OpenStack Juno – DevStack

Spent a lot of time stacking and unstacking a single OpenStack installation on my Mac using the DevStack scripts.

It really looks like shuting down and restarting a whole OpenStack installation is almost impossible. Nice if you have enough machines, datacenters and/or even enough co-locations to survive any planned or unplanned power outages.

Very frustrating, waiting for ages to create all the openstack node components just to see a bunch of red lines running across my screen.
Although one can easily switch log consoles to access all the different processes it’s really scary to keep up with the logging speed whenever something wrong happens.
And fixing things by hand will always be destroyed after unstacking again.

As much as I like OpenStack, or even I do like DevStack for small short notice tests, having a production environment running on OpenStack seems so not-ready-for-production to me.

Yihaa – Rancher

I’m so amazed. Discovered Rancher today, a fully GUI enabled containerized platform to orchestrate other docker instances within docker masters on different hosts.

Although the GUI needs more work, the generel idea of having a docker based orchestration frontend, which by the way can be updated/replaced on the fly without disrupting
the other containers services.

Other worker docker nodes can be easily attached to the master orchestrator, as well as almost any known cloud technology/distributor private/non-private/public.

Definitely worth a look:

Evaluating SELKS – Suricata Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana Scirius

Still thinking about mirroring my DSL traffic to Suricata.
But I might need some redesign first, as my fritzbox is serving Wifi users directly without the chance to mirror the traffic before it goes to the internal DSL modem.

Need to split up the modem/routing from the routing/wifi part.
Draytek Vigor in front of the fritzbox would be an idea, or lose the fritzbox completely, as vigor could do all by itself I guess.
Otherwise sending all the traffic to pfSense would also be nice…
…I can’t decide right now.

So much options so less time.

OpenStack and OpenDaylight with Juju+MaaS

I’m experimenting with OpenStack and OpenDaylight for 4 weeks now, and managed to crash the whole installation 4 times, when enabling OpenDaylight.

It’s really frustrating having to re-setup everything over and over again, even manually, so I decided to invest more time in setup automation via JuJu and freeze some snapshots before doing any further experiments.
But even automated setups keep hanging here and there and cost a lot of time.
Plus MaaS needs to be patched each time to be able to Wake On LAN my VM’s within Virtualbox.

Real hardware would be much easier, although I need at least 8 hosts with dual network cards, that’s out of reach for me at the moment.
My wife already complains about splashing VM windows on her iMac 😀