Category Archives: Archive

What is coming next ?

As always there is a lot of space for improvements in design and linking data together.

A few things on my todo list are:

  • change the font styling of numbers for the front page price table (yes, annoys me too)
  • show active users visiting the site in the last 10 minutes (almost done)
  • google maps integration with kingdom map overlay (although this is not so hard to implement as it may sound, I got a licensing issue with this as google wants to have free access to sites using this feature, but who wants google to index our kingdoms territory ?)
  • kingdom maps download and kingdom members only content (planned)

What is what ?

PK Trader
hourly generated indicators for most traded items, compared to the last 24 hours

PK Trader Blog
this blog you are reading right now, with latest information about this site

PK Product Chain Browser
a fast profit finder for products,
highlighting the cheapest price in gold and food to buy at a tradepost or produce it by yourself,
based on tradepost data for resource prices

PK Price Chart Overview
price development of selected items in the last month, generated daily

PK Price Chart Analyzer
a much more detailled and powerful chart analyzer for all ever traded items

PK Trader Chat
site internal chat, just in case you feel alone when not in PK

Other external reference sites

  • PK Average Prices (PerBlue) – A link to PK’s official average tradepost prices
  • PK Maps (Sourceforge) – A link to a collection of PK maps published by the PK Empire
  • Forum (german) – A link to the german PK Help Forum
  • PK Forum (PerBlue) – A link to the official PK Forum

Who can get access to this website ? Who can get access to this website ?

At the moment, I’m running this website at home which means you are eating up my internet bandwidth.

So, I try to keep the number of people having access to this site quite small.

Further, I only allow people access if I can trust them not to give their credentials to others.

Don’t blame me if you cannot access this site someday or sometimes.
Don’t ask me to add your friends, I’ll ask you 😉

One blogpost for Burma – Don’t look away, join the petition FREE BURMA

They need us NOW !!! Please inform yourself about the current situation in Burma. Don’t close your eyes, as the former demonstration meanwhile have turned into a killing of innocent people. You can sign a petition online here and donate money online here and you can help by telling other people. Spread the word !
An appeal to the UN Security Council to protect the people of Burma

Un appello al Consiglio di Sicurezza della Nazioni Unite per proteggere il popolo birmano:


Een beroep aan de Veiligheidsraad van de V.N. Om de inwoners van Birma te beschermen

Un appel au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU pour protéger le peuple de la Birmanie

Una súplica al consejo de seguridad de la O.N.U para proteger a la gente de Birmania


iBlue 747 GPS logger modding for MacOS

Have you ever had the same problem, shooting a photograph in holiday, and back home you can hardly remember where exactly you’ve been all around ?
The solution, GPS photo tagging. Unfortunately cameras with integrated GPS, are f****ing expensive, GPS PDA handhelds, mobile phones, also costs a lot of money, and GPS car navigation are not suitable for photo tagging at all.
But there is one kind of gadgets that work well as a camera accompaniment are GPS loggers.
Two of them are wide spread, the Sony GPS-CS1 and the iBlue747. I decided myself for the latter one, as its price is half of that of the Sony, further it has bluetooth realtime navigation capabilities (when peered with PDA or mobile) and higher precision support through DGPS.
But there was one drawback. Connecting the iBlue via USB to my Mac and get it working fails due to missing drivers for the GPS’s USB to UART serial chip-set. OK, Mac has bluetooth, iBlue has bluetooth, so just peer them together, device type “Other”, PIN “0000”, Bingo !

I got my device: /dev/tty.iBT-GPS-SPPslave-1

But then came the next hurdle, GPS information was received from the iBlue, but sending commands to setup the device’s auto-logging timing and verboseness, and the more important download of the way-points stored in the 16MB flash, failed.

After some googling I did find the final solution:

Soldering a 1kOhm resistor between the bluetooth modules RX-line and the GPS chip input, enables control of GPS chips registers via bluetooth.
Now it’s possible to send commands via bluetooth, and initiate a download of the stored GPS logs.
It’s also possible to reprogram the GPS chip to take up to 5 samples per second instead of 1, thus filling up your flash memory of the logger faster, resulting in less way-points to store, be careful. There’re further more dangerous things you can do, as the GPS chip offers more than 180 commands for tweaking.
Good enough for me, just pushing the front button when I take a picture and I’m done with a marked way-point in the loggers internal storage.

Some things I found on the net, useful when playing with the iBlue:
? iBlue-Home
? Windows-Drivers
? MacOS PHP Widget
? Java 6 Software
? BT747-Sourceforge-Project
? BT747-Project-Homepage

Google Earth – Astronomy and Flight Simulator

Google finally did it, again !

The latest Google Earth 4.2 has a new sky feature, for hobby astronomers:
(Select: View -> Switch to Sky)
or even something for flight simulator fans. Fly a F-16 jet or a SR-22:
(PC: CTRL-ALT-A / Mac: Apple-Option-A) Check here for commands.
<object width=”425″ height=”350″><param name=”movie” value=””></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”350″></embed></object>

Gerry Anderson – U.F.O. (SHADO)

Looking through various offers of SciFi DVD’s on Amazon, I re-discovered an old classic which I liked very much watching in my childhood.
It’s the old british 1970’s series U.F.O. more commonly known as the S.H.A.D.O. (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defense Organization) by Gerry Anderson (also known for Thunderbirds ) starring Ed Bishop and George Sewell.

<object width=”425″ height=”350″><param name=”movie” value=””></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”350″></embed></object>

Although almost 40 years old, and most of the actors already deceased, it was still fun to watch the whole 26 parts of the series again on my DVD collection. And guess what, after the Firefly series and Firefly Serenity, my wife finally became a SF fan now. I wonder if she would fit the purple wig too ? 🙂