Category Archives: Archive

translations on the way

  • Added browser language detection to the front page (this will be selectable later)
  • Front page content now shows german item names if browser is set to german
  • Added an instant translation service to the analyzer page (non-english folks might find that useful when searching stuff)
  • Some behind the scenes improvements (strategy is now a plain html page instead of that rw-stacks crap) thus allowing animated graphics and more easy navigation (not yet implemented), more sanitizing of values everywhere
  • Specified a timeout for loading topics from PK forums, eliminating page not loading troubles when PK web servers are down again
  • Speeded up Analyzer item list generation from DB, now has its own table
  • Kingdom maps updated

new kingdom map and badge icons revealed

  • Added Phoenix kingdom map
  • Added Barbie kingdom map
  • Added Toasty kingdom map
  • Added kyrimorut/Styles kingdom map
  • Reorganized maps into kingdom and city category
  • Added link to PK The Empire website
  • styled the strategy page a little more
  • Included links to top 5 hot topics on PK forums

Since it will probably take a very long time to get your badge achievements (although they have been dramatically reduced already) here is a sneak peak on how the completed badges will look like in your profile:

DisplayLayerImageGenerator.ashxDark Winds Badge (500 Orc Shamans)
DisplayLayerImageGenerator-5.ashxScaly Inferno Badge (500 Laculfas)
DisplayLayerImageGenerator-4.ashxLion Tamer Badge (750 Furymanes)
DisplayLayerImageGenerator-3.ashxSilk Spinner Badge (7500 Silk Burrowers)
DisplayLayerImageGenerator-2.ashxCrystal Wings Badge (1500 Crystal Gargoyles)
DisplayLayerImageGenerator-1.ashxBillanger Down Under Badge (500 Billangers)

and more updates

  • Experimental composite kingdom maps (only for kingdom members) looks very promising
  • Added some funny videos about PK
  • Lots of background work, all site code reincorporated into CMS
  • New map of Den Oever – Netherlands added
  • Experimenting with dungeon submission and plotting subsystem
  • Added link to Shuriken Origami Paperwork – Howto
  • Allowed 51 users to access the site now

Fixes and updates

  • Removed misleading compare option from price chart analyzer
  • Platinum is now found in the DB and also drawn in the chart (PerBlue again uses BIG LETTERS, they drive me mad)
  • Fuzzy searching for matrix calculator enabled
  • New gloves and boots pricecharts added to chart overview page
  • New gloves and boots product chain prices now update correctly
  • Added some more usage notes on bottom of each page
  • Added english translation for strategy page
  • Added favicon for those who missed it 😉
  • Added link to terabyte’s PK website

Trading tip concerning update

Right now there is an interesting discussion going on at the PK forums concerning the new items(platinum/special gloves/boots) coming wednesday.
Due to the decremented mining and chopping times it is expected that prices for basic resources like wood/stone/ironore will drop dramatically (about 75%).
According to this it might be a good idea not to stockpile these items and sell them as soon as possible.
For those of you (constructors) depending on these items, it may be best to postpone purchases until then to get cheaper prices.

Expected prices for platinum: 20 food vs. 3000 gold

Thus resulting in an average value for:

crafting gloves – 92 food vs. 13300 gold
chopping gloves – 212 food vs. 31300 gold
mining gloves – 72 food vs. 10300 gold
magnetic boots – 55 food vs. 7700 gold
gardener boots – 212 food vs. 31300 gold
explorer boots – 112 food vs. 16300 gold

Further there is a lot of ruby stuff coming:
For a sneak peek look here.

Updates on Feb 2nd upcoming content

As for the upcoming content update of PK on february 2nd, I included the new resource platinum on the main page although my database has no prices for this yet.

Additionally to this the product chains for the new gloves and boots have been included into category other items.

  • mining gloves
  • crafting gloves
  • chopping gloves
  • magnetic boots
  • gardener boots
  • explorer boots

Due to the missing platinum prices don’t trust those prices for now.

Further there has been some progress in layout for the strategy page, content still is just a fast writeup and not yet translated into english.


Running PK on Windows/MacOS/Linux

FIRST: What you currently get is a small screen emulation like on a real phone device, not a tablet one.
SECOND: You will need a google account to install PK from the android market place.
WARNING: Never log into PK with your account simultaneously on an emulator and a phone/tablet whatever.

1. Make sure you have the latest JAVA JRE installed.
2. Download the according Windows/MacOS/Linux x86 – Android SDK from:
3. Download a signed “system.img” version 1.6 which allows you to use the Android Market Place on your emulator from either:
(You will only need the file system.img for android version 1.6, see inside ZIP archives if necessary.)
4. Go to your desired install directory and unzip the SDK archive there.
5. Start the Android SDK in: tools/android (do this only once, as editing your device destroys the system image)
6. Create your android virtual device (avd):
Name: whatevernameyoulike
Target: Android 1.6 API Level 4
SD-Card: Size 16MB (not really used)
Skin: Built-in WVGA800
Hardware: (leave everything default) – Abstracted LCD density 240
7. Now, copy the system.img you downloaded before to:
“your home directory”/.android/avd/whatevernameyoulike.avd/
8. BEFORE YOU STARTUP !!! Select “wipe user-data” as a startup option.
9. NOW start, this will take some time, BE PATIENT.
10. The emulator will explain a few special keyboard shortcuts, so I do not explain them here.
11. Sign in into your google account, then configure the virtual phone as you like:
You will need location services, but GPS and some other stuff can be turned off to gain performance for the emulation.
12. Click on Market Place and search for “Parallel Kingdom”, download and install it.
13. Launch PK from your Apps, and enter your PK credentials.
14. Restart the emulator later: tools/emulator -avd whatevernameyoulike
15. Don’t blame me, mail me or anyhow disturb me if it doesn’t work for you. I’m sorry for you.

Some minor fixes

  • Fixed some wrong calculations in the chain browser, also matched the styling to the rest of the page and resized the table layout.
  • PK maps added, also some older kingdom maps, which are only accessible to kingdom members.

Latest updates

As I promised there are some more improvements to the site.

  • a fast calculator matrix for buying and selling items
  • show active users visiting the site in the last 10 minutes
  • google maps integration for dragon lair dungeons
  • a quick writeup on kingdom defense strategy (to be completed)
  • some hints where values come from and when they are updated
  • put all external links on one separate page (needs decoration though)