Hot Icecubes ?

I don’t know if it’s big news for you,
but it was for me.Ice doesn’t have to be cold as one might think.

We’re talking about water-ice, right. According to Sandia Labs I just learned
that, water can have a lot more than only one iced aggregate
. In our everyday live we only know 3 states for most
substances: liquid, hard, gas respectively in case of H2O=water:
water, ice, steam.
In fact there are 11 states of different ice states known for
water, yet.
Using the Z machine at Sandia Labs, scientists managed to
compress water to ice within the record time of only 100
nanoseconds by using a pressure of 50.000 to 120.000 atmospheres.
In this state, water becomes hard as ice, but it is also extremely
The Z machine itself is intended to create extremely high
temperatures, like in the interior of stars, by heating a plasma
with 20 million amperes of electric power.

What do we need this for ? Winking

…melting diamonds…
…creating the ultimate cocktail on the rocks…
…you know there was this discussion about global warming and
…yeah maybe we just all need to open the door of our fridges, or
a z machine….
…I’m gonna order one.