Diary Import June 1999

30th june 1999

Installed the UdmSearch-Engine on WWW.Stun.de, which IMHO is much
better and lightning
faster than the Excite WS one. It works with PHP3 and MySQL and the
generated Index is
much smaller. (And it’s small and fast, a russian program, perfect

Installed the UdmSearch-Engine also on my local machine and deleted
It’s so much space now Winking

I finally found a useful howto to the gnuplot tool, although
everything is written
in japanese there, I had no big problems to find the right
Fixed the gnuplot date display and finished the Linux-Developement
graph script.
Also did some minor updates to the virtual webserver statistic
graphs, more space
on the left side, lines instead of boxes and smaller zoom.

Now localized all my dual celeron project components, so I can buy
them this week,
maybe. I’m just thinking if it’s not better to buy an alpha machine
for almost the
same money ? Board+533Alpha=2400.- DM 2Cel466+Board+Socket=1600.-
DM ????? Hmmm.

29th june 1999

“Expect” is still not working, out of PTY’s, I can’t believe
I compiled in 512 now in the kernel, instead of the usual
and my former 64 setting. So there must be a library problem
Obviously in libexpect5.28.so.

Finally I’m ill. And I feel much down….

28th june 1999

Started programming of the Kernel-Developement Graph Plotter,
and it works, except for the Gnuplot date axis.
Can someone help me with this please, the demo code from NASA
is gone, and I almost gave up hacking to format the x-axis
as a date graph. “set timefmt” and “set xdata time” doesn’t

Wrote a shellscript to tail-f the actual RC5 Proxylog.
Fascinated by the ease of use I’ll complete a HTML generation
in the next days I guess.

Downloaded some new japanese songs from Riechan.
Of course using Greed and not a browser.

Rebootet my machine, and see …. no more IP delayed timing
problems. So I hope that someone keeps tracking this
after some productiv uptime. In my case 7 days and high load
up to 3.2 and little network traffic 260kB/s was enough.

27th june 1999

Enhanced the spidercode and wrote some howtos.
Updated the Stun.de Hardware Page.

Mirrored some of the japanese cooking pages from the web.

Transferred the completed Boogie BIO’s to Boogie.Stun.de.

Copied my digital photos to Andys.Stun.de.

26th june 1999

More programming for www.stun.de. This time, did some updates
to the linux news section, with complete rewrite of the
and polling code. Now it’s much more efficient, and no more
timeouts can occur. Also included the spider tracking engine,
which should end in a statistic page to count browser usage.

25th june 1999

Took a lot of pictures with the digital camera in our garden,
and discovered that transferring the pictures via the
of my laptop really is the final, solution.
(Accessing via drive letter, cool, and lightning fast.
No chance for USB and ASYNC.)

Did a lot of PHP3-programming for www.stun.de, (admins) see
last.php3 page for the code. It accepts a path value which
all files in this path with the last modified date and
changing colors for updates within the last day, week or
Further I included a nameserver-query page, and a manual page
also just for admins.

24th june 1999

“It’s Backupday, my favourite day…” Winking (Do you know
Bastard Operator from Hell?)
Again started backup on 60m tapes and it now works.

After tetsting Kernel 2.2.10 for a while, it seems that the IP
timing problem
from 2.2.2 is back. So I think we stay on 2.2.9 with the DoS
security patch
on WWW.Stun.de.

Got my Digital camera today, a Kodak DC240 and shot a lot of
pictures, but I
cannot publish them yet, first because of to less diskspace on
netsurf, and
second because of the nonworking gphoto.
By the way, serial transmission costs so much power that I want to
wait for
USB support being stable under Linux.

Finally gave up playing with the camera because the bundled video
cable is
for the DC265 and not DC240. Great ! Sad

My ISP Netsurf is again unreachable, so that’s finally why it has
become more
cheap last month.

23rd june 1999

Bought one of these always talking furbies, to got some
when hacking on my boogie code. Ups, he’s awake again… saying
“Huu !”
I think I’ll connect him to the computer someday and enhance

Sent away the embassy-papers and package for Aya.

Found a lot of circuits on the internet for building small
I printed them all and will start reconstructing some of

Switched two netware servers from token-ring to

Backuped WWW.Stun.de, and encountered problems with 120m tapes. Hmm

Got NFS working on Zuse1 to backup from WWW.Stun.de.

“Furby is going to sleep, now…. ts ts ts, great entertainment”

Downloaded gphoto, and discovered that the Kodak DC240
is not even comitted in the CVS tree. Maybe in a few weeks…

22nd june 1999

Bought some of the last components for my MP3-Player.

Did some minor updates to the boogie pages on Boogie.Stun.de.

Will compile 2.2.10 for WWW.Stun.de this evening, I guess.
(I didn’t.)

21st june 1999

Ordered my digital still cam Kodak DC240. But I do hard,
waiting….. Winking

Sound doesn’t work anymore, with 2.2.10… hmmm, looks like a
problem. Had no time yet to track down further.

My notice is now official, and everyone knows that I quit my old

The embassy papers for Aya are on their way. Hopefully.

(So I hope everyone can understand my stress in the last weeks, and
there are not that much boogie updates as usual in the last
Sorry guys.)

Internet works this evening, and people who must know, told me that
german IN-XS, one of the major german internet backbones, got
Happy)) Wow, this is how it must be the day
after. (Just additionally
without telephone and electric power.) Hmm, not nice. Sad

20th june 1999

Still no connection to the internet.

Uli called me and ask for Netsurf (our internet provider)
20 minutes after KAP called me and asked the same.
Maybe it would be better if I do the support for Netsurf,
by myself ??? Happy))))) Am I callcenter or what ?

I start to wonder why my provider decreased the monthly fee.

Reyk also called me, at night, if I can access their webpages
(online stocks) and he sounded quite nervous…. keep cool,
it seems that the whole german internet or at least some of
bigger providers are heavily knocked out.

Is that the punishment for not joining the internet
day a week ago ????

Uli PPPpolled my machine and downloaded the new linux kernel
via FTP. So who needs providers, we can do it by ourselves.

Therefore nothing to do. Tried to upgrade to the new
but it doesn’t seem to work. It’s still invalid argument,
even when completely new created.

19th june 1999

A hard they working, almost 14 hours.
After upgrading some SCSI-drivers I experienced a BIOS
which doesn’t allow my old drivers to run on an old
very obscure… I’ll write an explanation on monday, I think.

Bad day. My internet connection is broken….
And my RC5 is running out of keys.

18th june 1999

Today I got my MP3 hardware for constructing my own player,
but I’m missing some minor components as well as a software
run it from linux.

17th june 1999

Sent my notice today.

Big shopping for suit and shoes.

16th june 1999

Emergency call at 4AM, uhh I hate that.
Slept the rest of the day.

When I woke up it was time to compile 2.2.10

15th june 1999

Got all the documents from the foreign office.
Now it’s Aya’s turn, and mine for insurance.

14th june 1999

Tried to get the visa application for Aya at the foreign
but I missed to bring some important documents….
Sooooo, I’ll try again tomorrow maybe. Hopefully.

Developed a new feature for linux.stun.de which is a
prediction for the upcoming linux kernels.
It looks nice as an excel diagram, but now it has to be
in mathematical functions used by PHP3.

Got mail from Aya. Yeah !!!!!!!!
She’s working so hard 13.6hours on one day this week……
I think most europeans would go crazy…… like me….

Finished converting the boogie biography database which is
exactly 300KB in size. Now the next step will be to include
the update from my huge eMail archive, and after the event
will be a big step, supporter and contacts db will follow

13th june 1999

Gone for vietnamese dinner by bike together with Tom, and
we enjoyed mixed meat/fish soup-fondue.

The last students festival day, really nice again…
I hope that Aya will join me to go there in the next year.

Downloaded GREED which makes it possible to do HTTP and FTP
batch transfers via cron. This method is much better than
getting news from various sites directly via PHP3.
Now there’s no possibility of long timeouts when some of
the server side included (remote)files are not available.

No more programming this night, soooo tired…..

12th june 1999

Did some more updates to the boogie database which is now
and including the letters H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,T,U,V,W,X and
Or to make it more simple, everything except letter S which
the most bio-information(too much conversion needed).

I also had to repair a part of the database after I
that the FaceMySQL-Scripts don’t care how much entries will
updated if you don’t select via the primary key.
(LIMIT=1 would have been enough for my needs…. ts ts ts…)

Also discovered that some players are missing, hmmm….
how could that happen ? I don’t even copy and paste
instead I write batches from the old pages.

11th june 1999

Did some conversions on the boogie database and created a new
table for credits and supporters.
Letter A,B,C,D,E,F,G and Z are finished now. Hard work….
The current database size is 110KB now.

After repairing some crashed servers at work, I went to the
Stustaculum (Annual Students Festival) see: Program
and I met there with Thomas.

10th june 1999

Answered a lot of boogie mails…
no time for programming….

Installed SPDIF for digital audio copy from PC(MP3) to MD,
but had no time yet to test it.

From today on there’s a big student event until sunday,
try searching for StuStaCulum 99 on Excite.de to see the
program. About 50 bands playing all for free.

I’ll go there with Thomas and Gerd from tomorrow on.
I hope the wheater stays a little bit sunny these days.

9th june 1999

Had much stress at work because of a few more server crashes
emergency meetings.

Reyk visited me at work and presented me his new digital still
Wow, I hope that you can get a linux driver for that.
Try looking for gPhoto on the web.

After work we went together to the Shoya Sushi bar, and to
great surprise there was Roberto Blanco sitting back to back with
it seems that he also knows the good points for having dinner.

Finally we finished the day at O’Reillys…

8th june 1999

Really good day. no further comment,
those one of you will know.

More Final Fantasy to become relaxed….

7th june 1999

Discovered that my Boogie-MySQL script is broken !!!!
AHHHHH !!!! PANIC !!!!!!!
Had no time to fix this yet.

Worked overtime, because I had to do some reboots and patches
to our biggest netware server.
I can’t believe Novell released a patch for 3.x/4.x which
exactly describes our problems, just 5 days ago, for a
which is almost 5 years old. Ts ts ts….

But anyway, the patch doesn’t work…. Sad(((

6th june 1999

Played Final Fantasy VII…. bad idea….
5 hours later wrote the diary for last week,
and gone to bed. Winking

Tried to get the G2-Player to work.
But, you can’t register without connection
to the internet VIA PROXY in my case.
But, you cannot save the configured proxy
as long as you’re not registered.

So what should I do ?

>rm /home/andy/G2-*.tgz

Who needs Web videos ?
I’ve got television… Happy))))

5th june 1999

Some more HTML writing for Stun.de.

Joined the Union Move, Munichs own LoveParade.
Much noise, techno music is getting boring…

Had nice dinner with Tom in the Outback australian bar.
(Nice memories….)

Finished the day with an ultra strong peppermint tea
in the Marrakesh at the Kunstpark Ost.

4th june 1999

Included different News-Tickers on the Linux.Stun.de
pages to automatically generate news pages via PHP3.

Tried to set up bugzilla, but my perl modules for apache
seem to fail…. I HATE IT !
New compilation again ?
I already wrote a 3 KB script to do this for me,
because it takes too long time to do everything
by hand if there’s an error while compiling.

3rd june 1999

Wrote some cluster pages for Linux.Stun.de

Played around with on-the-fly button generation
with TTF fonts via PHP3.

More Final Fantasy VII… I wonder how this would look
like on a playstation/2. Photorealistic ?

2nd june 1999

Big problems compiling DBI, the MySQL modules and
Chart. Also GD doesn’t seem to work on GLIBC2.1

1st june 1999

Installed new RC5 clients.
Updated TWIG.

Diary Import June 1999

30th june 1999

Installed the UdmSearch-Engine on WWW.Stun.de, which IMHO is much
better and lightning
faster than the Excite WS one. It works with PHP3 and MySQL and the
generated Index is
much smaller. (And it’s small and fast, a russian program, perfect

Installed the UdmSearch-Engine also on my local machine and deleted
It’s so much space now Winking

I finally found a useful howto to the gnuplot tool, although
everything is written
in japanese there, I had no big problems to find the right
Fixed the gnuplot date display and finished the Linux-Developement
graph script.
Also did some minor updates to the virtual webserver statistic
graphs, more space
on the left side, lines instead of boxes and smaller zoom.

Now localized all my dual celeron project components, so I can buy
them this week,
maybe. I’m just thinking if it’s not better to buy an alpha machine
for almost the
same money ? Board+533Alpha=2400.- DM 2Cel466+Board+Socket=1600.-
DM ????? Hmmm.

29th june 1999

“Expect” is still not working, out of PTY’s, I can’t believe
I compiled in 512 now in the kernel, instead of the usual
and my former 64 setting. So there must be a library problem
Obviously in libexpect5.28.so.

Finally I’m ill. And I feel much down….

28th june 1999

Started programming of the Kernel-Developement Graph Plotter,
and it works, except for the Gnuplot date axis.
Can someone help me with this please, the demo code from NASA
is gone, and I almost gave up hacking to format the x-axis
as a date graph. “set timefmt” and “set xdata time” doesn’t

Wrote a shellscript to tail-f the actual RC5 Proxylog.
Fascinated by the ease of use I’ll complete a HTML generation
in the next days I guess.

Downloaded some new japanese songs from Riechan.
Of course using Greed and not a browser.

Rebootet my machine, and see …. no more IP delayed timing
problems. So I hope that someone keeps tracking this
after some productiv uptime. In my case 7 days and high load
up to 3.2 and little network traffic 260kB/s was enough.

27th june 1999

Enhanced the spidercode and wrote some howtos.
Updated the Stun.de Hardware Page.

Mirrored some of the japanese cooking pages from the web.

Transferred the completed Boogie BIO’s to Boogie.Stun.de.

Copied my digital photos to Andys.Stun.de.

26th june 1999

More programming for www.stun.de. This time, did some updates
to the linux news section, with complete rewrite of the
and polling code. Now it’s much more efficient, and no more
timeouts can occur. Also included the spider tracking engine,
which should end in a statistic page to count browser usage.

25th june 1999

Took a lot of pictures with the digital camera in our garden,
and discovered that transferring the pictures via the
of my laptop really is the final, solution.
(Accessing via drive letter, cool, and lightning fast.
No chance for USB and ASYNC.)

Did a lot of PHP3-programming for www.stun.de, (admins) see
last.php3 page for the code. It accepts a path value which
all files in this path with the last modified date and
changing colors for updates within the last day, week or
Further I included a nameserver-query page, and a manual page
also just for admins.

24th june 1999

“It’s Backupday, my favourite day…” Winking (Do you know
Bastard Operator from Hell?)
Again started backup on 60m tapes and it now works.

After tetsting Kernel 2.2.10 for a while, it seems that the IP
timing problem
from 2.2.2 is back. So I think we stay on 2.2.9 with the DoS
security patch
on WWW.Stun.de.

Got my Digital camera today, a Kodak DC240 and shot a lot of
pictures, but I
cannot publish them yet, first because of to less diskspace on
netsurf, and
second because of the nonworking gphoto.
By the way, serial transmission costs so much power that I want to
wait for
USB support being stable under Linux.

Finally gave up playing with the camera because the bundled video
cable is
for the DC265 and not DC240. Great ! Sad

My ISP Netsurf is again unreachable, so that’s finally why it has
become more
cheap last month.

23rd june 1999

Bought one of these always talking furbies, to got some
when hacking on my boogie code. Ups, he’s awake again… saying
“Huu !”
I think I’ll connect him to the computer someday and enhance

Sent away the embassy-papers and package for Aya.

Found a lot of circuits on the internet for building small
I printed them all and will start reconstructing some of

Switched two netware servers from token-ring to

Backuped WWW.Stun.de, and encountered problems with 120m tapes. Hmm

Got NFS working on Zuse1 to backup from WWW.Stun.de.

“Furby is going to sleep, now…. ts ts ts, great entertainment”

Downloaded gphoto, and discovered that the Kodak DC240
is not even comitted in the CVS tree. Maybe in a few weeks…

22nd june 1999

Bought some of the last components for my MP3-Player.

Did some minor updates to the boogie pages on Boogie.Stun.de.

Will compile 2.2.10 for WWW.Stun.de this evening, I guess.
(I didn’t.)

21st june 1999

Ordered my digital still cam Kodak DC240. But I do hard,
waiting….. Winking

Sound doesn’t work anymore, with 2.2.10… hmmm, looks like a
problem. Had no time yet to track down further.

My notice is now official, and everyone knows that I quit my old

The embassy papers for Aya are on their way. Hopefully.

(So I hope everyone can understand my stress in the last weeks, and
there are not that much boogie updates as usual in the last
Sorry guys.)

Internet works this evening, and people who must know, told me that
german IN-XS, one of the major german internet backbones, got
Happy)) Wow, this is how it must be the day
after. (Just additionally
without telephone and electric power.) Hmm, not nice. Sad

20th june 1999

Still no connection to the internet.

Uli called me and ask for Netsurf (our internet provider)
20 minutes after KAP called me and asked the same.
Maybe it would be better if I do the support for Netsurf,
by myself ??? Happy))))) Am I callcenter or what ?

I start to wonder why my provider decreased the monthly fee.

Reyk also called me, at night, if I can access their webpages
(online stocks) and he sounded quite nervous…. keep cool,
it seems that the whole german internet or at least some of
bigger providers are heavily knocked out.

Is that the punishment for not joining the internet
day a week ago ????

Uli PPPpolled my machine and downloaded the new linux kernel
via FTP. So who needs providers, we can do it by ourselves.

Therefore nothing to do. Tried to upgrade to the new
but it doesn’t seem to work. It’s still invalid argument,
even when completely new created.

19th june 1999

A hard they working, almost 14 hours.
After upgrading some SCSI-drivers I experienced a BIOS
which doesn’t allow my old drivers to run on an old
very obscure… I’ll write an explanation on monday, I think.

Bad day. My internet connection is broken….
And my RC5 is running out of keys.

18th june 1999

Today I got my MP3 hardware for constructing my own player,
but I’m missing some minor components as well as a software
run it from linux.

17th june 1999

Sent my notice today.

Big shopping for suit and shoes.

16th june 1999

Emergency call at 4AM, uhh I hate that.
Slept the rest of the day.

When I woke up it was time to compile 2.2.10

15th june 1999

Got all the documents from the foreign office.
Now it’s Aya’s turn, and mine for insurance.

14th june 1999

Tried to get the visa application for Aya at the foreign
but I missed to bring some important documents….
Sooooo, I’ll try again tomorrow maybe. Hopefully.

Developed a new feature for linux.stun.de which is a
prediction for the upcoming linux kernels.
It looks nice as an excel diagram, but now it has to be
in mathematical functions used by PHP3.

Got mail from Aya. Yeah !!!!!!!!
She’s working so hard 13.6hours on one day this week……
I think most europeans would go crazy…… like me….

Finished converting the boogie biography database which is
exactly 300KB in size. Now the next step will be to include
the update from my huge eMail archive, and after the event
will be a big step, supporter and contacts db will follow

13th june 1999

Gone for vietnamese dinner by bike together with Tom, and
we enjoyed mixed meat/fish soup-fondue.

The last students festival day, really nice again…
I hope that Aya will join me to go there in the next year.

Downloaded GREED which makes it possible to do HTTP and FTP
batch transfers via cron. This method is much better than
getting news from various sites directly via PHP3.
Now there’s no possibility of long timeouts when some of
the server side included (remote)files are not available.

No more programming this night, soooo tired…..

12th june 1999

Did some more updates to the boogie database which is now
and including the letters H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,T,U,V,W,X and
Or to make it more simple, everything except letter S which
the most bio-information(too much conversion needed).

I also had to repair a part of the database after I
that the FaceMySQL-Scripts don’t care how much entries will
updated if you don’t select via the primary key.
(LIMIT=1 would have been enough for my needs…. ts ts ts…)

Also discovered that some players are missing, hmmm….
how could that happen ? I don’t even copy and paste
instead I write batches from the old pages.

11th june 1999

Did some conversions on the boogie database and created a new
table for credits and supporters.
Letter A,B,C,D,E,F,G and Z are finished now. Hard work….
The current database size is 110KB now.

After repairing some crashed servers at work, I went to the
Stustaculum (Annual Students Festival) see: Program
and I met there with Thomas.

10th june 1999

Answered a lot of boogie mails…
no time for programming….

Installed SPDIF for digital audio copy from PC(MP3) to MD,
but had no time yet to test it.

From today on there’s a big student event until sunday,
try searching for StuStaCulum 99 on Excite.de to see the
program. About 50 bands playing all for free.

I’ll go there with Thomas and Gerd from tomorrow on.
I hope the wheater stays a little bit sunny these days.

9th june 1999

Had much stress at work because of a few more server crashes
emergency meetings.

Reyk visited me at work and presented me his new digital still
Wow, I hope that you can get a linux driver for that.
Try looking for gPhoto on the web.

After work we went together to the Shoya Sushi bar, and to
great surprise there was Roberto Blanco sitting back to back with
it seems that he also knows the good points for having dinner.

Finally we finished the day at O’Reillys…

8th june 1999

Really good day. no further comment,
those one of you will know.

More Final Fantasy to become relaxed….

7th june 1999

Discovered that my Boogie-MySQL script is broken !!!!
AHHHHH !!!! PANIC !!!!!!!
Had no time to fix this yet.

Worked overtime, because I had to do some reboots and patches
to our biggest netware server.
I can’t believe Novell released a patch for 3.x/4.x which
exactly describes our problems, just 5 days ago, for a
which is almost 5 years old. Ts ts ts….

But anyway, the patch doesn’t work…. Sad(((

6th june 1999

Played Final Fantasy VII…. bad idea….
5 hours later wrote the diary for last week,
and gone to bed. Winking

Tried to get the G2-Player to work.
But, you can’t register without connection
to the internet VIA PROXY in my case.
But, you cannot save the configured proxy
as long as you’re not registered.

So what should I do ?

>rm /home/andy/G2-*.tgz

Who needs Web videos ?
I’ve got television… Happy))))

5th june 1999

Some more HTML writing for Stun.de.

Joined the Union Move, Munichs own LoveParade.
Much noise, techno music is getting boring…

Had nice dinner with Tom in the Outback australian bar.
(Nice memories….)

Finished the day with an ultra strong peppermint tea
in the Marrakesh at the Kunstpark Ost.

4th june 1999

Included different News-Tickers on the Linux.Stun.de
pages to automatically generate news pages via PHP3.

Tried to set up bugzilla, but my perl modules for apache
seem to fail…. I HATE IT !
New compilation again ?
I already wrote a 3 KB script to do this for me,
because it takes too long time to do everything
by hand if there’s an error while compiling.

3rd june 1999

Wrote some cluster pages for Linux.Stun.de

Played around with on-the-fly button generation
with TTF fonts via PHP3.

More Final Fantasy VII… I wonder how this would look
like on a playstation/2. Photorealistic ?

2nd june 1999

Big problems compiling DBI, the MySQL modules and
Chart. Also GD doesn’t seem to work on GLIBC2.1

1st june 1999

Installed new RC5 clients.
Updated TWIG.

Diary Import June 1999

30th june 1999

Installed the UdmSearch-Engine on WWW.Stun.de, which IMHO is much
better and lightning
faster than the Excite WS one. It works with PHP3 and MySQL and the
generated Index is
much smaller. (And it’s small and fast, a russian program, perfect

Installed the UdmSearch-Engine also on my local machine and deleted
It’s so much space now Winking

I finally found a useful howto to the gnuplot tool, although
everything is written
in japanese there, I had no big problems to find the right
Fixed the gnuplot date display and finished the Linux-Developement
graph script.
Also did some minor updates to the virtual webserver statistic
graphs, more space
on the left side, lines instead of boxes and smaller zoom.

Now localized all my dual celeron project components, so I can buy
them this week,
maybe. I’m just thinking if it’s not better to buy an alpha machine
for almost the
same money ? Board+533Alpha=2400.- DM 2Cel466+Board+Socket=1600.-
DM ????? Hmmm.

29th june 1999

“Expect” is still not working, out of PTY’s, I can’t believe
I compiled in 512 now in the kernel, instead of the usual
and my former 64 setting. So there must be a library problem
Obviously in libexpect5.28.so.

Finally I’m ill. And I feel much down….

28th june 1999

Started programming of the Kernel-Developement Graph Plotter,
and it works, except for the Gnuplot date axis.
Can someone help me with this please, the demo code from NASA
is gone, and I almost gave up hacking to format the x-axis
as a date graph. “set timefmt” and “set xdata time” doesn’t

Wrote a shellscript to tail-f the actual RC5 Proxylog.
Fascinated by the ease of use I’ll complete a HTML generation
in the next days I guess.

Downloaded some new japanese songs from Riechan.
Of course using Greed and not a browser.

Rebootet my machine, and see …. no more IP delayed timing
problems. So I hope that someone keeps tracking this
after some productiv uptime. In my case 7 days and high load
up to 3.2 and little network traffic 260kB/s was enough.

27th june 1999

Enhanced the spidercode and wrote some howtos.
Updated the Stun.de Hardware Page.

Mirrored some of the japanese cooking pages from the web.

Transferred the completed Boogie BIO’s to Boogie.Stun.de.

Copied my digital photos to Andys.Stun.de.

26th june 1999

More programming for www.stun.de. This time, did some updates
to the linux news section, with complete rewrite of the
and polling code. Now it’s much more efficient, and no more
timeouts can occur. Also included the spider tracking engine,
which should end in a statistic page to count browser usage.

25th june 1999

Took a lot of pictures with the digital camera in our garden,
and discovered that transferring the pictures via the
of my laptop really is the final, solution.
(Accessing via drive letter, cool, and lightning fast.
No chance for USB and ASYNC.)

Did a lot of PHP3-programming for www.stun.de, (admins) see
last.php3 page for the code. It accepts a path value which
all files in this path with the last modified date and
changing colors for updates within the last day, week or
Further I included a nameserver-query page, and a manual page
also just for admins.

24th june 1999

“It’s Backupday, my favourite day…” Winking (Do you know
Bastard Operator from Hell?)
Again started backup on 60m tapes and it now works.

After tetsting Kernel 2.2.10 for a while, it seems that the IP
timing problem
from 2.2.2 is back. So I think we stay on 2.2.9 with the DoS
security patch
on WWW.Stun.de.

Got my Digital camera today, a Kodak DC240 and shot a lot of
pictures, but I
cannot publish them yet, first because of to less diskspace on
netsurf, and
second because of the nonworking gphoto.
By the way, serial transmission costs so much power that I want to
wait for
USB support being stable under Linux.

Finally gave up playing with the camera because the bundled video
cable is
for the DC265 and not DC240. Great ! Sad

My ISP Netsurf is again unreachable, so that’s finally why it has
become more
cheap last month.

23rd june 1999

Bought one of these always talking furbies, to got some
when hacking on my boogie code. Ups, he’s awake again… saying
“Huu !”
I think I’ll connect him to the computer someday and enhance

Sent away the embassy-papers and package for Aya.

Found a lot of circuits on the internet for building small
I printed them all and will start reconstructing some of

Switched two netware servers from token-ring to

Backuped WWW.Stun.de, and encountered problems with 120m tapes. Hmm

Got NFS working on Zuse1 to backup from WWW.Stun.de.

“Furby is going to sleep, now…. ts ts ts, great entertainment”

Downloaded gphoto, and discovered that the Kodak DC240
is not even comitted in the CVS tree. Maybe in a few weeks…

22nd june 1999

Bought some of the last components for my MP3-Player.

Did some minor updates to the boogie pages on Boogie.Stun.de.

Will compile 2.2.10 for WWW.Stun.de this evening, I guess.
(I didn’t.)

21st june 1999

Ordered my digital still cam Kodak DC240. But I do hard,
waiting….. Winking

Sound doesn’t work anymore, with 2.2.10… hmmm, looks like a
problem. Had no time yet to track down further.

My notice is now official, and everyone knows that I quit my old

The embassy papers for Aya are on their way. Hopefully.

(So I hope everyone can understand my stress in the last weeks, and
there are not that much boogie updates as usual in the last
Sorry guys.)

Internet works this evening, and people who must know, told me that
german IN-XS, one of the major german internet backbones, got
Happy)) Wow, this is how it must be the day
after. (Just additionally
without telephone and electric power.) Hmm, not nice. Sad

20th june 1999

Still no connection to the internet.

Uli called me and ask for Netsurf (our internet provider)
20 minutes after KAP called me and asked the same.
Maybe it would be better if I do the support for Netsurf,
by myself ??? Happy))))) Am I callcenter or what ?

I start to wonder why my provider decreased the monthly fee.

Reyk also called me, at night, if I can access their webpages
(online stocks) and he sounded quite nervous…. keep cool,
it seems that the whole german internet or at least some of
bigger providers are heavily knocked out.

Is that the punishment for not joining the internet
day a week ago ????

Uli PPPpolled my machine and downloaded the new linux kernel
via FTP. So who needs providers, we can do it by ourselves.

Therefore nothing to do. Tried to upgrade to the new
but it doesn’t seem to work. It’s still invalid argument,
even when completely new created.

19th june 1999

A hard they working, almost 14 hours.
After upgrading some SCSI-drivers I experienced a BIOS
which doesn’t allow my old drivers to run on an old
very obscure… I’ll write an explanation on monday, I think.

Bad day. My internet connection is broken….
And my RC5 is running out of keys.

18th june 1999

Today I got my MP3 hardware for constructing my own player,
but I’m missing some minor components as well as a software
run it from linux.

17th june 1999

Sent my notice today.

Big shopping for suit and shoes.

16th june 1999

Emergency call at 4AM, uhh I hate that.
Slept the rest of the day.

When I woke up it was time to compile 2.2.10

15th june 1999

Got all the documents from the foreign office.
Now it’s Aya’s turn, and mine for insurance.

14th june 1999

Tried to get the visa application for Aya at the foreign
but I missed to bring some important documents….
Sooooo, I’ll try again tomorrow maybe. Hopefully.

Developed a new feature for linux.stun.de which is a
prediction for the upcoming linux kernels.
It looks nice as an excel diagram, but now it has to be
in mathematical functions used by PHP3.

Got mail from Aya. Yeah !!!!!!!!
She’s working so hard 13.6hours on one day this week……
I think most europeans would go crazy…… like me….

Finished converting the boogie biography database which is
exactly 300KB in size. Now the next step will be to include
the update from my huge eMail archive, and after the event
will be a big step, supporter and contacts db will follow

13th june 1999

Gone for vietnamese dinner by bike together with Tom, and
we enjoyed mixed meat/fish soup-fondue.

The last students festival day, really nice again…
I hope that Aya will join me to go there in the next year.

Downloaded GREED which makes it possible to do HTTP and FTP
batch transfers via cron. This method is much better than
getting news from various sites directly via PHP3.
Now there’s no possibility of long timeouts when some of
the server side included (remote)files are not available.

No more programming this night, soooo tired…..

12th june 1999

Did some more updates to the boogie database which is now
and including the letters H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,T,U,V,W,X and
Or to make it more simple, everything except letter S which
the most bio-information(too much conversion needed).

I also had to repair a part of the database after I
that the FaceMySQL-Scripts don’t care how much entries will
updated if you don’t select via the primary key.
(LIMIT=1 would have been enough for my needs…. ts ts ts…)

Also discovered that some players are missing, hmmm….
how could that happen ? I don’t even copy and paste
instead I write batches from the old pages.

11th june 1999

Did some conversions on the boogie database and created a new
table for credits and supporters.
Letter A,B,C,D,E,F,G and Z are finished now. Hard work….
The current database size is 110KB now.

After repairing some crashed servers at work, I went to the
Stustaculum (Annual Students Festival) see: Program
and I met there with Thomas.

10th june 1999

Answered a lot of boogie mails…
no time for programming….

Installed SPDIF for digital audio copy from PC(MP3) to MD,
but had no time yet to test it.

From today on there’s a big student event until sunday,
try searching for StuStaCulum 99 on Excite.de to see the
program. About 50 bands playing all for free.

I’ll go there with Thomas and Gerd from tomorrow on.
I hope the wheater stays a little bit sunny these days.

9th june 1999

Had much stress at work because of a few more server crashes
emergency meetings.

Reyk visited me at work and presented me his new digital still
Wow, I hope that you can get a linux driver for that.
Try looking for gPhoto on the web.

After work we went together to the Shoya Sushi bar, and to
great surprise there was Roberto Blanco sitting back to back with
it seems that he also knows the good points for having dinner.

Finally we finished the day at O’Reillys…

8th june 1999

Really good day. no further comment,
those one of you will know.

More Final Fantasy to become relaxed….

7th june 1999

Discovered that my Boogie-MySQL script is broken !!!!
AHHHHH !!!! PANIC !!!!!!!
Had no time to fix this yet.

Worked overtime, because I had to do some reboots and patches
to our biggest netware server.
I can’t believe Novell released a patch for 3.x/4.x which
exactly describes our problems, just 5 days ago, for a
which is almost 5 years old. Ts ts ts….

But anyway, the patch doesn’t work…. Sad(((

6th june 1999

Played Final Fantasy VII…. bad idea….
5 hours later wrote the diary for last week,
and gone to bed. Winking

Tried to get the G2-Player to work.
But, you can’t register without connection
to the internet VIA PROXY in my case.
But, you cannot save the configured proxy
as long as you’re not registered.

So what should I do ?

>rm /home/andy/G2-*.tgz

Who needs Web videos ?
I’ve got television… Happy))))

5th june 1999

Some more HTML writing for Stun.de.

Joined the Union Move, Munichs own LoveParade.
Much noise, techno music is getting boring…

Had nice dinner with Tom in the Outback australian bar.
(Nice memories….)

Finished the day with an ultra strong peppermint tea
in the Marrakesh at the Kunstpark Ost.

4th june 1999

Included different News-Tickers on the Linux.Stun.de
pages to automatically generate news pages via PHP3.

Tried to set up bugzilla, but my perl modules for apache
seem to fail…. I HATE IT !
New compilation again ?
I already wrote a 3 KB script to do this for me,
because it takes too long time to do everything
by hand if there’s an error while compiling.

3rd june 1999

Wrote some cluster pages for Linux.Stun.de

Played around with on-the-fly button generation
with TTF fonts via PHP3.

More Final Fantasy VII… I wonder how this would look
like on a playstation/2. Photorealistic ?

2nd june 1999

Big problems compiling DBI, the MySQL modules and
Chart. Also GD doesn’t seem to work on GLIBC2.1

1st june 1999

Installed new RC5 clients.
Updated TWIG.