Reflashed Arduino with newest hydro ros_lib, and also converted some stuff from TF to TF2.
ROS Groovy to Hydro migration on Intel NUC
Just upgraded ROS from groovy to hydro on my Intel NUC x86-64.
Ubuntu Upgrade on Intel NUC
Upgrading from Ubuntu Quantal 12.10 to 13.04 Raring on my Intel NUC.
ROS Groovy to Hydro migration on Cubieboard
Just upgraded ROS from groovy to hydro on my Cubieboard ARMHF.
As read on the forums ros-hydro-roslisp fails due to a missing LISP compiler on ARMHF,
so I injected a fake package without this dependancy to get ros-hydro-ros-comm installed.
Kernel Upgrade to 3.4.43 on Cubieboard
Building Linux-Sunxi-Kernel 3.4.43 for Cubieboard and setup uboot-Image. Done.
Lubuntu Upgrade on Cubieboard
Upgrading from Lubuntu Precise 12.04 to 13.08 Raring on my Cubieboard.
ROS Groovy on ARMHF architecture
testing cubie ros armhf packages for groovy
Experimenting with the 3DConnexion SpaceNavigator
cubie spacenav hw testing
Creating a robot autostartup file for ROS
Cubie Autostart ROS
GPS data via ROS on Cubieboard
Enabled ROS GPS on Cubieboard