PK Trader – only minor updates

Just a short note on a few PK Trader updates:


  • I try to keep track of city and kingdom development, but it turns out, that due to the fact that I can only lookup the published top ten, data will become more and more inaccurate over time. If you want to take a look yourself, see here: PK-Develop (this page might vanish, if no-one comes up with a brilliant idea)

  • a few more city additions from people who want the help me, thank you guys you do great.
  • new cities will be added on a weekly basis, feel free to download the spreadsheet with all known cities
  • the city directory now has a pager function, as tables got to long for some browsers, or mobile devices

  • we now have a Google+ and a Facebook like button on the right ==>

  • some forgotten swag weapons and armor finally found their way to the historic trading price search at Weapon and Armor