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PK Trader Tip for MacOS users


Special hint for MacOS users:

– Open the PK Trader in Safari
– Select the Matrix Calculator Page
– Right click open in dashboard…
– Select the matrix calculator table
– Click Add and you have a new dashboard widget

=> now you always have a quick and simple access to the latest prices for buying and selling without even opening your browser


I have no idea of the newer windows version, and if they are able to widgetize parts of a website instantly, so you folks are on your own, sorry.


Kleiner Tipp für MacOS Benutzer:

– Öffnet den PK Trader im Safari
– Geht auf die Matrix Calculator Seite
– Rechtsklick und im Dashboard öffnen…
– Matrix Calculator Tabelle auswählen
– Auf hinzufügen klicken und ihr habt ein neues dashboard widget

=> somit habt ihr jederzeit schnell und einfach Zugriff auf die aktuellen Preise zum kaufen und verkaufen, ohne den Browser überhaupt öffnen zu müssen

Ich habe keinerlei Ahnung von den neueren Windows-Versionen und ob diese in der Lage sind Teile von Webseiten instant als Widgets zu speichern, sorry aber das müsst ihr selbst herausfinden.


Hat Rankings (coming soon/UPDATE)

A new feature is coming soon to this site: The Hat Rankings

Other than on PK’s original website, the statistics shown here will give you a hint when it is a good time to start with which hat, and which amount of time and resources you might need to accomplish this.

For the moment the page pk-hats is only a quick dummy, to see how the values change over time, I’m in the process of collecting data and find a better graphical representation for it.

There also have been some major changes in the background jobs switching from perl to entirely php resulting into a much more reliable parsing of tradingdata.

As you might have noticed, the entrance page and a few others are now open to everybody, so people not yet having their own account can have a sneak peak on what to expect from this site.
(I know you don’t like to enter passwords and/or having a separate account, but I have more user centralized content in mind coming soon, that’s why you should have your own account by now)


Site availability this week (UPDATE)

Hi Folks,

I’m in the process of upgrading my internet-access hardware and moving to a native IPv6 connection.
Due to this, the PK Trader website may be unavailable for some short periods during this week.


  • Internet-access restored, IPv6 up and running.
  • I am ready for june 8th 2011 World IPv6 Day.
  • You can now also reach this site via IPv6 (address only, not via hostname since DynDNS currently only offers free dynamic DNS without IPv6 records.
  • See frontpage (bottom) for current link to IPv6-only site.

Thanks for your patience.

How does this site work ?

As more people asked me on how I get all this data, here a “short” explanation on how this site works.

Website functionality:
(use Firefox for best graphical experience, especially for the Overview and Comparator pages)

Basic function:

  • HTTP-Authentication is done via database to be able to map website username against their characterprofile later
  • As long as there is no language cookie stored the browserlanguage is used for displaying the according website content language, language can be changed by clicking on the flag, which sets this cookie, and reloads the page.

Main PK Trader frontpage:

  • daily indicators for most traded items (displaying the difference in gold/food/amount based on current value compared to the value 24hours before,
  • trendcolors are used for +/- 0-2% 2-5% 5-x%, the highlighting of values is only random to imitate the appearance of a real stockmarket website 😉
  • hovering over each item, and also the goldprice on the right, shows a quick preview of the actual pricedevelopment

PK Trader Blog:

  • a simple blog about changes of the website and other PK related stuff

PK Trader Chat:

  • a website internal chat

PK Price Matrix Calculator:

  • This page offers a fast spreadsheet for buying or selling items in gold/food and with substracted tradepost-tax,
  • amounts can be given optional, common amounts are shown directly, the item name can be typed in followed by TAB and is automatically matched for the current language and found databaseitem. (Ajax)

PK Product Chain Browser:

  • Each category shows the needed ingredients for a special product, together with the actual price+profit in gold/food/pct as well if it is cheaper to buy at a tradepost for food or gold, or to do it yourself instead of buying.

PK Price Chart Overview:

  • A quick overview of pricegraphs for most common items showing a last 60 days curve for the goldprice. (precached images)
  • Further a table of tops and flops compared to the last week/month, items you better should have bought or sold in gold/food

PK Price Chart Analyzer:

  • This is basically the Chart Overview generator, but enabled for every single item in the database, this is realtime, so be patient.
  • A little translator is included on the page, since those items listed here are original english.

PK Advisor+Strategy – This links to various subpages:

  • Dungeons
  • – a google embedded map of some dragon lairs around the world as published on the forums
  • – and a quickview select box for the same location as embedded image
  • Strategy
  • – a selfwritten guide for kingdom defense strategy (not yet completed)
  • Weapon and Armor
  • – generates a table for every level of a selected weapon/armor and when it was last traded for which amount of gold/food
  • Damage Matrix
  • – Links to the original wiki pages of PK for damage values and best gear, and explains FAQ about upgrades/conversion/reforging/inscription
  • PK Advisor (under construction)
  • – WeaponArmorAdvisor shows how much gold you will need to upgrade your selected weapon/armor to the maximum possible level
  • – SpecializationAdvisor shows you which bonus each class will get, and which weapon armor combo is efficient against normal/PvP
  • Comparator
  • – This simply compares the amounts of a selected item to the actual worth amount of another item, to allow simple trades between players.
  • – Intratrade top 20 shows items with a profitmargin between 10-20% when bought in gold and sold in food or vice versa.

PK Links (external)

  • A few links to PK related content, videos and websites of friends

Kingdom and City maps:

  • those are google maps embedded pages, some with multilayers to show huge areas of kingdomland

Kingdom Treasures Erdinger Weissbier members only):

  • a kingdom only page, that does the bookkeeping of castlegold (who owns what amount of that gold/crystal/oil)

Some more ideas in the pipe, but not much time so far:

  • Buy for gold sell for food advisor and vice versa
  • List most common/active/cheapest tradeposts
  • and lots more …

Database functionality and background jobs:

On demand, only if embedded on a page and cached for subsequent requests for 10 minutes:

  • 5 latest PK Forum Hot Topics
  • current gold/food spent/earned from profile statistics

Every 1 hour:

  • Tradingdata is acquired hourly from the main website:
  • Data is then separated and parsed into a database again. (on PerBlue side this step would be easy by directly accessing the trading data)
  • To speed things up later for selection fields and other stuff, a unique item table is generated/updated.
  • Calculate and store pricechange+amount for each item in gold+food for the last 24h
  • Actual and yesterdays prices and amount will be held in a separate indexed table to speed things up when queried.
  • Calculate and store goldprice change by doing refinedgold-crudegold=goldprice for 1food and store the values into a seperate table to be able to plot a goldprice graph same as for any other item

Every 1 day:

  • A 30 day goldpricegraph for selected items + goldprice itself (frontpage+overviewpage) is plotted into image files with ChartDirector
  • Precache last traded date and price in gold and food for every weapon and armor in all possible combinations and levels into a separate unique indexed table, for fast queries later


  • As new items arrive in the tradedata, and as their name is often changed later, I need to take care of them manually within the database.
  • Further I’m holding a translation table for items, to be able to accept user-entered-queries in either german+english (Matrix Calculator)
  • New users need to be linked to their PK user profile$char (CHR-ID) to be able to show their gold/food status later

I stripped most of the technical details, if you want to build your own site and need some formulas and/or efficient database queries, don’t hesitate to ask me, I’m always willing to help.


Status April 2011

Only a short status update for this site:

  • invited lots of new players to PK trader
  • the item comparator is now working
  • lots of fixes behind the scenes, everything should be a lot fast now

Nur ein kurzer Statusupdate für diese Website:

  • viele neue Spieler zum PK Trader eingeladen
  • der Warenvergleicher ist nun fertig
  • viele Fixes hinter den Kulissen, sollte jetzt alles noch schneller sein

Fixes and St. Patricks Day 2011 Swag added

Fixed a serious gold calculation bug a few days ago. (Oil has been renamed to Refined Oil, a while ago, and database was still selecting very old values.)
Goldprice is now down from 154 to 109 which is a real life value when you look around in the tradeposts.

Added St. Patricks Day 2011 Swag to Weapon & Armor and Advisor pages.

More polished user interface.

Earned and spent gold/food is now shown in sidebar.

PK Advisors and gold deposits

Two new features have been added to a page named PK Advisor, accessible via the submenu from PK dungeons and/or PK Strategy.

Although not yet completely finished those are already working kind of:

The Specialization Advisor takes into account your current weapon and armor and tells you the amount of gold needed to upgrade those items to the highest level. (That’s nice for looking up the required amount prior to getting all the material and going into your houses workshop.)
Right now there is no advice on the actual specialization, this will come soon.

The Weapon/Armor Advisor tells you which weapon/armor combination is most effective for you against what and highlighting the special bonuses you’re receiving for your current specialization class.

Another page was added, which is only accessible to Erdinger Weissbier members, and lists the current deposits of gold inside the castles treasure chest for each player.

Lots of new stuff and improvements

  • the dungeon page now can also load a (dynamically generated) static map view of a dragon lairs location

The strategy and dungeons page, now also links to two more pages:

  • the Damage Matrix page lists some almost forgotten links to the PK guide wiki

It is a very helpful resource explaining about damagepoints for each combination and suggests optimum gear combinations

  • the Weapon and Armor page, which is very helpful for buying/selling those

You can select a weapon or armor, with or without any special metal and with or without gem, and it will list you the last traded prices including for each level of such an item, including the date of the last occurred trade, and all of that in either gold or food. (Please be patient as this query is a little bit time consuming on the database.)

  • for those interested the actual database size is now shown at the bottom of the front page

There also have been lots of database improvements under the hood, resulting in huge speedups for the analyzer real time plotting, of every item you can think of. A full indicator refresh now requires only 37 minutes, instead of the former 10 hours.