PK Trader Updates – Food on Sale

Big change in PK – Food is now an official resource

The latest change to Parallel Kingdom introduced the possibility to sell food for gold in a tradepost.
This makes food a new available resource which is not any longer calculated through the cost to create refined oil from crude.

I’m not sure how well this will work as I expect a lot of food to player transfers for dummy gold amounts, making this value much more unpredictable than the former artificial calculation, so I decided to stick with the old one for now.

I try to incorporate the new food value on the front page as soon as I have more stable data.

Other updates:

  • PK Web Data is now recorded automatically without the need for manual fixing, via the new public available URL:
  • Added some more cities to PK Web City Directory.
  • Charts are now rendered with tags [mobile] or [web] to better identify what you’re actually looking at.

Some fixes:

  • PK web chart overview, now renders correctly even if monthly and quarterly data for Tops and Flops is not yet available.

Soon coming feature:

  • Comparator will be extended soon to support drop trade calculation between PK Web “Horizons” and PK Mobile “Legends”