Category Archives: Archive

Diary Import October 1999

26th october 1999

(The day is long Aya)

25th october 1999

Improved my SQL firewall pages.

Compiling 2.2.13 for zuse and maybe for too.

24th october 1999

Big cleaning up day again.

Some new cooking experiments. Happy) hmm.. delicious…

23rd october 1999

Big cleaning up day,
And another shelf free for Aya.

Aya’s leaving today, and going to Malaysia for shopping and
a last relaxing before language school. Enjoy !!!! Winking Kiss.

22nd october 1999

Did Sunscan 2.3B on all of my sparcy-firewalls. Passed !

Wrote an interface to search inside of the firewall logfiles
of course using PHP3 and all the logs written to the MySQL
Just half an hour work…. Happy))) Cool.

21st october 1999

My parents left this morning for holiday in egypt.

Managing service contracts with SUN.

Finally I’m allowed to use PHP3 and MySQL at work…. Sad((((
GRRRRRRRRRRRR………. now !!!!! that I’m almost finished
all that script using flat files !!!!!!!!! Jesus !!!!!!!!!

20th october 1999

Wrote documentation for all my firewall-scripts.

Linux 2.2.13 is out…. hmmm… a little bit late to install on
What do you think Reyk and Gerd ?

Gone to dinner with my parents because they go on holiday
I wonder which they forget something or not. As usual Happy

19th october 1999

A little (big) outage in one of our partners site Happy))
Hey Mr. Firewall… there’s something wrong no more packets
And in fact… it wasn’t the firewal, it wasn’t the communication
it wasn’t an power failure… just another cisco byte the dust

Bought something nice for Aya. Happy For XMAS of course.

18th october 1999

Big Y2K Novell meeting at work…. this red-package stuff is
chasing me… Happy))

Wrote a script to analase the firewall rule usage to see or
manage performance optimization.

17th october 1999

Installed a new mixing tap in the bathroom and also a new
Wow 9 different ways of having a shower Happy a lot of massage functions
really interesting this shower-developement Happy

Replaced a few parts of my room-seperators, now it’s much more
to slide and installed distance plates for the two iron

Watched so many japanese movies and documentations on
…oh this will take a long time to fully understand the

16th october 1999

Our family visit left this morning, and COLT Telecom is burrying
new fiber
cables in front of my house. Happy)) If they’ll tell me which one of these
of fibers is my gigabit internet connection Happy)))))))))))

15th october 1999

Set up the Cannaserver on Linux. Now my japanese dictionaries are
german, english and japanese, with Kana and Kanji input Happy)))) Yippie !!!

14th october 1999

Installed 4.7 again, now with a little bit more priviledges.
Happy LC25

More updates for and some last configuration steps
before the
installation in Frankfurt.

13th october 1999

Installed netscape 4.7 at work, without being administrator…. big
now my NT is a little bit confused. Time to hack a little

Two new developement kernels released… we’re now up on

Oh my head…. too much party yesterday.

12th october 1999

My trukish coworker gave a party because of quitting his old
and after that it’s my moms 50th birthday. Big family

What a day.

11th october 1999

Solved the ssh problem on Connections are no longer
refused, when we’re using
dynamic IP ranges. Net-fu is broken… hmmm… don’t know

Kernel 2.4 will be already released in november 1999, hmmm… nice,
so I can introduce
Aya into newest technology from beginning.

10th october 1999

Today our scientific institutes are opened for the masses.
So I’ll go and see what our nuclear-fission reactor is doing.
(I just hope that they can finish in my lifetime….)

Discussed some of my visions of nuclear fusion, and again I feel
like they don’t
want to hear new theories. Maybe they’re all to horny doing
practical experiments,
than thinking about easier, not yet realizable theories.

2.3.20 released yesterday…. boys… you make me trouble…
doing updates for the kernelgrapher.

9th october 1999

Bought a new pillow for Aya… sorry I couldn’t find a plastic one
as in Japan,
do you agree on feathers ?

Reyk called me on the phone and agreed to install the
server in
Frankfurt on 28th.

Gerd agreed to be available on 28th for testing with the server
from Munich.

Had big fun together with Gerd and Eva at Shananigans Irish
where Mane Maniac played live guitar and harmonica blues.
And bought two CD’s Happy

8th october 1999

FTP-Problem solved, now it’s officially a software bug on the
clients FTP.
And thanks to standards, we’re not allowed to use a different
because of some software contracts…. Happy))) Another point for commercial….
(negative, of course)

Tonight there’s an ANIME special on TV, most thing in original
japanese audio
with german subtitles. Cool for learning languages I think,
especially for
learning slang.

Managed my holiday so that I can pickup Aya in Frankfurt on

7th october 1999

Our big ftp transfer problem is escalating today, and we finally
found out why
it doesn’t work. It’s clear now that netmanage’s chameleon ftp
can’t handle
passive ftp transfer correctly. When we installed WS_FTP the
problem was gone.
Bullshit ! I can’t understand why all these people just want to use
products, because of support they all say…. yeah… fuck… Not
one word about
bugs, only fixes and new features published. Every single shareware
or freeware
is better documented and support than that fucking commercial
And then the customers make me responsible if something doens’t
Fuck ! I can’t do anything when those assheads don’t know how to
write correct code !
And you customers…. you wanted that shit from MS !
So don’t blame me !

6th october 1999

Forgot to mention that 2.3.19 is out, and on cutting edge you can
read the fascinating
release date(time) 4-Oct-99 24:44 Happy))))))) yeah 24:44
Oh my god…. others are figthing with Y2K problems and we didn’t
recognize that we
already have to work 25 per day now ! Happy)))))

At work there’s more and more shit stacking….
Anyway, I feel very good at the moment, I need this

5th october 1999

Had an almost perfect day, I feel so much energy…
everything went fine. Solved a severe firewall problem with active
FTP connections
to well known services. Went to the companies doctor and he said
that I’m in good
condition and the sight of my eyes is almost as sharp as the sight
of an eagle.

Compiled Nedit for AIX today, and rm vi Laugh Not really….

More radioactive shit happened, this time in south korea.
And in London a train crash occured…

4th october 1999

What a week, so many ANIME in original japanese language on TV, I
have to record
all of them, for Aya and me. (Nice to learn languages by reading
subtitles in german)

Discovered a collection of precompiled CPAN modules, wow that fixes
my union semun
problems…. Happy Tricky !

There’s another date of installation in
If everything goes ok, I’ll install the server together with Reyk
on 27th october
this time, I’ll drive by myself and the day after in the very early
I can pick up my lovely girl from airport. Kiss 😡 !!!!!!

Greenpeace says still four times higher radioacivity in Tokaimura
but all people
are already back in their usual life, becuase the government said
it’s already over.

3rd october 1999

Still birthdayparty-damaged…

Have to go to Oktoberfest today, with my coworkers…. oh how I
hate Oktoberfest,
and next year I have to show Aya. I wish I could get just one year

Aya wrote me strange mails, I don’t know what she means, and I
don’t feel
good by reading them….
I guess my answer are not much better in meaning….
maybe it’s all because of culture difference.

Hey you people out there, how do you manage culture problems inside
relationship ? I can’t stand that japanese “saying nothing, block
behaviour any longer. Am I the only one, or is it my fault ?

2nd october 1999

Big birthday-party of one of my coworkers, I hope it’s not getting
too late
tonight. Everyone of us has prepared a little poem, song or
Will be nice I guess.

Ohhhh… my head…. someone switch off that light, and kill that
noise in my head.

1st october 1999

Discovered lots of dictionaries on the net, but everything
but I need unencrypted versions for my CGI-Server.

Played around with XJdic.

Diary Import September 1999

30th september 1999

Biggest nuclear accident in Japan ever, and it’s close to where Aya
I go crazy….. come to me… now !!!!!!!!!!!!

29th september 1999

The firewall upgrade semmed successful, just a few small glitches

Discovered a perl script to convert web-pages into palm doc
and all that via the CGI interface…. hmmm looks like something

The Yen is falling, hopefully keeps falling. Now 1.74,
against last weeks high at 1.80, so Aya should get much more Yen
for my DM.

Did go to swimming with my dad, but oh surprise, it was closed due

28th september 1999

Finished the insurance for Aya, my train abo and ordered another
key for my

Another Firewall Upgrade today, and guess, more problems.
But anyway not so much surprising, everything was solved within 2
Who’s the King eh ???? Winking

Met with Reyk and Babsi and had dinner at India Town.

27th september 1999

Prepared the firewall upgrade for tomorrow, and also had little
stress with
SecurID Authentication problems.

Gave up trying to set more different timezones on MS PC’s. xclock
works fine
when TZ is exported and the OS supports it, other than on AIX.

Got a fresh haircut… yes, I’ll never look like Alan… I wish I

Finished the outlook calendar export perl script to generate a HTML

26th september 1999

Too bad weather for flying around somewhere, so everything is

ReInstalled the room seperator because the first version wasn’t
stable enough, the specification says up to 150kg load for tighten
the iron rope
but in real my ceiling seems to be less specified. Laugh

My parents visited me todays most interest to the room seperator I

Finished downloading Turbolinux-J, 421MB synchronized.

Thomas joined our team.

25th september 1999

320MB synchronized so far. I think the biggest part is over, so I
guess installing
TurboLinux-J will occure next week.

Will buy some stuff for my flat today, my parents discovered a new
asian collection
of furniture, which might fit. Let’s see.

Back in. Found a lot of thinks, most dishes and cups but also my
room seperator
finally. I don’t think Aya likes it, but… who cares Winking
Anyway, I like it.

Will fly around castle Neuschwanstein tomorrow.
My coworker has a flight license and offered to my parents too, to
do a short
trip around the block. We’ll fly from Augsburg airport, time to
flush my digital cam.

24th september 1999

4 hours is not enough sleep for me. I need 18 at least…. a koalas
average… Happy

Have to get up early just in case something bad is
happening with this yesterdays night firewall upgrade.
And wonder, everything went fine.

The group was founded today, our team number is:

Anyway I’m so tired now and going to bed, before lunch.
Good night.

23rd september 1999

Got up really late today, because this will be a long night
upgrading firewalls.

So far everything went fine, the OS update is almost
finished, but the patches seem to be a little problem.
Also got that interface plumbing problem again.
Plus the routes disappeared…

The rest of the fw upgrade was easy….

So I should find more sleep this night than I expected.

22nd september 1999

Another firewall-migration successfully TESTED, the hot action is
planned for

Signed in for accounts on linuxtoday and which now has a
designeable layout. Good work, guys ! I’m wondering when site-fu is

No swimming today, because Reyk is ill, and Thomas is busy.

152MB of the japanese TurboLinux 4 synchronized. I guess I’m
already finished
to the end of next week.

21st september 1999

Another Solaris upgrade and lots of patchinstalls to upgrade on of
old firewalls. Also fixed the Authentication problems by installing
latest service pack…… damn…. most of the interface names are
Plus had to open a support-case, because reserved tokens like
obviously for “Friday” cannot be used WITHIN objectnames like
A temporary workaround may be to set up cnames in DNS for those

The ncftp script is running fine.
Already 85MB of the TurboLinux-J 4.0 synchronized.

Invited Simone and Ralph to Shoya japanese restaurant.

20th september 1999

Bought Aya’s learning books today. Woo, really heavy

Another firewall upgrade today, but now the machine seems to
halt when loading the ruleset in version 4 syntax, version 3
instead works without problems.
Plus tons of compilation errors on authentication symbols.

Tried to purchase the japanese Turbolinux somewhere, bot
So I created a list with files for automatic retrievement.
14 days I guess and I’m up to date synchronized with that

19th september 1999

Wacthed the oktoberfest parade on tv and recorded on tape for

BBQ in the garden…

Aya wrote today… it seems she’s getting more nervous, at least I
so. If I would move to another country I would be in more panic

Saw the beautiful fireworks at the oktoberfest from my

18th september 1999

Got the letter from school. but guess…..
Now I know (what I already knew) school starts on november the
But nothing else. HEY GUYS ARE YOU NUTS ?????????????
I wanted to know which books and what I have to pay
Stupid people may never disappear….. Sad((((((((((

17th september 1999

I’m going crazy with Aya’s language school, they said that they
sent me the reservation and infos. But I didn’t get
So I told them yesterday to send me again and where I can buy the
and how much I have to pay for the course fee.
But nothing yet…..

16th september 1999

Wrote a lot of documentation today, and rearranged a lot of
rules. Also added some of my own inspiration (new, missing

Started a new project: Test your english, for germans, so
english-experts. Check here.

15th september 1999

Dokumented the upgraded firewall. And installed a new version of
for backing up the machine.

Wrote a very long letter, about 10kB to Aya and my computer
before sending !!!!!!!!!!!! I made copy into clipboard but it
gone too. Oh Jesus !!!!!! Someone must be working against me
Anyway, tried to write again, but could only reconstruct 2kB.

Swimming with Tom, I think we missed Reyk. Sorry we’ve been so late
Tried two new cocktails at the Thai-restaurant after
Ohhhhh, my head…… bad idea.

14th september 1999

Tried to unite the worlds of Solaris and AIX for
purposes, but ended up in to seperate versions after two

Upgraded our first productive Firewall to version 4.
Absolutely no problems except the differnent paths,
again different on Solaris and AIX as well as for version 3.

13th september 1999

Urgently had to update the kernel grapher because we already
2.3.18. WOW.

A lot of preparations for tomorrows Firewall upgrade.
Backup day, my favourite day…. BOFH Winking

RC5 is running better since I got back two machines working on

Surfed a lot looking for japanese culture pages, to prepare and
a little bit more. Found many interesting sites.
And the best of all:
Undoutedly the biggest source of Japanese restaurants all over the
also featuring more restaurants in Munich than I ever heard
So I immediately stopped my database project collecting

By the way: Aya, I found Karaoke bar in Munich, they’ve 7000
songs Happy)))) What do you think ? RAP session
someday ?

12th september 1999

Aya wrote today. She worked 13 days without a break, and slept
5 hours per day. Oh my dear I told you not to work so hard !

Made a complete system backup of and start to tar some
of my machine too.

Played with the new /dev/speech device (a perl script to
speech synthesizer) which allows system informations and
simply spoken by redirecting them to /dev/speech.

Next is a basic speech recognition to water my flowers on the
balcony via SNMP. (Sensors are ready, driver is zero-bytes in

11th september 1999

Got visit from our families friends, they have their own
and want to see some parts of the city-life. Beergardens,
and stuff. Anyway enjoyed the stay at chinese tower in the
garden and met my coworker Yann there. Boy the world gets
smaller…. Winking

Improved the japanese capacities of my Linux by adding some
of the japanese Turbolinux to my system. Looks pretty more
than before. Anyway, the kinput2 still crashes GNOME Sad

10th september 1999

Also long day working, fixing yesterdays failed solaris
The problem was a no more working call of ifconfig plumb
halts the whole machine. Crazy ! And the /etc/routes is no
read by the systems rc-files. (Nice if you have a firewall on top)

More and more people start reading my diary, according to the
of eMails sent to me with that subject. I know I should
add more links if I talk about sites and features, but have
people ever heard of search-engines ? I don’t want to collect
of dead links. Try for all your needs.

Still no mail from Aya, I feel down….

9th september 1999

Worked 15 hours today, much SUN problems with quad ethernet
interfaces and
upgrading to solaris 2.6 with unbundeled patches. Thanks to Reyk
for his
support. Anyway, it didn’t work, so I have to get up early the next
and fix our now DOWNED firewall… Sad((((((((((

no more comment….. too tired….

8th september 1999

Ordered our firewall upgrade licenses today. So I’ve got enough to
do in the
next few days. Also tracked down some problems with

Reyk failed again, to appear on our regular wednesday swimming date
Happy But anyway, Tom joined me and was
absolutely fascinated about the
Thai food after. I drunk Mai Thai and (I forgot) cocktails, and
so much flying now…. Happy)))))))) like in holiday….
(Thomas don’t forget to look after my thai-chair. I need that at

Kisses to my lovels cuty lady, and oyasumi, aishiteru.

7th september 1999

Big meeting of all the newcomers at work. Me too. Little bit
Not a good day, everything went wrong.

Power shutdown, and time to upgrade some of our firewalls.
This will be a long long hard working day.
Too late for upgrade SUNOS needed too long to apply all patches so
I had
to brake. And more work and pressure for the next days.

No time left to play tennis against my dad.

Drunk a lot of Magners Vintage Cider at Shananigans Irish Pub
with Tom. He’s really a good friend….. always there to cheer me
Thanks Tom.

6th september 1999

Had a very hard day at work. First programming, and later some not
fascinated coworkers, which tried to make buttons using Gimp.
Oh my god…. I know grey is a wonderful color.. back to the
Anyway as long as my Netfu is running here, and I can make my
beautiful colored logos at home…. Sad(((((((((

Nothing for dinner…. and a bad lunch… anyway not my day.

Tom is unreachable, Reyk busy, my parents away.. and Aya ???

Someone save me from this lonely planet.

5th september 1999

BBQ in the garden, and almost a complete lazy day.

Downloaded a few lyrics for some japanese songs.

4th september 1999

Finished another MD for Aya, this time with german songs.

Played piano the whole day, Westernhagen’s “Kind von gestern”
is now mine Happy)))

The Lotto-Server is unreachable, maybe the jackpot is too big.

And finally updated the diary entries a little bit more.

Tonight Lutz is playing Piano at the Vogler Bar in Munich.
I’ll go there I think.

3rd september 1999

Wrote a new firewall packet statistics grapher. Looks good.

Received my certificate from my old company today. WOW, they
really miss me. Thank you very much for such a good
Almost as much valueable as a harvard exam. Winking

Independant crypto experts discovered backdoors in all
Windows Operating Systems. They say inside the MS-Crypto-API
they disassembled the Security Keys of Microsoft itself, and
the NSA(National Security Agency) the american secret

This could be extremely damage Microsofts Publicity.
I wonder what the Russians, Chinese and maybe the Japanese
to this.

The information was published also on the german Chaos
Club and was checked very careful.

2nd september 1999

Time to play Lotto. 27 Mio. DM, nice if I could have just a

Visited the japanese shop Japanalia today, and they really have a
lot of
things, many kimonos, painting stuff, pottery and so on, up to bed
shelf, paper walls and so on…. Would be big shopping if Aya likes
but I’m not sure that she wants to live japanese style in Germany

Bought new shoes for my upcoming tennis match against my

Gone for portugese dinner with Thomas. Interesting anyway.

1st september 1999

See if my firewall logrotate and the script handle the new
And surprise, they failed. After checking for leading zeros the
seems fixed. Also rolled out an FW-1 V4 version of the user

Played a little bit with 2 Sun 450 and 2 RS6K F50. Nice power for
RC5 Happy))

A lot of trouble with my bank, because of too many (empty)
accounts. Winking crashed (almost) the system showed more and more
plus the init routine died somehow. No shutdown possible and no
WOW. When rebooting with 2.2.12 the system seems more stable,
and mem usage is much less, just 40% now.
Also very obscure, the kernel source tree is a little bit
from my local machine. Time to get a new sourcebranch and
I don’t trust that tripwire indexing, I reinstalled my own
version instead of the RPM.

Waited for Reyk, swimming two hours, but he had no time…

Diary Import September 1999

30th september 1999

Biggest nuclear accident in Japan ever, and it’s close to where Aya
I go crazy….. come to me… now !!!!!!!!!!!!

29th september 1999

The firewall upgrade semmed successful, just a few small glitches

Discovered a perl script to convert web-pages into palm doc
and all that via the CGI interface…. hmmm looks like something

The Yen is falling, hopefully keeps falling. Now 1.74,
against last weeks high at 1.80, so Aya should get much more Yen
for my DM.

Did go to swimming with my dad, but oh surprise, it was closed due

28th september 1999

Finished the insurance for Aya, my train abo and ordered another
key for my

Another Firewall Upgrade today, and guess, more problems.
But anyway not so much surprising, everything was solved within 2
Who’s the King eh ???? Winking

Met with Reyk and Babsi and had dinner at India Town.

27th september 1999

Prepared the firewall upgrade for tomorrow, and also had little
stress with
SecurID Authentication problems.

Gave up trying to set more different timezones on MS PC’s. xclock
works fine
when TZ is exported and the OS supports it, other than on AIX.

Got a fresh haircut… yes, I’ll never look like Alan… I wish I

Finished the outlook calendar export perl script to generate a HTML

26th september 1999

Too bad weather for flying around somewhere, so everything is

ReInstalled the room seperator because the first version wasn’t
stable enough, the specification says up to 150kg load for tighten
the iron rope
but in real my ceiling seems to be less specified. Laugh

My parents visited me todays most interest to the room seperator I

Finished downloading Turbolinux-J, 421MB synchronized.

Thomas joined our team.

25th september 1999

320MB synchronized so far. I think the biggest part is over, so I
guess installing
TurboLinux-J will occure next week.

Will buy some stuff for my flat today, my parents discovered a new
asian collection
of furniture, which might fit. Let’s see.

Back in. Found a lot of thinks, most dishes and cups but also my
room seperator
finally. I don’t think Aya likes it, but… who cares Winking
Anyway, I like it.

Will fly around castle Neuschwanstein tomorrow.
My coworker has a flight license and offered to my parents too, to
do a short
trip around the block. We’ll fly from Augsburg airport, time to
flush my digital cam.

24th september 1999

4 hours is not enough sleep for me. I need 18 at least…. a koalas
average… Happy

Have to get up early just in case something bad is
happening with this yesterdays night firewall upgrade.
And wonder, everything went fine.

The group was founded today, our team number is:

Anyway I’m so tired now and going to bed, before lunch.
Good night.

23rd september 1999

Got up really late today, because this will be a long night
upgrading firewalls.

So far everything went fine, the OS update is almost
finished, but the patches seem to be a little problem.
Also got that interface plumbing problem again.
Plus the routes disappeared…

The rest of the fw upgrade was easy….

So I should find more sleep this night than I expected.

22nd september 1999

Another firewall-migration successfully TESTED, the hot action is
planned for

Signed in for accounts on linuxtoday and which now has a
designeable layout. Good work, guys ! I’m wondering when site-fu is

No swimming today, because Reyk is ill, and Thomas is busy.

152MB of the japanese TurboLinux 4 synchronized. I guess I’m
already finished
to the end of next week.

21st september 1999

Another Solaris upgrade and lots of patchinstalls to upgrade on of
old firewalls. Also fixed the Authentication problems by installing
latest service pack…… damn…. most of the interface names are
Plus had to open a support-case, because reserved tokens like
obviously for “Friday” cannot be used WITHIN objectnames like
A temporary workaround may be to set up cnames in DNS for those

The ncftp script is running fine.
Already 85MB of the TurboLinux-J 4.0 synchronized.

Invited Simone and Ralph to Shoya japanese restaurant.

20th september 1999

Bought Aya’s learning books today. Woo, really heavy

Another firewall upgrade today, but now the machine seems to
halt when loading the ruleset in version 4 syntax, version 3
instead works without problems.
Plus tons of compilation errors on authentication symbols.

Tried to purchase the japanese Turbolinux somewhere, bot
So I created a list with files for automatic retrievement.
14 days I guess and I’m up to date synchronized with that

19th september 1999

Wacthed the oktoberfest parade on tv and recorded on tape for

BBQ in the garden…

Aya wrote today… it seems she’s getting more nervous, at least I
so. If I would move to another country I would be in more panic

Saw the beautiful fireworks at the oktoberfest from my

18th september 1999

Got the letter from school. but guess…..
Now I know (what I already knew) school starts on november the
But nothing else. HEY GUYS ARE YOU NUTS ?????????????
I wanted to know which books and what I have to pay
Stupid people may never disappear….. Sad((((((((((

17th september 1999

I’m going crazy with Aya’s language school, they said that they
sent me the reservation and infos. But I didn’t get
So I told them yesterday to send me again and where I can buy the
and how much I have to pay for the course fee.
But nothing yet…..

16th september 1999

Wrote a lot of documentation today, and rearranged a lot of
rules. Also added some of my own inspiration (new, missing

Started a new project: Test your english, for germans, so
english-experts. Check here.

15th september 1999

Dokumented the upgraded firewall. And installed a new version of
for backing up the machine.

Wrote a very long letter, about 10kB to Aya and my computer
before sending !!!!!!!!!!!! I made copy into clipboard but it
gone too. Oh Jesus !!!!!! Someone must be working against me
Anyway, tried to write again, but could only reconstruct 2kB.

Swimming with Tom, I think we missed Reyk. Sorry we’ve been so late
Tried two new cocktails at the Thai-restaurant after
Ohhhhh, my head…… bad idea.

14th september 1999

Tried to unite the worlds of Solaris and AIX for
purposes, but ended up in to seperate versions after two

Upgraded our first productive Firewall to version 4.
Absolutely no problems except the differnent paths,
again different on Solaris and AIX as well as for version 3.

13th september 1999

Urgently had to update the kernel grapher because we already
2.3.18. WOW.

A lot of preparations for tomorrows Firewall upgrade.
Backup day, my favourite day…. BOFH Winking

RC5 is running better since I got back two machines working on

Surfed a lot looking for japanese culture pages, to prepare and
a little bit more. Found many interesting sites.
And the best of all:
Undoutedly the biggest source of Japanese restaurants all over the
also featuring more restaurants in Munich than I ever heard
So I immediately stopped my database project collecting

By the way: Aya, I found Karaoke bar in Munich, they’ve 7000
songs Happy)))) What do you think ? RAP session
someday ?

12th september 1999

Aya wrote today. She worked 13 days without a break, and slept
5 hours per day. Oh my dear I told you not to work so hard !

Made a complete system backup of and start to tar some
of my machine too.

Played with the new /dev/speech device (a perl script to
speech synthesizer) which allows system informations and
simply spoken by redirecting them to /dev/speech.

Next is a basic speech recognition to water my flowers on the
balcony via SNMP. (Sensors are ready, driver is zero-bytes in

11th september 1999

Got visit from our families friends, they have their own
and want to see some parts of the city-life. Beergardens,
and stuff. Anyway enjoyed the stay at chinese tower in the
garden and met my coworker Yann there. Boy the world gets
smaller…. Winking

Improved the japanese capacities of my Linux by adding some
of the japanese Turbolinux to my system. Looks pretty more
than before. Anyway, the kinput2 still crashes GNOME Sad

10th september 1999

Also long day working, fixing yesterdays failed solaris
The problem was a no more working call of ifconfig plumb
halts the whole machine. Crazy ! And the /etc/routes is no
read by the systems rc-files. (Nice if you have a firewall on top)

More and more people start reading my diary, according to the
of eMails sent to me with that subject. I know I should
add more links if I talk about sites and features, but have
people ever heard of search-engines ? I don’t want to collect
of dead links. Try for all your needs.

Still no mail from Aya, I feel down….

9th september 1999

Worked 15 hours today, much SUN problems with quad ethernet
interfaces and
upgrading to solaris 2.6 with unbundeled patches. Thanks to Reyk
for his
support. Anyway, it didn’t work, so I have to get up early the next
and fix our now DOWNED firewall… Sad((((((((((

no more comment….. too tired….

8th september 1999

Ordered our firewall upgrade licenses today. So I’ve got enough to
do in the
next few days. Also tracked down some problems with

Reyk failed again, to appear on our regular wednesday swimming date
Happy But anyway, Tom joined me and was
absolutely fascinated about the
Thai food after. I drunk Mai Thai and (I forgot) cocktails, and
so much flying now…. Happy)))))))) like in holiday….
(Thomas don’t forget to look after my thai-chair. I need that at

Kisses to my lovels cuty lady, and oyasumi, aishiteru.

7th september 1999

Big meeting of all the newcomers at work. Me too. Little bit
Not a good day, everything went wrong.

Power shutdown, and time to upgrade some of our firewalls.
This will be a long long hard working day.
Too late for upgrade SUNOS needed too long to apply all patches so
I had
to brake. And more work and pressure for the next days.

No time left to play tennis against my dad.

Drunk a lot of Magners Vintage Cider at Shananigans Irish Pub
with Tom. He’s really a good friend….. always there to cheer me
Thanks Tom.

6th september 1999

Had a very hard day at work. First programming, and later some not
fascinated coworkers, which tried to make buttons using Gimp.
Oh my god…. I know grey is a wonderful color.. back to the
Anyway as long as my Netfu is running here, and I can make my
beautiful colored logos at home…. Sad(((((((((

Nothing for dinner…. and a bad lunch… anyway not my day.

Tom is unreachable, Reyk busy, my parents away.. and Aya ???

Someone save me from this lonely planet.

5th september 1999

BBQ in the garden, and almost a complete lazy day.

Downloaded a few lyrics for some japanese songs.

4th september 1999

Finished another MD for Aya, this time with german songs.

Played piano the whole day, Westernhagen’s “Kind von gestern”
is now mine Happy)))

The Lotto-Server is unreachable, maybe the jackpot is too big.

And finally updated the diary entries a little bit more.

Tonight Lutz is playing Piano at the Vogler Bar in Munich.
I’ll go there I think.

3rd september 1999

Wrote a new firewall packet statistics grapher. Looks good.

Received my certificate from my old company today. WOW, they
really miss me. Thank you very much for such a good
Almost as much valueable as a harvard exam. Winking

Independant crypto experts discovered backdoors in all
Windows Operating Systems. They say inside the MS-Crypto-API
they disassembled the Security Keys of Microsoft itself, and
the NSA(National Security Agency) the american secret

This could be extremely damage Microsofts Publicity.
I wonder what the Russians, Chinese and maybe the Japanese
to this.

The information was published also on the german Chaos
Club and was checked very careful.

2nd september 1999

Time to play Lotto. 27 Mio. DM, nice if I could have just a

Visited the japanese shop Japanalia today, and they really have a
lot of
things, many kimonos, painting stuff, pottery and so on, up to bed
shelf, paper walls and so on…. Would be big shopping if Aya likes
but I’m not sure that she wants to live japanese style in Germany

Bought new shoes for my upcoming tennis match against my

Gone for portugese dinner with Thomas. Interesting anyway.

1st september 1999

See if my firewall logrotate and the script handle the new
And surprise, they failed. After checking for leading zeros the
seems fixed. Also rolled out an FW-1 V4 version of the user

Played a little bit with 2 Sun 450 and 2 RS6K F50. Nice power for
RC5 Happy))

A lot of trouble with my bank, because of too many (empty)
accounts. Winking crashed (almost) the system showed more and more
plus the init routine died somehow. No shutdown possible and no
WOW. When rebooting with 2.2.12 the system seems more stable,
and mem usage is much less, just 40% now.
Also very obscure, the kernel source tree is a little bit
from my local machine. Time to get a new sourcebranch and
I don’t trust that tripwire indexing, I reinstalled my own
version instead of the RPM.

Waited for Reyk, swimming two hours, but he had no time…

Diary Import September 1999

30th september 1999

Biggest nuclear accident in Japan ever, and it’s close to where Aya
I go crazy….. come to me… now !!!!!!!!!!!!

29th september 1999

The firewall upgrade semmed successful, just a few small glitches

Discovered a perl script to convert web-pages into palm doc
and all that via the CGI interface…. hmmm looks like something

The Yen is falling, hopefully keeps falling. Now 1.74,
against last weeks high at 1.80, so Aya should get much more Yen
for my DM.

Did go to swimming with my dad, but oh surprise, it was closed due

28th september 1999

Finished the insurance for Aya, my train abo and ordered another
key for my

Another Firewall Upgrade today, and guess, more problems.
But anyway not so much surprising, everything was solved within 2
Who’s the King eh ???? Winking

Met with Reyk and Babsi and had dinner at India Town.

27th september 1999

Prepared the firewall upgrade for tomorrow, and also had little
stress with
SecurID Authentication problems.

Gave up trying to set more different timezones on MS PC’s. xclock
works fine
when TZ is exported and the OS supports it, other than on AIX.

Got a fresh haircut… yes, I’ll never look like Alan… I wish I

Finished the outlook calendar export perl script to generate a HTML

26th september 1999

Too bad weather for flying around somewhere, so everything is

ReInstalled the room seperator because the first version wasn’t
stable enough, the specification says up to 150kg load for tighten
the iron rope
but in real my ceiling seems to be less specified. Laugh

My parents visited me todays most interest to the room seperator I

Finished downloading Turbolinux-J, 421MB synchronized.

Thomas joined our team.

25th september 1999

320MB synchronized so far. I think the biggest part is over, so I
guess installing
TurboLinux-J will occure next week.

Will buy some stuff for my flat today, my parents discovered a new
asian collection
of furniture, which might fit. Let’s see.

Back in. Found a lot of thinks, most dishes and cups but also my
room seperator
finally. I don’t think Aya likes it, but… who cares Winking
Anyway, I like it.

Will fly around castle Neuschwanstein tomorrow.
My coworker has a flight license and offered to my parents too, to
do a short
trip around the block. We’ll fly from Augsburg airport, time to
flush my digital cam.

24th september 1999

4 hours is not enough sleep for me. I need 18 at least…. a koalas
average… Happy

Have to get up early just in case something bad is
happening with this yesterdays night firewall upgrade.
And wonder, everything went fine.

The group was founded today, our team number is:

Anyway I’m so tired now and going to bed, before lunch.
Good night.

23rd september 1999

Got up really late today, because this will be a long night
upgrading firewalls.

So far everything went fine, the OS update is almost
finished, but the patches seem to be a little problem.
Also got that interface plumbing problem again.
Plus the routes disappeared…

The rest of the fw upgrade was easy….

So I should find more sleep this night than I expected.

22nd september 1999

Another firewall-migration successfully TESTED, the hot action is
planned for

Signed in for accounts on linuxtoday and which now has a
designeable layout. Good work, guys ! I’m wondering when site-fu is

No swimming today, because Reyk is ill, and Thomas is busy.

152MB of the japanese TurboLinux 4 synchronized. I guess I’m
already finished
to the end of next week.

21st september 1999

Another Solaris upgrade and lots of patchinstalls to upgrade on of
old firewalls. Also fixed the Authentication problems by installing
latest service pack…… damn…. most of the interface names are
Plus had to open a support-case, because reserved tokens like
obviously for “Friday” cannot be used WITHIN objectnames like
A temporary workaround may be to set up cnames in DNS for those

The ncftp script is running fine.
Already 85MB of the TurboLinux-J 4.0 synchronized.

Invited Simone and Ralph to Shoya japanese restaurant.

20th september 1999

Bought Aya’s learning books today. Woo, really heavy

Another firewall upgrade today, but now the machine seems to
halt when loading the ruleset in version 4 syntax, version 3
instead works without problems.
Plus tons of compilation errors on authentication symbols.

Tried to purchase the japanese Turbolinux somewhere, bot
So I created a list with files for automatic retrievement.
14 days I guess and I’m up to date synchronized with that

19th september 1999

Wacthed the oktoberfest parade on tv and recorded on tape for

BBQ in the garden…

Aya wrote today… it seems she’s getting more nervous, at least I
so. If I would move to another country I would be in more panic

Saw the beautiful fireworks at the oktoberfest from my

18th september 1999

Got the letter from school. but guess…..
Now I know (what I already knew) school starts on november the
But nothing else. HEY GUYS ARE YOU NUTS ?????????????
I wanted to know which books and what I have to pay
Stupid people may never disappear….. Sad((((((((((

17th september 1999

I’m going crazy with Aya’s language school, they said that they
sent me the reservation and infos. But I didn’t get
So I told them yesterday to send me again and where I can buy the
and how much I have to pay for the course fee.
But nothing yet…..

16th september 1999

Wrote a lot of documentation today, and rearranged a lot of
rules. Also added some of my own inspiration (new, missing

Started a new project: Test your english, for germans, so
english-experts. Check here.

15th september 1999

Dokumented the upgraded firewall. And installed a new version of
for backing up the machine.

Wrote a very long letter, about 10kB to Aya and my computer
before sending !!!!!!!!!!!! I made copy into clipboard but it
gone too. Oh Jesus !!!!!! Someone must be working against me
Anyway, tried to write again, but could only reconstruct 2kB.

Swimming with Tom, I think we missed Reyk. Sorry we’ve been so late
Tried two new cocktails at the Thai-restaurant after
Ohhhhh, my head…… bad idea.

14th september 1999

Tried to unite the worlds of Solaris and AIX for
purposes, but ended up in to seperate versions after two

Upgraded our first productive Firewall to version 4.
Absolutely no problems except the differnent paths,
again different on Solaris and AIX as well as for version 3.

13th september 1999

Urgently had to update the kernel grapher because we already
2.3.18. WOW.

A lot of preparations for tomorrows Firewall upgrade.
Backup day, my favourite day…. BOFH Winking

RC5 is running better since I got back two machines working on

Surfed a lot looking for japanese culture pages, to prepare and
a little bit more. Found many interesting sites.
And the best of all:
Undoutedly the biggest source of Japanese restaurants all over the
also featuring more restaurants in Munich than I ever heard
So I immediately stopped my database project collecting

By the way: Aya, I found Karaoke bar in Munich, they’ve 7000
songs Happy)))) What do you think ? RAP session
someday ?

12th september 1999

Aya wrote today. She worked 13 days without a break, and slept
5 hours per day. Oh my dear I told you not to work so hard !

Made a complete system backup of and start to tar some
of my machine too.

Played with the new /dev/speech device (a perl script to
speech synthesizer) which allows system informations and
simply spoken by redirecting them to /dev/speech.

Next is a basic speech recognition to water my flowers on the
balcony via SNMP. (Sensors are ready, driver is zero-bytes in

11th september 1999

Got visit from our families friends, they have their own
and want to see some parts of the city-life. Beergardens,
and stuff. Anyway enjoyed the stay at chinese tower in the
garden and met my coworker Yann there. Boy the world gets
smaller…. Winking

Improved the japanese capacities of my Linux by adding some
of the japanese Turbolinux to my system. Looks pretty more
than before. Anyway, the kinput2 still crashes GNOME Sad

10th september 1999

Also long day working, fixing yesterdays failed solaris
The problem was a no more working call of ifconfig plumb
halts the whole machine. Crazy ! And the /etc/routes is no
read by the systems rc-files. (Nice if you have a firewall on top)

More and more people start reading my diary, according to the
of eMails sent to me with that subject. I know I should
add more links if I talk about sites and features, but have
people ever heard of search-engines ? I don’t want to collect
of dead links. Try for all your needs.

Still no mail from Aya, I feel down….

9th september 1999

Worked 15 hours today, much SUN problems with quad ethernet
interfaces and
upgrading to solaris 2.6 with unbundeled patches. Thanks to Reyk
for his
support. Anyway, it didn’t work, so I have to get up early the next
and fix our now DOWNED firewall… Sad((((((((((

no more comment….. too tired….

8th september 1999

Ordered our firewall upgrade licenses today. So I’ve got enough to
do in the
next few days. Also tracked down some problems with

Reyk failed again, to appear on our regular wednesday swimming date
Happy But anyway, Tom joined me and was
absolutely fascinated about the
Thai food after. I drunk Mai Thai and (I forgot) cocktails, and
so much flying now…. Happy)))))))) like in holiday….
(Thomas don’t forget to look after my thai-chair. I need that at

Kisses to my lovels cuty lady, and oyasumi, aishiteru.

7th september 1999

Big meeting of all the newcomers at work. Me too. Little bit
Not a good day, everything went wrong.

Power shutdown, and time to upgrade some of our firewalls.
This will be a long long hard working day.
Too late for upgrade SUNOS needed too long to apply all patches so
I had
to brake. And more work and pressure for the next days.

No time left to play tennis against my dad.

Drunk a lot of Magners Vintage Cider at Shananigans Irish Pub
with Tom. He’s really a good friend….. always there to cheer me
Thanks Tom.

6th september 1999

Had a very hard day at work. First programming, and later some not
fascinated coworkers, which tried to make buttons using Gimp.
Oh my god…. I know grey is a wonderful color.. back to the
Anyway as long as my Netfu is running here, and I can make my
beautiful colored logos at home…. Sad(((((((((

Nothing for dinner…. and a bad lunch… anyway not my day.

Tom is unreachable, Reyk busy, my parents away.. and Aya ???

Someone save me from this lonely planet.

5th september 1999

BBQ in the garden, and almost a complete lazy day.

Downloaded a few lyrics for some japanese songs.

4th september 1999

Finished another MD for Aya, this time with german songs.

Played piano the whole day, Westernhagen’s “Kind von gestern”
is now mine Happy)))

The Lotto-Server is unreachable, maybe the jackpot is too big.

And finally updated the diary entries a little bit more.

Tonight Lutz is playing Piano at the Vogler Bar in Munich.
I’ll go there I think.

3rd september 1999

Wrote a new firewall packet statistics grapher. Looks good.

Received my certificate from my old company today. WOW, they
really miss me. Thank you very much for such a good
Almost as much valueable as a harvard exam. Winking

Independant crypto experts discovered backdoors in all
Windows Operating Systems. They say inside the MS-Crypto-API
they disassembled the Security Keys of Microsoft itself, and
the NSA(National Security Agency) the american secret

This could be extremely damage Microsofts Publicity.
I wonder what the Russians, Chinese and maybe the Japanese
to this.

The information was published also on the german Chaos
Club and was checked very careful.

2nd september 1999

Time to play Lotto. 27 Mio. DM, nice if I could have just a

Visited the japanese shop Japanalia today, and they really have a
lot of
things, many kimonos, painting stuff, pottery and so on, up to bed
shelf, paper walls and so on…. Would be big shopping if Aya likes
but I’m not sure that she wants to live japanese style in Germany

Bought new shoes for my upcoming tennis match against my

Gone for portugese dinner with Thomas. Interesting anyway.

1st september 1999

See if my firewall logrotate and the script handle the new
And surprise, they failed. After checking for leading zeros the
seems fixed. Also rolled out an FW-1 V4 version of the user

Played a little bit with 2 Sun 450 and 2 RS6K F50. Nice power for
RC5 Happy))

A lot of trouble with my bank, because of too many (empty)
accounts. Winking crashed (almost) the system showed more and more
plus the init routine died somehow. No shutdown possible and no
WOW. When rebooting with 2.2.12 the system seems more stable,
and mem usage is much less, just 40% now.
Also very obscure, the kernel source tree is a little bit
from my local machine. Time to get a new sourcebranch and
I don’t trust that tripwire indexing, I reinstalled my own
version instead of the RPM.

Waited for Reyk, swimming two hours, but he had no time…

Diary Import August 1999

31st august 1999

Had a long conference with Reyk, who showed me some of the
interesting security sites on the net. Thx, buddy. Winking

Compiled 2.2.12 for and rebooted.
Compiled tripwire fresh for and core dumping seems

Wrote an user dump to html converter for firewall-1. Hmm.. beauty

30th august 1999

Tom & Jerry marathon on Cartoon Network… and I have to work.

Tripwire is dumping core all the time, debugging says something
invalid inode or os… maybe I should repair my filesystem soon

Wrote a new firewall script to dump and log the usage of every
configured on the firewall. This helps to keep track of unused

Set up a new database for which holds all information
Asia Shops as well as Japanese Restaurants and Sushi Bars around
Munich. Happy))

Cleaned up the bathroom…. uh I hate this work…. my back
hurts….. Sad(

No mail from Aya yet… hmmm… Heiki ?

Compiled 2.2.12 for my local machine, but not yet restarted.

29th august 1999

More cleaning up in my room. Boy it was just right in time…..

Installed the ready-at-all tripwire.rpm on and setup an
virtual host for the freshmeat mirror.
Also installed rpm2html for documentation purposes.

Have you ever heard rsync when syncing 100MB of small 1kb files
100MBit and on a raid1 array Happy)) WOW, what sound…..
I thought it would be hailing outside LaughDDD

Screwed my handy dustbuster, and installed the power supply more
away. Cables under the carpet, I’ll have to watch my next
if (s)he’s shaking. Happy))

28th august 1999

Completely fascinated by the new video driver 2.0 playing around
webcam and almost any TV-program displayed at once in a
window. Updated within the image, so no page reloading ! WOW

Updated the whole perl package, but the newest GD still wont build.

Webcam is active again, and will transfer an instant picture
every diary upload. I hope that I smile on that shots Laugh.
Plus I set up the possibility to see me live as long as I’m
just click on webcam on the right, to see if I’m online and
which IP address my server is currently linked to.

(Hey Aya, how’s about videoconferencing ? Happy
But I think PHS is too slow….) Sad

Try “vidcap | xbgset stdin” and you can watch TV as your background
A simple infinite while do loop brings you almost satisfying

27th august 1999

Developed a new perl script dumping the usage date of each
object. That way it should be possible to detect old unused

Big party at work because of three of my coworkers became
last month.

Finally discovered the beauty in programming perl.
There are so many modules around. Even for PalmPilot…. ts

Started a mirror of via the rsync service,
I think we’ll activate this for

26th august 1999

New perlscript dumping firewall-rules with date of last use.

Developed some concepts and new thoughts about network

Discovered the Kernel-HTTP-daemon kHTTPd which was included
in the 2.3.14 linux source. Interesting developement.

25th august 1999

Added 3D pie graph to the firewall packet report filter.

2.2.12 is released, finally. But no time to review.

Played around with lspci and wrote a frontend for

Swimming was very funny today. So much tired we almost sink.
After that Reyk and me had dinner in a greek restaurant and
after a little shock in a thai karaoke bar. Happy))) That was funny….

24th august 1999

Big bughunting in timecard-reader software. Ate up all my

Bought 8kg differnt kinds of meat today, and spent the
cutting into portions and freezing them.

Aya’s package arrived today, but has gone back to the post office
pickup because I worked to long ? to early ? at all ?
Happy)) I think latter one.

Found my lost photos from my London trip, together with Aya,
in my parents house Happy I knew it.
Will stick them tonight in my album.

Linus seems to be a little bit unhappy on the 2.2.12
of Alan, because he had to deliver a third revision already.

23rd august 1999

Tracked some serious mail delivery problems between two

Rewrote my fw-scripts and move the ftp calls (with netrc)
inside the perl script using Net::FTP.

Coded the boogie players index page. Now dynamically from within

22nd august 1999

Tried to set up an own voicebox for Aya, but I couldn’t find
out why my second ISDN line service-type doesn’t match.
Pure configuration chaos….

Updated some of the new boogie pages and added more menus.
The event calendar is now in the same colour design.

Setting up a new homepage for japanese (or generally asian)
restaurants, bars, shops and so on.

21st august 1999

Completely redesigned my corner of the flat, and it looks
more space after throwing away some old books and stuff.

The boogie woogie event calendar is now up and running,
the server is still OFFLINE, sorry.

20th august 1999

My firewall log check scripts are running perfectly it seems, at

Set up some of the RC5 clients to my newly installed keyproxy
seti is still not working with authentication… Can it be so

Compiled (partly) the newest ISDN4K utilities, but there seem
to be a lot of conflicts.
Anyway is again up and running.

Had serious problems to poll my mail, there’s obviously a
with big mails at netsurf ? Timeout or something ?

Finished the day at Shananigans Irish Pub together with Tom,
checking out some different ciders.

19th august 1999

Installed and experimented with tripwire, wow, almost what I’ve
looking for. A security tool to index your files and check
access and every kind of modification.

After long time waiting for the kernel 2.2.12 to be released,
(2.2.11 has some nice bugs) I couldn’t stand it anymore.
It seems Linus is busy, no time for the last review, so I decided
reboot my machine to 2.2.11. BIG MISTAKE.
The whole ISDN subsystem is redesigned, so I have to get that 8
TGZ but first reboot to 2.2.10. Great…
This may take some time…

18th august 1999

Got my ACE administration software today, so I’m now the master of
(universe Happy ) securid card distribution.
Nice job, and one more database which has to be in sync,
with the firewall-1s.

Started our weekly swimming today, together with Reyk.
It’s really fantastic for relaxion after a long and hard working

17th august 1999

Traced back some weird IP packets which should pass our
but which are blocked somewhere before or after…. access

Played with the Firewall Configuration Tool FCT and gave up
graphical(although web-based) desktop after a lot of
blocking. IMHO the best way to configure FCT is, by hand in
flatfiles, and after that use the web frontend to control and
for documentation.

Discovered again that a lot of mails from Aya are missing…
The funny thing is that some parts are missing because of
addressing others because of forwarding problems.
We now always send CC’s but what matters if the receiver is
wrong or mails getting lost while forwarded.

16th august 1999

Finally got my own telephone at work. Yippie !!!!!! Happy)))

Discovered a wrong access list which blocked our firewall.

Played around with the nighty FCT firewall configuration tool for
WOW ! But anyway you have to know what you’re doing….

Calculated how much money will be left per month for Aya and
Sad(( … doesn’t look good.

15th august 1999

Updated the linux kernel grapher on and added
comments for all series, as well as included the 2.1 and 2.0

Updated the last modified file viewer on,
are now linked for easier navigation.

Experimented with the IP-chains package.

14th august 1999

A food-shopping and cooking day. Anyway being lazy.

Enjoying the flintstone week on cartoon network.

Compiled 2.2.11 for and zuse1, discovered some IP
which should be urgently fixed in 2.2.12.

Downloded the newest Portaloo and played with the news
which is still not able to handle proxies.

13th august 1999

Developed a first version of the name concept for our

Reyk visited me today at my new company. Thanks ! Nice to have
no further comment, we both know better Winking
We also decided to go swimming from next wednesday on, every
at night. So I hope to stay in shape for Aya Winking

Met with Reyk, Babsi, Adriane and Birte at Shananigans Irish
Hey, Aya, Adriane is going to Japan for 1 year from next april
so you still have a chance to talk japanese to her !

12th august 1999

News from the RedHat IPO.
The stocks running higher and higher, with a starting value
of 12$ they’re now up to 80$ which lists them up on place 7 of
first day winners top ten.

Installed Apache and PHP3 on my machine at work.
Experimented with gd and dynamic image-creation.

11th august 1999

Today we’ve total solar eclipse in Munich.
Had bad luck because exactly at that time when I wanted to
the corona the clouds covered my sight, just 1km farer
was perfect. At least I could experience 2 minutes nighttime.
GREAT ! Happy))
it must have been amazing to see the elephants in the zoo
shaking and the birds stop singing.
So the next one will be better. And 2081 should be possible
Aya takes much care for me. Winking)))))

10th august 1999

Wrote a password change script in perl, which allows complex
user administration via web-interface too.

9th august 1999

Improved the firewall report script, and collected statistics
on denied packets.
Searching for an Apache user-administration tool.
Found nothing.

Some friends of our family visited us this week to see the
solar eclipse on wednesday.

8th august 1999

Met Thomas who’s right back from 1 week holiday in tents.
And the bad news, someone crushed his car.

7th august 1999

Another shopping day. Bought wardrobe and shoe-board.

6th august 1999

Novell is still pursuing me, and I had to join a Y2K meeting,
Converted the FW-1 Docu of yesterday into excel….
Yeah, after lots of drugs I can agree that too, that MS is
much better for searching and documentation than HTML can
ever be. I wonder if they ever heard of Searchengines.
We’ll see if there’s a way to make these documentation
autoprocessing some day. But without MS I guess/hope. Happy

After discovering, done the docu again.
This time, including Icons and links of all objects,
so you can see which group-members and parameters belong

5th august 1999

The firewalls entries made yesterday didn’t help, but someone
in NYC felt responsible for the firewall configuration on
side. Happy))) Baehhhhhhhhh…. Laugh

Started a support query for FW1-Documentation-Tools.
(no response.)
After a while searching the web I discovered,
which delivers a HTML output of almost every configuration
dialog within FW-1.

4th august 1999

Yet no Outlook working at work, because of a wrong order
in our SAP management. Great Sad
Anyway, one more day, enjoying a MS-free life.

Coded a Y2K counter in JavaScript for the companies webpage.

Changed some firewall entries.

3rd august 1999

Read much about firewalling concepts and comparisions between
different firewalls and proxies.

2nd august 1999

My first day working for the new company.

A little bit stressy, nothing is coordinated for me,
no entrancecard, no timecard, no email, no server-id
working. No telephone and no one has time to care for.
Great work, I’m impressed.

Used the “spare” time to tune up my new computer at work.
Installed Netscape/Perl/PilotDesk/FW1-GUI aso.

1st august 1999

Played with my camera which is now supported in gphoto.
A lot of pictures extracted and converted into HTML

Configured the PGP OpenKeyServer on, and it WORKS !
Yeah !
(Linked the howtos into the admin tree.)

Prepared everything for entering my new company tomorrow.

Diary Import August 1999

31st august 1999

Had a long conference with Reyk, who showed me some of the
interesting security sites on the net. Thx, buddy. Winking

Compiled 2.2.12 for and rebooted.
Compiled tripwire fresh for and core dumping seems

Wrote an user dump to html converter for firewall-1. Hmm.. beauty

30th august 1999

Tom & Jerry marathon on Cartoon Network… and I have to work.

Tripwire is dumping core all the time, debugging says something
invalid inode or os… maybe I should repair my filesystem soon

Wrote a new firewall script to dump and log the usage of every
configured on the firewall. This helps to keep track of unused

Set up a new database for which holds all information
Asia Shops as well as Japanese Restaurants and Sushi Bars around
Munich. Happy))

Cleaned up the bathroom…. uh I hate this work…. my back
hurts….. Sad(

No mail from Aya yet… hmmm… Heiki ?

Compiled 2.2.12 for my local machine, but not yet restarted.

29th august 1999

More cleaning up in my room. Boy it was just right in time…..

Installed the ready-at-all tripwire.rpm on and setup an
virtual host for the freshmeat mirror.
Also installed rpm2html for documentation purposes.

Have you ever heard rsync when syncing 100MB of small 1kb files
100MBit and on a raid1 array Happy)) WOW, what sound…..
I thought it would be hailing outside LaughDDD

Screwed my handy dustbuster, and installed the power supply more
away. Cables under the carpet, I’ll have to watch my next
if (s)he’s shaking. Happy))

28th august 1999

Completely fascinated by the new video driver 2.0 playing around
webcam and almost any TV-program displayed at once in a
window. Updated within the image, so no page reloading ! WOW

Updated the whole perl package, but the newest GD still wont build.

Webcam is active again, and will transfer an instant picture
every diary upload. I hope that I smile on that shots Laugh.
Plus I set up the possibility to see me live as long as I’m
just click on webcam on the right, to see if I’m online and
which IP address my server is currently linked to.

(Hey Aya, how’s about videoconferencing ? Happy
But I think PHS is too slow….) Sad

Try “vidcap | xbgset stdin” and you can watch TV as your background
A simple infinite while do loop brings you almost satisfying

27th august 1999

Developed a new perl script dumping the usage date of each
object. That way it should be possible to detect old unused

Big party at work because of three of my coworkers became
last month.

Finally discovered the beauty in programming perl.
There are so many modules around. Even for PalmPilot…. ts

Started a mirror of via the rsync service,
I think we’ll activate this for

26th august 1999

New perlscript dumping firewall-rules with date of last use.

Developed some concepts and new thoughts about network

Discovered the Kernel-HTTP-daemon kHTTPd which was included
in the 2.3.14 linux source. Interesting developement.

25th august 1999

Added 3D pie graph to the firewall packet report filter.

2.2.12 is released, finally. But no time to review.

Played around with lspci and wrote a frontend for

Swimming was very funny today. So much tired we almost sink.
After that Reyk and me had dinner in a greek restaurant and
after a little shock in a thai karaoke bar. Happy))) That was funny….

24th august 1999

Big bughunting in timecard-reader software. Ate up all my

Bought 8kg differnt kinds of meat today, and spent the
cutting into portions and freezing them.

Aya’s package arrived today, but has gone back to the post office
pickup because I worked to long ? to early ? at all ?
Happy)) I think latter one.

Found my lost photos from my London trip, together with Aya,
in my parents house Happy I knew it.
Will stick them tonight in my album.

Linus seems to be a little bit unhappy on the 2.2.12
of Alan, because he had to deliver a third revision already.

23rd august 1999

Tracked some serious mail delivery problems between two

Rewrote my fw-scripts and move the ftp calls (with netrc)
inside the perl script using Net::FTP.

Coded the boogie players index page. Now dynamically from within

22nd august 1999

Tried to set up an own voicebox for Aya, but I couldn’t find
out why my second ISDN line service-type doesn’t match.
Pure configuration chaos….

Updated some of the new boogie pages and added more menus.
The event calendar is now in the same colour design.

Setting up a new homepage for japanese (or generally asian)
restaurants, bars, shops and so on.

21st august 1999

Completely redesigned my corner of the flat, and it looks
more space after throwing away some old books and stuff.

The boogie woogie event calendar is now up and running,
the server is still OFFLINE, sorry.

20th august 1999

My firewall log check scripts are running perfectly it seems, at

Set up some of the RC5 clients to my newly installed keyproxy
seti is still not working with authentication… Can it be so

Compiled (partly) the newest ISDN4K utilities, but there seem
to be a lot of conflicts.
Anyway is again up and running.

Had serious problems to poll my mail, there’s obviously a
with big mails at netsurf ? Timeout or something ?

Finished the day at Shananigans Irish Pub together with Tom,
checking out some different ciders.

19th august 1999

Installed and experimented with tripwire, wow, almost what I’ve
looking for. A security tool to index your files and check
access and every kind of modification.

After long time waiting for the kernel 2.2.12 to be released,
(2.2.11 has some nice bugs) I couldn’t stand it anymore.
It seems Linus is busy, no time for the last review, so I decided
reboot my machine to 2.2.11. BIG MISTAKE.
The whole ISDN subsystem is redesigned, so I have to get that 8
TGZ but first reboot to 2.2.10. Great…
This may take some time…

18th august 1999

Got my ACE administration software today, so I’m now the master of
(universe Happy ) securid card distribution.
Nice job, and one more database which has to be in sync,
with the firewall-1s.

Started our weekly swimming today, together with Reyk.
It’s really fantastic for relaxion after a long and hard working

17th august 1999

Traced back some weird IP packets which should pass our
but which are blocked somewhere before or after…. access

Played with the Firewall Configuration Tool FCT and gave up
graphical(although web-based) desktop after a lot of
blocking. IMHO the best way to configure FCT is, by hand in
flatfiles, and after that use the web frontend to control and
for documentation.

Discovered again that a lot of mails from Aya are missing…
The funny thing is that some parts are missing because of
addressing others because of forwarding problems.
We now always send CC’s but what matters if the receiver is
wrong or mails getting lost while forwarded.

16th august 1999

Finally got my own telephone at work. Yippie !!!!!! Happy)))

Discovered a wrong access list which blocked our firewall.

Played around with the nighty FCT firewall configuration tool for
WOW ! But anyway you have to know what you’re doing….

Calculated how much money will be left per month for Aya and
Sad(( … doesn’t look good.

15th august 1999

Updated the linux kernel grapher on and added
comments for all series, as well as included the 2.1 and 2.0

Updated the last modified file viewer on,
are now linked for easier navigation.

Experimented with the IP-chains package.

14th august 1999

A food-shopping and cooking day. Anyway being lazy.

Enjoying the flintstone week on cartoon network.

Compiled 2.2.11 for and zuse1, discovered some IP
which should be urgently fixed in 2.2.12.

Downloded the newest Portaloo and played with the news
which is still not able to handle proxies.

13th august 1999

Developed a first version of the name concept for our

Reyk visited me today at my new company. Thanks ! Nice to have
no further comment, we both know better Winking
We also decided to go swimming from next wednesday on, every
at night. So I hope to stay in shape for Aya Winking

Met with Reyk, Babsi, Adriane and Birte at Shananigans Irish
Hey, Aya, Adriane is going to Japan for 1 year from next april
so you still have a chance to talk japanese to her !

12th august 1999

News from the RedHat IPO.
The stocks running higher and higher, with a starting value
of 12$ they’re now up to 80$ which lists them up on place 7 of
first day winners top ten.

Installed Apache and PHP3 on my machine at work.
Experimented with gd and dynamic image-creation.

11th august 1999

Today we’ve total solar eclipse in Munich.
Had bad luck because exactly at that time when I wanted to
the corona the clouds covered my sight, just 1km farer
was perfect. At least I could experience 2 minutes nighttime.
GREAT ! Happy))
it must have been amazing to see the elephants in the zoo
shaking and the birds stop singing.
So the next one will be better. And 2081 should be possible
Aya takes much care for me. Winking)))))

10th august 1999

Wrote a password change script in perl, which allows complex
user administration via web-interface too.

9th august 1999

Improved the firewall report script, and collected statistics
on denied packets.
Searching for an Apache user-administration tool.
Found nothing.

Some friends of our family visited us this week to see the
solar eclipse on wednesday.

8th august 1999

Met Thomas who’s right back from 1 week holiday in tents.
And the bad news, someone crushed his car.

7th august 1999

Another shopping day. Bought wardrobe and shoe-board.

6th august 1999

Novell is still pursuing me, and I had to join a Y2K meeting,
Converted the FW-1 Docu of yesterday into excel….
Yeah, after lots of drugs I can agree that too, that MS is
much better for searching and documentation than HTML can
ever be. I wonder if they ever heard of Searchengines.
We’ll see if there’s a way to make these documentation
autoprocessing some day. But without MS I guess/hope. Happy

After discovering, done the docu again.
This time, including Icons and links of all objects,
so you can see which group-members and parameters belong

5th august 1999

The firewalls entries made yesterday didn’t help, but someone
in NYC felt responsible for the firewall configuration on
side. Happy))) Baehhhhhhhhh…. Laugh

Started a support query for FW1-Documentation-Tools.
(no response.)
After a while searching the web I discovered,
which delivers a HTML output of almost every configuration
dialog within FW-1.

4th august 1999

Yet no Outlook working at work, because of a wrong order
in our SAP management. Great Sad
Anyway, one more day, enjoying a MS-free life.

Coded a Y2K counter in JavaScript for the companies webpage.

Changed some firewall entries.

3rd august 1999

Read much about firewalling concepts and comparisions between
different firewalls and proxies.

2nd august 1999

My first day working for the new company.

A little bit stressy, nothing is coordinated for me,
no entrancecard, no timecard, no email, no server-id
working. No telephone and no one has time to care for.
Great work, I’m impressed.

Used the “spare” time to tune up my new computer at work.
Installed Netscape/Perl/PilotDesk/FW1-GUI aso.

1st august 1999

Played with my camera which is now supported in gphoto.
A lot of pictures extracted and converted into HTML

Configured the PGP OpenKeyServer on, and it WORKS !
Yeah !
(Linked the howtos into the admin tree.)

Prepared everything for entering my new company tomorrow.

Diary Import August 1999

31st august 1999

Had a long conference with Reyk, who showed me some of the
interesting security sites on the net. Thx, buddy. Winking

Compiled 2.2.12 for and rebooted.
Compiled tripwire fresh for and core dumping seems

Wrote an user dump to html converter for firewall-1. Hmm.. beauty

30th august 1999

Tom & Jerry marathon on Cartoon Network… and I have to work.

Tripwire is dumping core all the time, debugging says something
invalid inode or os… maybe I should repair my filesystem soon

Wrote a new firewall script to dump and log the usage of every
configured on the firewall. This helps to keep track of unused

Set up a new database for which holds all information
Asia Shops as well as Japanese Restaurants and Sushi Bars around
Munich. Happy))

Cleaned up the bathroom…. uh I hate this work…. my back
hurts….. Sad(

No mail from Aya yet… hmmm… Heiki ?

Compiled 2.2.12 for my local machine, but not yet restarted.

29th august 1999

More cleaning up in my room. Boy it was just right in time…..

Installed the ready-at-all tripwire.rpm on and setup an
virtual host for the freshmeat mirror.
Also installed rpm2html for documentation purposes.

Have you ever heard rsync when syncing 100MB of small 1kb files
100MBit and on a raid1 array Happy)) WOW, what sound…..
I thought it would be hailing outside LaughDDD

Screwed my handy dustbuster, and installed the power supply more
away. Cables under the carpet, I’ll have to watch my next
if (s)he’s shaking. Happy))

28th august 1999

Completely fascinated by the new video driver 2.0 playing around
webcam and almost any TV-program displayed at once in a
window. Updated within the image, so no page reloading ! WOW

Updated the whole perl package, but the newest GD still wont build.

Webcam is active again, and will transfer an instant picture
every diary upload. I hope that I smile on that shots Laugh.
Plus I set up the possibility to see me live as long as I’m
just click on webcam on the right, to see if I’m online and
which IP address my server is currently linked to.

(Hey Aya, how’s about videoconferencing ? Happy
But I think PHS is too slow….) Sad

Try “vidcap | xbgset stdin” and you can watch TV as your background
A simple infinite while do loop brings you almost satisfying

27th august 1999

Developed a new perl script dumping the usage date of each
object. That way it should be possible to detect old unused

Big party at work because of three of my coworkers became
last month.

Finally discovered the beauty in programming perl.
There are so many modules around. Even for PalmPilot…. ts

Started a mirror of via the rsync service,
I think we’ll activate this for

26th august 1999

New perlscript dumping firewall-rules with date of last use.

Developed some concepts and new thoughts about network

Discovered the Kernel-HTTP-daemon kHTTPd which was included
in the 2.3.14 linux source. Interesting developement.

25th august 1999

Added 3D pie graph to the firewall packet report filter.

2.2.12 is released, finally. But no time to review.

Played around with lspci and wrote a frontend for

Swimming was very funny today. So much tired we almost sink.
After that Reyk and me had dinner in a greek restaurant and
after a little shock in a thai karaoke bar. Happy))) That was funny….

24th august 1999

Big bughunting in timecard-reader software. Ate up all my

Bought 8kg differnt kinds of meat today, and spent the
cutting into portions and freezing them.

Aya’s package arrived today, but has gone back to the post office
pickup because I worked to long ? to early ? at all ?
Happy)) I think latter one.

Found my lost photos from my London trip, together with Aya,
in my parents house Happy I knew it.
Will stick them tonight in my album.

Linus seems to be a little bit unhappy on the 2.2.12
of Alan, because he had to deliver a third revision already.

23rd august 1999

Tracked some serious mail delivery problems between two

Rewrote my fw-scripts and move the ftp calls (with netrc)
inside the perl script using Net::FTP.

Coded the boogie players index page. Now dynamically from within

22nd august 1999

Tried to set up an own voicebox for Aya, but I couldn’t find
out why my second ISDN line service-type doesn’t match.
Pure configuration chaos….

Updated some of the new boogie pages and added more menus.
The event calendar is now in the same colour design.

Setting up a new homepage for japanese (or generally asian)
restaurants, bars, shops and so on.

21st august 1999

Completely redesigned my corner of the flat, and it looks
more space after throwing away some old books and stuff.

The boogie woogie event calendar is now up and running,
the server is still OFFLINE, sorry.

20th august 1999

My firewall log check scripts are running perfectly it seems, at

Set up some of the RC5 clients to my newly installed keyproxy
seti is still not working with authentication… Can it be so

Compiled (partly) the newest ISDN4K utilities, but there seem
to be a lot of conflicts.
Anyway is again up and running.

Had serious problems to poll my mail, there’s obviously a
with big mails at netsurf ? Timeout or something ?

Finished the day at Shananigans Irish Pub together with Tom,
checking out some different ciders.

19th august 1999

Installed and experimented with tripwire, wow, almost what I’ve
looking for. A security tool to index your files and check
access and every kind of modification.

After long time waiting for the kernel 2.2.12 to be released,
(2.2.11 has some nice bugs) I couldn’t stand it anymore.
It seems Linus is busy, no time for the last review, so I decided
reboot my machine to 2.2.11. BIG MISTAKE.
The whole ISDN subsystem is redesigned, so I have to get that 8
TGZ but first reboot to 2.2.10. Great…
This may take some time…

18th august 1999

Got my ACE administration software today, so I’m now the master of
(universe Happy ) securid card distribution.
Nice job, and one more database which has to be in sync,
with the firewall-1s.

Started our weekly swimming today, together with Reyk.
It’s really fantastic for relaxion after a long and hard working

17th august 1999

Traced back some weird IP packets which should pass our
but which are blocked somewhere before or after…. access

Played with the Firewall Configuration Tool FCT and gave up
graphical(although web-based) desktop after a lot of
blocking. IMHO the best way to configure FCT is, by hand in
flatfiles, and after that use the web frontend to control and
for documentation.

Discovered again that a lot of mails from Aya are missing…
The funny thing is that some parts are missing because of
addressing others because of forwarding problems.
We now always send CC’s but what matters if the receiver is
wrong or mails getting lost while forwarded.

16th august 1999

Finally got my own telephone at work. Yippie !!!!!! Happy)))

Discovered a wrong access list which blocked our firewall.

Played around with the nighty FCT firewall configuration tool for
WOW ! But anyway you have to know what you’re doing….

Calculated how much money will be left per month for Aya and
Sad(( … doesn’t look good.

15th august 1999

Updated the linux kernel grapher on and added
comments for all series, as well as included the 2.1 and 2.0

Updated the last modified file viewer on,
are now linked for easier navigation.

Experimented with the IP-chains package.

14th august 1999

A food-shopping and cooking day. Anyway being lazy.

Enjoying the flintstone week on cartoon network.

Compiled 2.2.11 for and zuse1, discovered some IP
which should be urgently fixed in 2.2.12.

Downloded the newest Portaloo and played with the news
which is still not able to handle proxies.

13th august 1999

Developed a first version of the name concept for our

Reyk visited me today at my new company. Thanks ! Nice to have
no further comment, we both know better Winking
We also decided to go swimming from next wednesday on, every
at night. So I hope to stay in shape for Aya Winking

Met with Reyk, Babsi, Adriane and Birte at Shananigans Irish
Hey, Aya, Adriane is going to Japan for 1 year from next april
so you still have a chance to talk japanese to her !

12th august 1999

News from the RedHat IPO.
The stocks running higher and higher, with a starting value
of 12$ they’re now up to 80$ which lists them up on place 7 of
first day winners top ten.

Installed Apache and PHP3 on my machine at work.
Experimented with gd and dynamic image-creation.

11th august 1999

Today we’ve total solar eclipse in Munich.
Had bad luck because exactly at that time when I wanted to
the corona the clouds covered my sight, just 1km farer
was perfect. At least I could experience 2 minutes nighttime.
GREAT ! Happy))
it must have been amazing to see the elephants in the zoo
shaking and the birds stop singing.
So the next one will be better. And 2081 should be possible
Aya takes much care for me. Winking)))))

10th august 1999

Wrote a password change script in perl, which allows complex
user administration via web-interface too.

9th august 1999

Improved the firewall report script, and collected statistics
on denied packets.
Searching for an Apache user-administration tool.
Found nothing.

Some friends of our family visited us this week to see the
solar eclipse on wednesday.

8th august 1999

Met Thomas who’s right back from 1 week holiday in tents.
And the bad news, someone crushed his car.

7th august 1999

Another shopping day. Bought wardrobe and shoe-board.

6th august 1999

Novell is still pursuing me, and I had to join a Y2K meeting,
Converted the FW-1 Docu of yesterday into excel….
Yeah, after lots of drugs I can agree that too, that MS is
much better for searching and documentation than HTML can
ever be. I wonder if they ever heard of Searchengines.
We’ll see if there’s a way to make these documentation
autoprocessing some day. But without MS I guess/hope. Happy

After discovering, done the docu again.
This time, including Icons and links of all objects,
so you can see which group-members and parameters belong

5th august 1999

The firewalls entries made yesterday didn’t help, but someone
in NYC felt responsible for the firewall configuration on
side. Happy))) Baehhhhhhhhh…. Laugh

Started a support query for FW1-Documentation-Tools.
(no response.)
After a while searching the web I discovered,
which delivers a HTML output of almost every configuration
dialog within FW-1.

4th august 1999

Yet no Outlook working at work, because of a wrong order
in our SAP management. Great Sad
Anyway, one more day, enjoying a MS-free life.

Coded a Y2K counter in JavaScript for the companies webpage.

Changed some firewall entries.

3rd august 1999

Read much about firewalling concepts and comparisions between
different firewalls and proxies.

2nd august 1999

My first day working for the new company.

A little bit stressy, nothing is coordinated for me,
no entrancecard, no timecard, no email, no server-id
working. No telephone and no one has time to care for.
Great work, I’m impressed.

Used the “spare” time to tune up my new computer at work.
Installed Netscape/Perl/PilotDesk/FW1-GUI aso.

1st august 1999

Played with my camera which is now supported in gphoto.
A lot of pictures extracted and converted into HTML

Configured the PGP OpenKeyServer on, and it WORKS !
Yeah !
(Linked the howtos into the admin tree.)

Prepared everything for entering my new company tomorrow.

Diary Import July 1999

31st july 1999

My last free day. Holiday is over.
(And there was this man of that marriage party, whose words
…my last free day… A.Busch)

Big Scampi BBQ in the garden. Made some pictures.
Downloaded the new gphoto package which now works wth my

30th july 1999

Again to the dentist fixed everything for this year Sad=)

Redesigned my flat completely, now Aya can have her own
if she doesn’t want to see me hacking on the keyboard…

29th july 1999

Met with my former coworker Cetian, ate Pizza together and
talked ’bout ye good old times.

Made a list of all the asian shops around munich.
Maybe I’ll publish this somewhere on the web. I couldn’t find
something like that anywhere.

Tidied up my room and through away most of the old computer
magazines and books, which are not Y2K compliant in my eyes

28th july 1999

Food shopping and great cooking day. I made pictures of all work
waiting for gphotos DC240 driver to HTMLize those pictures.

Saw japanese anime on Vox, in original japanese language, wow
what’s going on, this is the third movie within the last two
which is japanese original with german subtitles. All on german
Of course recorded them all on tape(not yet harddisk, are you
for Aya.

27th july 1999

Big shopping day, bought two new suits and much much more.

Found chocolate tea, honey met and spicy lemonade….
interesting isn’t it ? Happy)))))

Bought plates and bowls with kanjis on it.

Installed the Falken BBS for Linux on the server,
it’s just for testing and not a serious BBS, not even
But it brings back the good old Mailboxing days via SSh Happy))

26th july 1999

Installed my Satellite system as it should be the professional
without cabling on the fly throughout my whole room Happy))))

Rewrote the howto sor secure shell encrypted tunnel
(Should be more easy to understand now.)

Downloaded FalkenBBS software for Linux, which should bring back
good old mailbox times into the webbrowser. Be patient.

25th july 1999

Cleaned up my balcony, and throw away that old dry dead plants

Played with the SAT receiver and configured all the channels,
also did some syster testing Winking

Installed perlseti, for supervision of the remote clients.

24th july 1999

Reminded that it’s possible to use superscription in HTML
rewrote the diary for july with superscripted dates.

Bought a satellite system so that Aya and I can watch japanese
now Happy))

23rd july 1999

Cleaned up my room. It was really urgent Happy)))

Installed the SETI@HOME 1.3 clients on my machines.

22nd july 1999

Have to go to the dentist today….. Sad(((((


21st july 1999

Downloaded 2.2.10ac12 and read some parts of the code.

Received my empty crime reference list by the police, which I need
for my
application to the new company.

Visited some friends of the family in Marquatstein.

20th july 1999

Tried to compile gISDN but again… some components missing.
GTK– 1.0.1 is required, but only 1.0.0 is developed right
changing the script to 1.0.0 doesn’t help. cool ne ?

Installed Civilization2 on Linux and played some rounds. Nice,
I wonder how this behaves in a network environment.

19th july 1999

gPhoto has now my DC240 camera in the CVS tree, I tried to compile,
there seems to be a lot of definitions missing. HMMM ????

Added bavarian language as well as the first part of japanese
to Mark Kronbeins MyGuestbook.

Downloaded Back Ocrifice 2000 just for testing. But I couldn’t
a linux port ??? Can it be ?

Met with Karin for lunch and saw her baby. Well done Winking well done.

18th july 1999

Reconfigured DNS and Resolver to get rid of these timeouts
the RC5-Proxy flushing. It’s now lightning faster and I cannot
any timeouts, so I also changed the config on

17th july 1999

Had my garden BBQ party with a lot of my friends and old

16th july 1999

Celebrated the 50th anniversary of a friend of the family.
A very hard day… and a more hard night Happy Party !

15th july 1999

Aya said that she’ll come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rewrote the Net-Fu scripts for,
configured more on the Rsync services and changed the Howtos.

Tried to make some menu buttons for, but see by

Met with Gerd, Tom and Flo at Shananigans Irish Pub a had a lot of
because when I ordered Woodys, they said that they don’t do woodys
when I asked for a chicken salad they answered that they have no
power in the
kitchen, and finally when Gerd ordered Guiness, they told him that
just can serve cans because it’s empty. Happy)))))) What a day….
Anyway we had a lot of fun.

14th july 1999

Did a lot of shopping today.

Managing insurance for Aya.

Compiled 2.2.10 for and eliminated the use of modules
Memory is now detected automatically, and a 60 seconds panic reboot
is added.
Updated the Kernel Howto.

13th july 1999

Finally wrote and sent the invitation for the garden BBQ party on

Managed my outstanding holiday to be paid, becuase my new company
accept holiday in august, which would be the only possibility by

Have to go to the foreign office again, and do some more paper
(Information about insurances and so on. Arrival dates…)

12th july 1999

Read some amazing news about the CSC key cracking contest,
there’s a price money of 10000 Euro for the one who cracks
56-bit cipher.

Exploded a little bit about Aya’s letter.
And wrote a embassy-howto. Winking

Seen Matrix on cinema. WOW !
It’s a real Gibson, in my eyes.
But the Neuromancer trilogy is better, IMHO.

9th to 11th july 1999

Doing a little bit vacancy this time, and going near Hannover
high noon on until late sunday.

Refilled the Keyproxy and fetched enough buffers for the next
days, I hope.

Tomorrow will be the love parade in Berlin, programmed my VCR, take
look at
This time it seems to be the last time in Berlin.
Cetin, I wish you much fun, which car is it this time ?

8th july 1999

Aya shocked me a little bit as she said that she doesn’t know what
to do
with the embassy papers…. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Cool down Andy, cool down….. girls… ts ts ts….

OK, so what did I do the rest of the day ? Hmmm,
looked for some new furniture, but I wanted to let Aya decide
she likes better. I need a designer for my flat. Anyone out there

7th july 1999

Burned a lot of MP3 CD’s from Tom.

Wrote to Mel, Naoko and Aya.

6th july 1999

My last day working for my old company, so I celebrated a little
with my coworkers eating cake and drinking champaign.
Just call it tradition Happy))

Made a backup of my old computer at work. Just in case, someone is
this machine while I’m on holiday.

Recorded a new MD, this time absolutely digital via SP/DIV.

Gone to bed really early.

5th july 1999

Visited my old boss for the last time, and gave back all the
properties, like my good old linux laptop. Sad(((((((

I wonder why he was so surprised that tomorrow is my last day
working ?

4th july 1999

Recompiled 2.2.10 because of a problem with my ISDN/Soundblaster
I wonder why it’s not possible to recompile parts of modules, maybe
just a problem of the soundcore library.

ReDiscovered LIRC (The “Linux Infrared Remote Control” Project)
which now offers a
X11AMP Plugin to remote control your MP3 player. Nice Winking

3rd july 1999

Set up NTP for my local machine and, now we have always
the correct
time on our server. (Next thing is to program an internet time
to display the internet beat “@XXX” on our homepage. See
if you don’t know what I’m talking about.)

Met with Gerd and Eva and went together to the little octoberfest
in Munich.
Hey Reyk and Tom whats up with your phones ?
After some american/chinese snacks we ended up at Shananigans Irish

2nd july 1999

Played a little bit with Alan’s PortalOO, a news collector similar
to mine,
but with complete xml support. Failed to compile some modules
because of
missing libraries. (I guess you need the rawhide cut, to compile

I feel so sick…. Sad((
maybe too much chocolate anyway,
good night it’s 3 AM now….

…after a while sleeping like dead…

Got my digital photos on paper now. And WOW ! it’s amazing good
much more than I expected.

Tried to get some RedHat updates via ncftp but it’s dumping core
all the time ?????
And my preferred Rsync service offers no updates yet. Damn.

Finished all the paperwork for my old company and started sorting
some of the
new contract documents and all the papers for Aya.

1st july 1999

Played around with the UDMSearch templates.
And finally managed to index php3 pages as well.
(Watch your Mysql-log !!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s increasing dramatically
when indexing.
Better to link it to /dev/null at that time.)

Emergency at work because of our biggest server crashed
And we had some mysterious Volume problems, four workstations saw
data on the volumes. (Even DOS-Command and Explorer Output were

Failed to activate FastEthernet on a special server for the fifth
time now,
something must be damaged with this system. Maybe an interrupt
problem, or
a damaged driver module binary ?

Diary Import July 1999

31st july 1999

My last free day. Holiday is over.
(And there was this man of that marriage party, whose words
…my last free day… A.Busch)

Big Scampi BBQ in the garden. Made some pictures.
Downloaded the new gphoto package which now works wth my

30th july 1999

Again to the dentist fixed everything for this year Sad=)

Redesigned my flat completely, now Aya can have her own
if she doesn’t want to see me hacking on the keyboard…

29th july 1999

Met with my former coworker Cetian, ate Pizza together and
talked ’bout ye good old times.

Made a list of all the asian shops around munich.
Maybe I’ll publish this somewhere on the web. I couldn’t find
something like that anywhere.

Tidied up my room and through away most of the old computer
magazines and books, which are not Y2K compliant in my eyes

28th july 1999

Food shopping and great cooking day. I made pictures of all work
waiting for gphotos DC240 driver to HTMLize those pictures.

Saw japanese anime on Vox, in original japanese language, wow
what’s going on, this is the third movie within the last two
which is japanese original with german subtitles. All on german
Of course recorded them all on tape(not yet harddisk, are you
for Aya.

27th july 1999

Big shopping day, bought two new suits and much much more.

Found chocolate tea, honey met and spicy lemonade….
interesting isn’t it ? Happy)))))

Bought plates and bowls with kanjis on it.

Installed the Falken BBS for Linux on the server,
it’s just for testing and not a serious BBS, not even
But it brings back the good old Mailboxing days via SSh Happy))

26th july 1999

Installed my Satellite system as it should be the professional
without cabling on the fly throughout my whole room Happy))))

Rewrote the howto sor secure shell encrypted tunnel
(Should be more easy to understand now.)

Downloaded FalkenBBS software for Linux, which should bring back
good old mailbox times into the webbrowser. Be patient.

25th july 1999

Cleaned up my balcony, and throw away that old dry dead plants

Played with the SAT receiver and configured all the channels,
also did some syster testing Winking

Installed perlseti, for supervision of the remote clients.

24th july 1999

Reminded that it’s possible to use superscription in HTML
rewrote the diary for july with superscripted dates.

Bought a satellite system so that Aya and I can watch japanese
now Happy))

23rd july 1999

Cleaned up my room. It was really urgent Happy)))

Installed the SETI@HOME 1.3 clients on my machines.

22nd july 1999

Have to go to the dentist today….. Sad(((((


21st july 1999

Downloaded 2.2.10ac12 and read some parts of the code.

Received my empty crime reference list by the police, which I need
for my
application to the new company.

Visited some friends of the family in Marquatstein.

20th july 1999

Tried to compile gISDN but again… some components missing.
GTK– 1.0.1 is required, but only 1.0.0 is developed right
changing the script to 1.0.0 doesn’t help. cool ne ?

Installed Civilization2 on Linux and played some rounds. Nice,
I wonder how this behaves in a network environment.

19th july 1999

gPhoto has now my DC240 camera in the CVS tree, I tried to compile,
there seems to be a lot of definitions missing. HMMM ????

Added bavarian language as well as the first part of japanese
to Mark Kronbeins MyGuestbook.

Downloaded Back Ocrifice 2000 just for testing. But I couldn’t
a linux port ??? Can it be ?

Met with Karin for lunch and saw her baby. Well done Winking well done.

18th july 1999

Reconfigured DNS and Resolver to get rid of these timeouts
the RC5-Proxy flushing. It’s now lightning faster and I cannot
any timeouts, so I also changed the config on

17th july 1999

Had my garden BBQ party with a lot of my friends and old

16th july 1999

Celebrated the 50th anniversary of a friend of the family.
A very hard day… and a more hard night Happy Party !

15th july 1999

Aya said that she’ll come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rewrote the Net-Fu scripts for,
configured more on the Rsync services and changed the Howtos.

Tried to make some menu buttons for, but see by

Met with Gerd, Tom and Flo at Shananigans Irish Pub a had a lot of
because when I ordered Woodys, they said that they don’t do woodys
when I asked for a chicken salad they answered that they have no
power in the
kitchen, and finally when Gerd ordered Guiness, they told him that
just can serve cans because it’s empty. Happy)))))) What a day….
Anyway we had a lot of fun.

14th july 1999

Did a lot of shopping today.

Managing insurance for Aya.

Compiled 2.2.10 for and eliminated the use of modules
Memory is now detected automatically, and a 60 seconds panic reboot
is added.
Updated the Kernel Howto.

13th july 1999

Finally wrote and sent the invitation for the garden BBQ party on

Managed my outstanding holiday to be paid, becuase my new company
accept holiday in august, which would be the only possibility by

Have to go to the foreign office again, and do some more paper
(Information about insurances and so on. Arrival dates…)

12th july 1999

Read some amazing news about the CSC key cracking contest,
there’s a price money of 10000 Euro for the one who cracks
56-bit cipher.

Exploded a little bit about Aya’s letter.
And wrote a embassy-howto. Winking

Seen Matrix on cinema. WOW !
It’s a real Gibson, in my eyes.
But the Neuromancer trilogy is better, IMHO.

9th to 11th july 1999

Doing a little bit vacancy this time, and going near Hannover
high noon on until late sunday.

Refilled the Keyproxy and fetched enough buffers for the next
days, I hope.

Tomorrow will be the love parade in Berlin, programmed my VCR, take
look at
This time it seems to be the last time in Berlin.
Cetin, I wish you much fun, which car is it this time ?

8th july 1999

Aya shocked me a little bit as she said that she doesn’t know what
to do
with the embassy papers…. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Cool down Andy, cool down….. girls… ts ts ts….

OK, so what did I do the rest of the day ? Hmmm,
looked for some new furniture, but I wanted to let Aya decide
she likes better. I need a designer for my flat. Anyone out there

7th july 1999

Burned a lot of MP3 CD’s from Tom.

Wrote to Mel, Naoko and Aya.

6th july 1999

My last day working for my old company, so I celebrated a little
with my coworkers eating cake and drinking champaign.
Just call it tradition Happy))

Made a backup of my old computer at work. Just in case, someone is
this machine while I’m on holiday.

Recorded a new MD, this time absolutely digital via SP/DIV.

Gone to bed really early.

5th july 1999

Visited my old boss for the last time, and gave back all the
properties, like my good old linux laptop. Sad(((((((

I wonder why he was so surprised that tomorrow is my last day
working ?

4th july 1999

Recompiled 2.2.10 because of a problem with my ISDN/Soundblaster
I wonder why it’s not possible to recompile parts of modules, maybe
just a problem of the soundcore library.

ReDiscovered LIRC (The “Linux Infrared Remote Control” Project)
which now offers a
X11AMP Plugin to remote control your MP3 player. Nice Winking

3rd july 1999

Set up NTP for my local machine and, now we have always
the correct
time on our server. (Next thing is to program an internet time
to display the internet beat “@XXX” on our homepage. See
if you don’t know what I’m talking about.)

Met with Gerd and Eva and went together to the little octoberfest
in Munich.
Hey Reyk and Tom whats up with your phones ?
After some american/chinese snacks we ended up at Shananigans Irish

2nd july 1999

Played a little bit with Alan’s PortalOO, a news collector similar
to mine,
but with complete xml support. Failed to compile some modules
because of
missing libraries. (I guess you need the rawhide cut, to compile

I feel so sick…. Sad((
maybe too much chocolate anyway,
good night it’s 3 AM now….

…after a while sleeping like dead…

Got my digital photos on paper now. And WOW ! it’s amazing good
much more than I expected.

Tried to get some RedHat updates via ncftp but it’s dumping core
all the time ?????
And my preferred Rsync service offers no updates yet. Damn.

Finished all the paperwork for my old company and started sorting
some of the
new contract documents and all the papers for Aya.

1st july 1999

Played around with the UDMSearch templates.
And finally managed to index php3 pages as well.
(Watch your Mysql-log !!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s increasing dramatically
when indexing.
Better to link it to /dev/null at that time.)

Emergency at work because of our biggest server crashed
And we had some mysterious Volume problems, four workstations saw
data on the volumes. (Even DOS-Command and Explorer Output were

Failed to activate FastEthernet on a special server for the fifth
time now,
something must be damaged with this system. Maybe an interrupt
problem, or
a damaged driver module binary ?

Diary Import July 1999

31st july 1999

My last free day. Holiday is over.
(And there was this man of that marriage party, whose words
…my last free day… A.Busch)

Big Scampi BBQ in the garden. Made some pictures.
Downloaded the new gphoto package which now works wth my

30th july 1999

Again to the dentist fixed everything for this year Sad=)

Redesigned my flat completely, now Aya can have her own
if she doesn’t want to see me hacking on the keyboard…

29th july 1999

Met with my former coworker Cetian, ate Pizza together and
talked ’bout ye good old times.

Made a list of all the asian shops around munich.
Maybe I’ll publish this somewhere on the web. I couldn’t find
something like that anywhere.

Tidied up my room and through away most of the old computer
magazines and books, which are not Y2K compliant in my eyes

28th july 1999

Food shopping and great cooking day. I made pictures of all work
waiting for gphotos DC240 driver to HTMLize those pictures.

Saw japanese anime on Vox, in original japanese language, wow
what’s going on, this is the third movie within the last two
which is japanese original with german subtitles. All on german
Of course recorded them all on tape(not yet harddisk, are you
for Aya.

27th july 1999

Big shopping day, bought two new suits and much much more.

Found chocolate tea, honey met and spicy lemonade….
interesting isn’t it ? Happy)))))

Bought plates and bowls with kanjis on it.

Installed the Falken BBS for Linux on the server,
it’s just for testing and not a serious BBS, not even
But it brings back the good old Mailboxing days via SSh Happy))

26th july 1999

Installed my Satellite system as it should be the professional
without cabling on the fly throughout my whole room Happy))))

Rewrote the howto sor secure shell encrypted tunnel
(Should be more easy to understand now.)

Downloaded FalkenBBS software for Linux, which should bring back
good old mailbox times into the webbrowser. Be patient.

25th july 1999

Cleaned up my balcony, and throw away that old dry dead plants

Played with the SAT receiver and configured all the channels,
also did some syster testing Winking

Installed perlseti, for supervision of the remote clients.

24th july 1999

Reminded that it’s possible to use superscription in HTML
rewrote the diary for july with superscripted dates.

Bought a satellite system so that Aya and I can watch japanese
now Happy))

23rd july 1999

Cleaned up my room. It was really urgent Happy)))

Installed the SETI@HOME 1.3 clients on my machines.

22nd july 1999

Have to go to the dentist today….. Sad(((((


21st july 1999

Downloaded 2.2.10ac12 and read some parts of the code.

Received my empty crime reference list by the police, which I need
for my
application to the new company.

Visited some friends of the family in Marquatstein.

20th july 1999

Tried to compile gISDN but again… some components missing.
GTK– 1.0.1 is required, but only 1.0.0 is developed right
changing the script to 1.0.0 doesn’t help. cool ne ?

Installed Civilization2 on Linux and played some rounds. Nice,
I wonder how this behaves in a network environment.

19th july 1999

gPhoto has now my DC240 camera in the CVS tree, I tried to compile,
there seems to be a lot of definitions missing. HMMM ????

Added bavarian language as well as the first part of japanese
to Mark Kronbeins MyGuestbook.

Downloaded Back Ocrifice 2000 just for testing. But I couldn’t
a linux port ??? Can it be ?

Met with Karin for lunch and saw her baby. Well done Winking well done.

18th july 1999

Reconfigured DNS and Resolver to get rid of these timeouts
the RC5-Proxy flushing. It’s now lightning faster and I cannot
any timeouts, so I also changed the config on

17th july 1999

Had my garden BBQ party with a lot of my friends and old

16th july 1999

Celebrated the 50th anniversary of a friend of the family.
A very hard day… and a more hard night Happy Party !

15th july 1999

Aya said that she’ll come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rewrote the Net-Fu scripts for,
configured more on the Rsync services and changed the Howtos.

Tried to make some menu buttons for, but see by

Met with Gerd, Tom and Flo at Shananigans Irish Pub a had a lot of
because when I ordered Woodys, they said that they don’t do woodys
when I asked for a chicken salad they answered that they have no
power in the
kitchen, and finally when Gerd ordered Guiness, they told him that
just can serve cans because it’s empty. Happy)))))) What a day….
Anyway we had a lot of fun.

14th july 1999

Did a lot of shopping today.

Managing insurance for Aya.

Compiled 2.2.10 for and eliminated the use of modules
Memory is now detected automatically, and a 60 seconds panic reboot
is added.
Updated the Kernel Howto.

13th july 1999

Finally wrote and sent the invitation for the garden BBQ party on

Managed my outstanding holiday to be paid, becuase my new company
accept holiday in august, which would be the only possibility by

Have to go to the foreign office again, and do some more paper
(Information about insurances and so on. Arrival dates…)

12th july 1999

Read some amazing news about the CSC key cracking contest,
there’s a price money of 10000 Euro for the one who cracks
56-bit cipher.

Exploded a little bit about Aya’s letter.
And wrote a embassy-howto. Winking

Seen Matrix on cinema. WOW !
It’s a real Gibson, in my eyes.
But the Neuromancer trilogy is better, IMHO.

9th to 11th july 1999

Doing a little bit vacancy this time, and going near Hannover
high noon on until late sunday.

Refilled the Keyproxy and fetched enough buffers for the next
days, I hope.

Tomorrow will be the love parade in Berlin, programmed my VCR, take
look at
This time it seems to be the last time in Berlin.
Cetin, I wish you much fun, which car is it this time ?

8th july 1999

Aya shocked me a little bit as she said that she doesn’t know what
to do
with the embassy papers…. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Cool down Andy, cool down….. girls… ts ts ts….

OK, so what did I do the rest of the day ? Hmmm,
looked for some new furniture, but I wanted to let Aya decide
she likes better. I need a designer for my flat. Anyone out there

7th july 1999

Burned a lot of MP3 CD’s from Tom.

Wrote to Mel, Naoko and Aya.

6th july 1999

My last day working for my old company, so I celebrated a little
with my coworkers eating cake and drinking champaign.
Just call it tradition Happy))

Made a backup of my old computer at work. Just in case, someone is
this machine while I’m on holiday.

Recorded a new MD, this time absolutely digital via SP/DIV.

Gone to bed really early.

5th july 1999

Visited my old boss for the last time, and gave back all the
properties, like my good old linux laptop. Sad(((((((

I wonder why he was so surprised that tomorrow is my last day
working ?

4th july 1999

Recompiled 2.2.10 because of a problem with my ISDN/Soundblaster
I wonder why it’s not possible to recompile parts of modules, maybe
just a problem of the soundcore library.

ReDiscovered LIRC (The “Linux Infrared Remote Control” Project)
which now offers a
X11AMP Plugin to remote control your MP3 player. Nice Winking

3rd july 1999

Set up NTP for my local machine and, now we have always
the correct
time on our server. (Next thing is to program an internet time
to display the internet beat “@XXX” on our homepage. See
if you don’t know what I’m talking about.)

Met with Gerd and Eva and went together to the little octoberfest
in Munich.
Hey Reyk and Tom whats up with your phones ?
After some american/chinese snacks we ended up at Shananigans Irish

2nd july 1999

Played a little bit with Alan’s PortalOO, a news collector similar
to mine,
but with complete xml support. Failed to compile some modules
because of
missing libraries. (I guess you need the rawhide cut, to compile

I feel so sick…. Sad((
maybe too much chocolate anyway,
good night it’s 3 AM now….

…after a while sleeping like dead…

Got my digital photos on paper now. And WOW ! it’s amazing good
much more than I expected.

Tried to get some RedHat updates via ncftp but it’s dumping core
all the time ?????
And my preferred Rsync service offers no updates yet. Damn.

Finished all the paperwork for my old company and started sorting
some of the
new contract documents and all the papers for Aya.

1st july 1999

Played around with the UDMSearch templates.
And finally managed to index php3 pages as well.
(Watch your Mysql-log !!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s increasing dramatically
when indexing.
Better to link it to /dev/null at that time.)

Emergency at work because of our biggest server crashed
And we had some mysterious Volume problems, four workstations saw
data on the volumes. (Even DOS-Command and Explorer Output were

Failed to activate FastEthernet on a special server for the fifth
time now,
something must be damaged with this system. Maybe an interrupt
problem, or
a damaged driver module binary ?