Virtualization @ MacMini

This weekend I spent some time playing with virtual machines on my
Intel-Mac.Due to the lack of virtualization support in the current Mac OS X
release, rumors say it might be introduced in the next major
release of Mac OS Leopard, the only way to run another operating
system simlutanously is by using a virtual machine emulation
For example: QEMU or its Mac pendant Q
Q is optimized for speed on Mac hardware and already available as a
universal binary, which means that it will provide near native
performance for x86-architecture based operating systems like
Windows, or a linux distribution running beside Mac OS, e.g. Gentoo
Linux Winking as it doesn’t need to translate all the
CPU operations to a foreign architecture.
Q makes everything amazingly easy. Just download a OS-system image
from or any usual installer-cd.iso, setup a
harddisk-image by entering the amount of MBytes and boot.
Q Screenshot 4

I tried Gentoo 2006 and ReactOS (a WinNT-Clone) and both work
perfectly and quiet fast besides Mac OS.

But right after installing the MacOS provided X11-package, I asked
myself, why I would need another OS.
I found no reason.
Virtual machines shutdown.
Mac OS is simply great.

I’m not missing a single application that I had used before on
win/linux, and thanks to Apples Xcode (IDE) I will write my own
application if I’ll feel that I would miss something.

Apple, Intel,
good job.

Virtualization @ MacMini

This weekend I spent some time playing with virtual machines on my
Intel-Mac.Due to the lack of virtualization support in the current Mac OS X
release, rumors say it might be introduced in the next major
release of Mac OS Leopard, the only way to run another operating
system simlutanously is by using a virtual machine emulation
For example: QEMU or its Mac pendant Q
Q is optimized for speed on Mac hardware and already available as a
universal binary, which means that it will provide near native
performance for x86-architecture based operating systems like
Windows, or a linux distribution running beside Mac OS, e.g. Gentoo
Linux Winking as it doesn’t need to translate all the
CPU operations to a foreign architecture.
Q makes everything amazingly easy. Just download a OS-system image
from or any usual installer-cd.iso, setup a
harddisk-image by entering the amount of MBytes and boot.
Q Screenshot 4

I tried Gentoo 2006 and ReactOS (a WinNT-Clone) and both work
perfectly and quiet fast besides Mac OS.

But right after installing the MacOS provided X11-package, I asked
myself, why I would need another OS.
I found no reason.
Virtual machines shutdown.
Mac OS is simply great.

I’m not missing a single application that I had used before on
win/linux, and thanks to Apples Xcode (IDE) I will write my own
application if I’ll feel that I would miss something.

Apple, Intel,
good job.

Virtualization @ MacMini

This weekend I spent some time playing with virtual machines on my

Due to the lack of virtualization support in the current Mac OS X
release, rumors say it might be introduced in the next major
release of Mac OS Leopard, the only way to run another operating
system simlutanously is by using a virtual machine emulation
For example: QEMU or its Mac pendant Q
Q is optimized for speed on Mac hardware and already available as a
universal binary, which means that it will provide near native
performance for x86-architecture based operating systems like
Windows, or a linux distribution running beside Mac OS, e.g. Gentoo
Linux Winking as it doesn’t need to translate all the
CPU operations to a foreign architecture.
Q makes everything amazingly easy. Just download a OS-system image
from or any usual installer-cd.iso, setup a
harddisk-image by entering the amount of MBytes and boot.
Q Screenshot 4

I tried Gentoo 2006 and ReactOS (a WinNT-Clone) and both work
perfectly and quiet fast besides Mac OS.

But right after installing the MacOS provided X11-package, I asked
myself, why I would need another OS.
I found no reason.
Virtual machines shutdown.
Mac OS is simply great.

I’m not missing a single application that I had used before on
win/linux, and thanks to Apples Xcode (IDE) I will write my own
application if I’ll feel that I would miss something.

Apple, Intel,
good job.

Todays special: Mac Mini – Intel Style

Year after year I enviously watch he
development on Apple’s newest Mac creations, Mac OS X, iPod’s,
iMac’s, Mac mini and this year finally Apple decided to switch over
processor technology from PowerPC over to Intel CPU’s.

The biggest showstopper for me was their high selling prices . But
with their new Intel Core chips which you can’t buy yet for the PC
market, and a relatively low price for a new revolutionary
technology assembled together in a tiny little box, I couldn’t any
longer resist buying a Mac mini.

Calculating together all the pieces, shows that the price is fair
enough to buy, and as usual for Apple you can count on reliable
prices for a long time period. So, if you buy later, it will cost
almost the same and you will miss the technology advantage.
Compared to other processors, the Intel Core definitely has it’s
place, especially compared to power consumption (31Watts).

So here’re some pictures of my new baby, the Mac mini Core

A new mac fan.

Todays special: Mac Mini – IntelStyle

Year after year I enviously watch he
development on Apple’s newest Mac creations, Mac OS X, iPod’s,
iMac’s, Mac mini and this year finally Apple decided to switch over
processor technology from PowerPC over to Intel CPU’s.The biggest showstopper for me was their high selling prices . But
with their new Intel Core chips which you can’t buy yet for the PC
market, and a relatively low price for a new revolutionary
technology assembled together in a tiny little box, I couldn’t any
longer resist buying a Mac mini.

Calculating together all the pieces, shows that the price is fair
enough to buy, and as usual for Apple you can count on reliable
prices for a long time period. So, if you buy later, it will cost
almost the same and you will miss the technology advantage.
Compared to other processors, the Intel Core definitely has it’s
place, especially compared to power consumption (31Watts).

So here’re some pictures of my new baby, the Mac mini Core

A new mac fan.

Support privacy !

This time I want to encourage all
folks of you owning a router which is capable of running the
OpenWrt system.What you need:
OpenWrt can be installed on many different router-hardware.
See here for a list of supported devices.

What you get:
Compared to other router system-software, OpenWrt by default is a
very slim system. You can think of “minimalistic”=”more

Almost everything you’ll ever need can be simply installed as
packages or compiled by yourself. (e.g. a webserver/VoIP-proxy

For GUI-enthusiasts the white-russian-release also offers the
possibility to update, and configure your router via web-interface,
although most of you people will be happy to have ssh-access and
therefore full control over you linux-routerdevice.

Getting even more:
Most of the listed hardware devices, can use external or internal
memory-sticks, sd-cards or at least nfs or samba shares, to install
more software or hold more data accessible from your router.

How you can help:
Back to my initial thought for this blogentry.
As your router is usually up 24/7, and most people have flatrates,
there’s a great possibility to support the TOR network by
installing a tor-server on your router and use it(or not) from
within your LAN by accessing privoxy on your router to browse the
web anonymously for example.

What is TOR:
TOR (The Onion Router network) is a concept to tunnel
networktraffic through multiple other nodes before connecting to
the final destination node. That way it will be harder for
evesdroppers to trace your origin IP-address, and for hosters more
safe to offer content without the danger of being shutdown when a
server-ip might get blocked by someone.

Further you can provide access to the whole internet, dedicated
services or even dedicated addresses through your own TOR
If you don’t want others to use your router to access the internet,
you can just contribute as a tunnel-peer for other

Where to get:
All required packages for OpenWrt-capable routers can be found here
and a precompiled privoxy-package here.

I’m addicted:
Of course you can do even more crazy stuff with OpenWrt see

Peace !

Support privacy !

This time I want to encourage all
folks of you owning a router which is capable of running the
OpenWrt system.

What you need:
OpenWrt can be installed on many different router-hardware.
See here for a list of supported devices.

What you get:
Compared to other router system-software, OpenWrt by default is a
very slim system. You can think of “minimalistic”=”more

Almost everything you’ll ever need can be simply installed as
packages or compiled by yourself. (e.g. a webserver/VoIP-proxy

For GUI-enthusiasts the white-russian-release also offers the
possibility to update, and configure your router via web-interface,
although most of you people will be happy to have ssh-access and
therefore full control over you linux-routerdevice.

Getting even more:
Most of the listed hardware devices, can use external or internal
memory-sticks, sd-cards or at least nfs or samba shares, to install
more software or hold more data accessible from your router.

How you can help:
Back to my initial thought for this blogentry.
As your router is usually up 24/7, and most people have flatrates,
there’s a great possibility to support the TOR network by
installing a tor-server on your router and use it(or not) from
within your LAN by accessing privoxy on your router to browse the
web anonymously for example.

What is TOR:
TOR (The Onion Router network) is a concept to tunnel
networktraffic through multiple other nodes before connecting to
the final destination node. That way it will be harder for
evesdroppers to trace your origin IP-address, and for hosters more
safe to offer content without the danger of being shutdown when a
server-ip might get blocked by someone.

Further you can provide access to the whole internet, dedicated
services or even dedicated addresses through your own TOR
If you don’t want others to use your router to access the internet,
you can just contribute as a tunnel-peer for other

Where to get:
All required packages for OpenWrt-capable routers can be found here
and a precompiled privoxy-package here.

I’m addicted:
Of course you can do even more crazy stuff with OpenWrt see

Peace !