rooms and
so expensive……. I can’t believe….
I thought London would be a civilized city.

Guys I think I go mad….
Will meet tomorrow with my sweet girl in Switzerland.

jwotd: (yasumi/holiday)

2nd january 1999

Did a lot of Y2K updates at work. And it seems that we’ll be
just right in time. The funny thin is that most of the BIOS and
patches are brand new from december 1998. I think we’ll have to
some more updates in the last seconds before 2000.

Kisses for my Lady.

jwotd: (sanchoo/mountain top)

1st january 1999

Got my first telephone call, and guess who called me:
Thank you very very very much, I miss you too.
If you have time to come to munich before we meet in London
feel free to come whenever you want. I’ll be there.

Hey Reyk, mach schon mal die Tickets klar, am besten mit

Very sleepy today, but have to go to work at 10 PM.
Thanks God that everything will be normal again after 5th so
that I can go to sleep in the evening and not in the
simply just not my timezone.

jwotd: (ooyorokobi/great pleasure)

Diary Import January 1999

To make my japanese learning more
efficient here’s my
(new “jwotd”: japanese word of the day)
to bad that I can’t view you the kanji version too.
But I think the unicode guys are working on it.31st january 1999

Alone again.
Waiting for a sign.
(no further comment)

jwotd: (kodooku/lonelyness)

30th january 1999

Back from London.
Aya missed her plane yesterday, so she will leave this noon.

jwotd: (hikooki/airplane)

21th to 29th january 1999

Hopefully Aya will be back in one piece, so we can leave to

jwotd: (nozoomu/hope)

20th january 1999

Designed a new spreadsheet for calculating price values for
old server systems. Nice work… 80 servers listed by their
components and price drop over the past three years.
Thanks to KAP for his iteration formula.

Joined the always important server meeting to discuss some
theories how to handle year 2000 Happy))) Talking, talking….
Maybe it will disapear if we would talk overtime…?

Hey Aya, I’m waiting for your call… Heiki ?

jwotd: (yobidaashi/phone call)

19th january 1999

Had to play with some HACMP cluster machines… boring….
if everything would work ! Winking

Did some more Y2K updates especially for storage management.

DES-II-3 is running and we have done about 25% on one whole
(Cracked on the same day 3 PM by Deep Crack !)

Still waiting for Ayako to return.

jwotd: (kaaeru/return)

18th january 1999

Had to play a little bit with firewalls, but not that much action

Bought many new books for learning japanese.

DES-III has started at 17:00 UTC and all my machines have
switched over to !

Waiting for Aya to return…

jwotd: (matsu/wait)

17th january 1999

Sunday. Did nothing special, had not much fun to do anything.
Met with Thomas, gave him the chopsticks from Aya and we
Forbidden Planet and finally ended in Shannanigans Irish Pub
with Florian. Talked to Aya from there. That’s all for today.

jwotd: (hashi/chopsticks)

16th january 1999

More japanese language practising. If I only could understand
to use which particle. HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

Scanned in some more images. I wonder if the parallel port
will also work on my Linux workstation ??? But no time yet.

Watched a documentation about Kyoto and ZEN on TV. Very

Installed RC5 proxy 303 and upgarded my personal clients to

And finally found the time to install my halogen spots in my
almost one year gone Happy)) Ups….
And one of the spots is defect, just as usual.

Hey Aya, I’ve received some answers from universities.
Kimi-nashi-da to tsurai. Karada-ni yoku ki-o tsukete.

jwotd: (naraau/learn)

15th january 1999

Played around with ADSM trace options, but on netware it’s

Lots of culture studies about Japan. Not only culture shock for
Printed about 200 pages. Also first answer from our
All for Aya.

Installed japanese fonts on my computer, and I’m totally
to be able looking up in japanese indexes on the web !!! Great
This is much better training then reading books.

Printed some Meishi’s (business cards). Meishi suki ?

jwotd: (kakikataa/font)

14th january 1999

Made some system backups from AIX cluster machines.
Did a lot of fine-tuning on netware scripts.

Bought a walkman to be able of recording from tapes
to my computer for making MP3’s.
Of course, for japanese songs !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Winking
Aya I got it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also a new flatbed scanner which was so unbelievable
cheap that I could buy one for each of my noisemakers.

Also just for scanning very very important pictures !

jwotd: (shashiin/photo)

13th january 1999

Documented two new AIX cluster machines today. 22 harddisks, wow

Discovered a dying harddisk in a novell server, something for
night shift. Happy I hope that it’ll be swapped this week
I’m on night shift next week.

Played around with the new ADSM client on a 3.12 netware
and ! surprise ! the same problems as on 4.10 but saving goes
after five minutes of locked file state.

Gone to the japanese embassy today, to check if Aya can study
in Munich. Received a lot of hints, thanks, more work to now

jwotd: (mondaai/problem)

12th january 1999


Installed the RC5 proxy analyzer which is a very funny tool
for those who can enjoy seeing different machines on
OS’s and architectures calculating RC5 keys.

Did some more updates on the RC5 clients and watched the
switching on 18:00 GMT which IMHO was a little bit to
struggling. Manual updates are working much better.

Wrote some more cards for learning japanese sentences.
Aya, aishiteru !

jwotd: (shikeen/test)

11th january 1999

Had to go to work again, just as Aya told me to, but I think I
really enjoy working…
Would be nice if I could retire and just travel around the world
with her.
Someone to give me a lottery checkpot ???

Again Year 2000 discussions, they’re getting nervous because
appear to be more patches available on every day. Happy)))
But no one was listen to me first…. 😎

Updated most of the RC5 clients to 2.100.427 which is DES-III
for the first world-wide test on tomorrow morning.

jwotd: (discussion/tooron)

8th to 10th january 1999

Celebrated Ayas birthday and had a big dinner in a japanese
Hmmm… Yammi !

Visited the castle of Herrenchiemsee. Long live the King !

Met with some of my best friends and had so much to talk
time was so short.

Had to say good-bye again, because she left to go to Italy.
Come back soon….

jwotd: (birthday/tanjoobi)

4th to 7th january 1999

Hopefully in Switzerland… no entries up to 8th ?
Yes, I was…. We spent some beautyful days there together.
No further comment.

jwotd: (isshoo-ni/together)

3rd january 1999

Printed out a lot of cartoons against Microsoft and decorated
big white wall of the operation and supervision room.
Just want to see the faces of my colleagues…… Happy))))

Surfed the internet concerning London accomondation,
hey these Fish’n’Chips guys are crazy,
no standard, no comfort, bad food, dirty rooms and
so expensive……. I can’t believe….
I thought London would be a civilized city.

Guys I think I go mad….
Will meet tomorrow with my sweet girl in Switzerland.

jwotd: (yasumi/holiday)

2nd january 1999

Did a lot of Y2K updates at work. And it seems that we’ll be
just right in time. The funny thin is that most of the BIOS and
patches are brand new from december 1998. I think we’ll have to
some more updates in the last seconds before 2000.

Kisses for my Lady.

jwotd: (sanchoo/mountain top)

1st january 1999

Got my first telephone call, and guess who called me:
Thank you very very very much, I miss you too.
If you have time to come to munich before we meet in London
feel free to come whenever you want. I’ll be there.

Hey Reyk, mach schon mal die Tickets klar, am besten mit

Very sleepy today, but have to go to work at 10 PM.
Thanks God that everything will be normal again after 5th so
that I can go to sleep in the evening and not in the
simply just not my timezone.

jwotd: (ooyorokobi/great pleasure)

Diary Import January 1999

To make my japanese learning more
efficient here’s my
(new “jwotd”: japanese word of the day)
to bad that I can’t view you the kanji version too.
But I think the unicode guys are working on it.

31st january 1999

Alone again.
Waiting for a sign.
(no further comment)

jwotd: (kodooku/lonelyness)

30th january 1999

Back from London.
Aya missed her plane yesterday, so she will leave this noon.

jwotd: (hikooki/airplane)

21th to 29th january 1999

Hopefully Aya will be back in one piece, so we can leave to

jwotd: (nozoomu/hope)

20th january 1999

Designed a new spreadsheet for calculating price values for
old server systems. Nice work… 80 servers listed by their
components and price drop over the past three years.
Thanks to KAP for his iteration formula.

Joined the always important server meeting to discuss some
theories how to handle year 2000 Happy))) Talking, talking….
Maybe it will disapear if we would talk overtime…?

Hey Aya, I’m waiting for your call… Heiki ?

jwotd: (yobidaashi/phone call)

19th january 1999

Had to play with some HACMP cluster machines… boring….
if everything would work ! Winking

Did some more Y2K updates especially for storage management.

DES-II-3 is running and we have done about 25% on one whole
(Cracked on the same day 3 PM by Deep Crack !)

Still waiting for Ayako to return.

jwotd: (kaaeru/return)

18th january 1999

Had to play a little bit with firewalls, but not that much action

Bought many new books for learning japanese.

DES-III has started at 17:00 UTC and all my machines have
switched over to !

Waiting for Aya to return…

jwotd: (matsu/wait)

17th january 1999

Sunday. Did nothing special, had not much fun to do anything.
Met with Thomas, gave him the chopsticks from Aya and we
Forbidden Planet and finally ended in Shannanigans Irish Pub
with Florian. Talked to Aya from there. That’s all for today.

jwotd: (hashi/chopsticks)

16th january 1999

More japanese language practising. If I only could understand
to use which particle. HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!

Scanned in some more images. I wonder if the parallel port
will also work on my Linux workstation ??? But no time yet.

Watched a documentation about Kyoto and ZEN on TV. Very

Installed RC5 proxy 303 and upgarded my personal clients to

And finally found the time to install my halogen spots in my
almost one year gone Happy)) Ups….
And one of the spots is defect, just as usual.

Hey Aya, I’ve received some answers from universities.
Kimi-nashi-da to tsurai. Karada-ni yoku ki-o tsukete.

jwotd: (naraau/learn)

15th january 1999

Played around with ADSM trace options, but on netware it’s

Lots of culture studies about Japan. Not only culture shock for
Printed about 200 pages. Also first answer from our
All for Aya.

Installed japanese fonts on my computer, and I’m totally
to be able looking up in japanese indexes on the web !!! Great
This is much better training then reading books.

Printed some Meishi’s (business cards). Meishi suki ?

jwotd: (kakikataa/font)

14th january 1999

Made some system backups from AIX cluster machines.
Did a lot of fine-tuning on netware scripts.

Bought a walkman to be able of recording from tapes
to my computer for making MP3’s.
Of course, for japanese songs !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Winking
Aya I got it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also a new flatbed scanner which was so unbelievable
cheap that I could buy one for each of my noisemakers.

Also just for scanning very very important pictures !

jwotd: (shashiin/photo)

13th january 1999

Documented two new AIX cluster machines today. 22 harddisks, wow

Discovered a dying harddisk in a novell server, something for
night shift. Happy I hope that it’ll be swapped this week
I’m on night shift next week.

Played around with the new ADSM client on a 3.12 netware
and ! surprise ! the same problems as on 4.10 but saving goes
after five minutes of locked file state.

Gone to the japanese embassy today, to check if Aya can study
in Munich. Received a lot of hints, thanks, more work to now

jwotd: (mondaai/problem)

12th january 1999


Installed the RC5 proxy analyzer which is a very funny tool
for those who can enjoy seeing different machines on
OS’s and architectures calculating RC5 keys.

Did some more updates on the RC5 clients and watched the
switching on 18:00 GMT which IMHO was a little bit to
struggling. Manual updates are working much better.

Wrote some more cards for learning japanese sentences.
Aya, aishiteru !

jwotd: (shikeen/test)

11th january 1999

Had to go to work again, just as Aya told me to, but I think I
really enjoy working…
Would be nice if I could retire and just travel around the world
with her.
Someone to give me a lottery checkpot ???

Again Year 2000 discussions, they’re getting nervous because
appear to be more patches available on every day. Happy)))
But no one was listen to me first…. 😎

Updated most of the RC5 clients to 2.100.427 which is DES-III
for the first world-wide test on tomorrow morning.

jwotd: (discussion/tooron)

8th to 10th january 1999

Celebrated Ayas birthday and had a big dinner in a japanese
Hmmm… Yammi !

Visited the castle of Herrenchiemsee. Long live the King !

Met with some of my best friends and had so much to talk
time was so short.

Had to say good-bye again, because she left to go to Italy.
Come back soon….

jwotd: (birthday/tanjoobi)

4th to 7th january 1999

Hopefully in Switzerland… no entries up to 8th ?
Yes, I was…. We spent some beautyful days there together.
No further comment.

jwotd: (isshoo-ni/together)

3rd january 1999

Printed out a lot of cartoons against Microsoft and decorated
big white wall of the operation and supervision room.
Just want to see the faces of my colleagues…… Happy))))

Surfed the internet concerning London accomondation,
hey these Fish’n’Chips guys are crazy,
no standard, no comfort, bad food, dirty rooms and
so expensive……. I can’t believe….
I thought London would be a civilized city.

Guys I think I go mad….
Will meet tomorrow with my sweet girl in Switzerland.

jwotd: (yasumi/holiday)

2nd january 1999

Did a lot of Y2K updates at work. And it seems that we’ll be
just right in time. The funny thin is that most of the BIOS and
patches are brand new from december 1998. I think we’ll have to
some more updates in the last seconds before 2000.

Kisses for my Lady.

jwotd: (sanchoo/mountain top)

1st january 1999

Got my first telephone call, and guess who called me:
Thank you very very very much, I miss you too.
If you have time to come to munich before we meet in London
feel free to come whenever you want. I’ll be there.

Hey Reyk, mach schon mal die Tickets klar, am besten mit

Very sleepy today, but have to go to work at 10 PM.
Thanks God that everything will be normal again after 5th so
that I can go to sleep in the evening and not in the
simply just not my timezone.

jwotd: (ooyorokobi/great pleasure)